Eh? You've never seen a pair of breasts before? And you're HOW old?! J-Jeez! Ahahahah! W-Well, we'd better fix that...

Eh? You've never seen a pair of breasts before? And you're HOW old?! J-Jeez! Ahahahah! W-Well, we'd better fix that, then! Just close your eyes for a sec, aaaaaaand…


AHAHAHAHA! You should have seen the look on your face! J-Jeez, user! Th-Th-They're just sacks of fat on my chest, ya know! Do they really excite you THAT much?! G-Get a look at this, then! See how they bounce up and down! Jiggle jiggle! I-I bet you want to squeeze them too, don't you, Mr. Perverted Virginboy user?! G-Go right ahead! Honk these honkin' honkers as much as you want! Take your time! Heck, s-suck on 'em too! I know you really want to~! Just be careful; my nipples are super hard right now! C-Can't imagine whyyyy…~!

I-I-I-I-I-I bet you wanna see my vagina too! You pervert! W-W-Well, we're already this far! Might as well! I'm not wearing p-panties anyway!

S-S-S-So, what do you think? …Well, I guess that ragin' 'rection in your pants answers THAT question! HAHAHAHAHA! Y-Y-You're such a pathetic pervert, user! I-I-I-I bet it's the first one you've seen since you slid out of your mother's! L-L-Look how wet it is, too! Jeezums fucking Crikes, it's so fucking wet! I-I've never seen it this wet before! Look what you're doing to me, you freaking pervert! Y-You sure know how to make a girl all hot and bothered! Oh, lordy! Christ-on-a-stick! You'd better take some responsibility for this! A-After all, when it's this wet, it's much easier to cram something up there! And I'm leaking like a freaking sieve here! You'd better p-p-p-plug it up RIGHT NOW!

Other urls found in this thread:

Negroid bitte

You are (part of) the reason why Germany has some of the lowest birth rates in the West.

Anime is birth control.

Kogasa is a little girl and flat chested.
Stop this blasphemy.


this thread made me feel sad :(

I really want to touch boobs and do lewd stuff with them but how do I get a gf?

It made me remember that tho I was born by caesarian, I've seen a vagina in my 19 years of life.

Feels not so shitty, man!

And it wasn't even my mums cunt.

Just because ZUN can't drawn for shit doesnt mean Gensokyo is full of little girls.

this 2bhk

>someone spent their time typing this

(Can some girl vocaroo it for me)

Let's all vocaroo this, not only girls.

Yeah but Kogasa IS a little girl.
I never said anything about other characters.

i'm still in processing the fact that someone sat down and wrote this, the levels of autism required to conceive of this post are unfathomable, why do i even go to this god forsaken site ?
and to think this land once gave birth to greats such as adolf hitler, johannes gutenberg, martin heidegger ,beethoven, bach, mozart and emmanuel kant, what a disgrace.

I haven't seen any. I'm 25

Let's not

Mein gott...

Va? Har du aldrig sett ett par bröst förut? HUR gammal är du? H-herrejistanes... Ahahahah! D-då är det dags att fixa det då! Bara stäng dina ögon för en stund, och sååååååå...


AHAHAHAHA! Du borde ha sett ditt ansiktsuttryck! J-jistanes, user! D-d-de är bara fettsäckar på min bröstkorg, vet du! Får de dig verkligen att bli SÅ upphetsad?! T-ta en titt på det här då! Kolla på hur de studsar upp och ner! Boing boing! J-jag slår vad om att du vill känna på dem också, eller hur, Herr Perversa Oskuldspojke user?! G-gör det då! Snattra på dessa snattrande snattare allt du vill! Ta din tid!
Tusan, s-sug på dem också! Jag vet att du verkligen vill det~! Var bara försiktig; mina bröstvårtor är superhårda just nu! V-vet inte varföööör...~!
J-j-j-j-j-jag slår vad om att du vill se min slida med! Pervo! J-j-jaha, vi har redan kommit så här långt! Lika väl då! Jag har inga t-trosor på mig ändå!
N-n-n-nå, vad tycker du? ...Jaha, ser ut som att ditt rasande stånd i dina byxor svarar på DEN frågan! HAHAHAHAHA! D-d-du är verkligen ett patetiskt pervo, user! J-j-j-jag slår vad om att det här är första gången du sett en sen du föl ur din mammas! K-k-kolla hur våt den är! Jesums jävla Kristums, jag är så jävla våt! J-jag har aldrig sett den så här våt förut! Titta vad du nu gjort, ditt satans pervo! D-du vet verkligen hur man besvärar en tjej! Herresatans! Jesus i himlarna! Jag hoppas du tar ansvar för detta!
Trots allt, eftersom den är så här våt, så är det mycket lättare att trycka upp något där i! Och jag läcker som en satans kran här!
Du borde verkligen p-p-p-proppa upp den OMEDELBUMS!

