I feel like I'm going to kill myself soon, Sup Forums

I feel like I'm going to kill myself soon, Sup Forums...

I know there are threads like this all the time on Sup Forums, but I don't really want it to happen.

But it increasingly feels like it's the only way to escape. I feel isolated and worthless, as if none of my efforts in life will ever be enough to accomplish anything.

Everyday I feel less motivated to do anything.

What should I do Sup Forums? I'm scared.

This is how I feel. I wouldn't say I was depressed because I don't feel sad.

I don't particularly want to kill myself, but that's looking increasingly likely to happen as I'm just bored. Nothing gives me pleasure anymore apart from being alone away from everybody.

Killing myself is the only real thing left to do.

Anyway, somebody on a tread on Sup Forums pointed out that this feeling of apathy and pointlesness is depression and I should seek help. Maybe I will.

Is there a dream or anything you're trying to accomplish? Because it sure seems like you have one and that is frustating you.

How old are you?

You're at the fourth stage, accept things the way they are and try to move on, it is probably easier said than done though, good luck.

noone on Sup Forums is able to help you even if they tried. that being said: see a therapist.

Also, motivation is subjective.
Maybe try becoming more of an objective-driven person

It's not so much a dream, but I want to escape my shitty, poverty ridden life.

I come from a poor-ass home. Relating to I'm only about 19.

The thing is, at the moment I'm going to a University. There are a lot of problems I'm dealing with right now.

For starters, my home is a roach infested shit-hole because my fucking family is too lazy to pick up after themselves. It's the point where they've even infested my computer.

I'm trying to damndest to make sure all my possessions are clean and roach-free before I leave, because I don't want to be