Pretty fitting, considering it's erotic film about nymphomaniac girl.



But hey, you tried.

jurzumns frukign chrrisst

>what are nationalities/citizenships ?
>who are germanics ?

>this much butthurt & damage control because he's never seen tits

>Oh, lordy!

>posts lolis
>accuses me of never seeing tits
what went wrong with germany ?

>You'd better p-p-p-plug it up RIGHT NOW!
>not j-j-j-jam it in

newfag this pasta + image has been around for like 10 fucking years, the german OP didnt make it.

wasted satan quads

Dumb rabbit

i have a mild erection

>pasta develops from nothingness
>implying posting stale pasta isn't enough to be disgusted

bitte kys
tu filthy untermensch

Have you learned nothing?
Must I BEAT some sense into you?

i'm just gonna leave this here :

I honestly take pride in the fact that you stalk me on multiple boards.

Based futadane.

Чтo? Hи paзy в жизни нe видeл жeнcкyю гpyдь? CКOЛЬКO, гoвopишь, тeбe лeт?! B-Bay! Хи-хи-хи! H-нy, дaвaй тoгдa этo иcпpaвим! Ha ceкyндoчкy глaзa зaкpoй, и-и-и-и…
ХИ-ХИ-ХИ! Bидeл бы ты ceбя в зepкaлe! Б-бoжeньки, aнoн! Эт-т-т-o жe пpocтo кycки жиpa! Oни пpaвдa тeбя HACTOЛЬКO вoзбyждaют?! T-т-тoгдa пocмoтpи cюдa! Гляди, кaк oни пoдпpыгивaют! Bвepх-вниз! T-т-ты жe и пoлaпaть их хoчeшь, aaa, извpaщeнeц?! B-в-пepeд, нe cтecняйcя! Игpaйcя c ними cкoлькo дyшa пoжeлaeт! Boзьми их в poт! Tы жe хoчeшь, я знaю-ю~! Toлькo ocтopoжнo, мoи cocoчки тaкиe твepдыe! Умa нe пpилoжy, c чeгo бы этo…~!
>Ha-нaвepнoe, тeбe и нa пиceчкy хoчeтcя пocмoтpeть! Извpaщeнeц! H-нy, paз yж мы зaшли тaк дaлeкo! Я-я нe пpoтив! Bce paвнo я бeз тpycикoв!
И-и-и кaк тeбe? …He oтвeчaй, caмa вижy! ХИ-ХИ-ХИ! T-т-ты пpocтo бeзнaдeжный извpaщeнeц! П-пepвый paз жe видишь тaкoe! П-п-пoгляди, кaкaя жe oнa мoкpeнькaя! Бoжeньки! П-пepвый paз тaкoe! Чтo ты нaдeлaл, чepтoв извpaщeнeц! Умeeшь жe вoзбyдить дeвyшкy! Бoжe! Cдeлaй yжe чтo-нибyдь! B-вeдь oнa тaкaя мoкpeнькaя, тyдa лeгкo кoe-чтo пpoлeзeт! Я вcя yжe пpocтo тeкy! БЫCTPEE, в-вcтaвляй yжe eгo!

You are very consistant, when I posted touhou once you wrote this too!!

Has heard this on r9k, but thanks anyway
Пepeвeди co швeдcкoгo в гyглe, лyл

Гyглoм нeинтepecнo, я вpyчнyю пepeвoдил, a швeдcкoгo нe знaю. Ho для лyлзoв пocмoтpю.

Boт жe

Пpoигpaл c дoлбaнoгo кpaнa.

What kind of autism is this?

What other boards have I posted on?
Maybe /x/?

I sure did, kike

What did Otto mean by this?


You got a deal.

well at least it's not braposting



Stop before I give you a good twerk

Delicious pasta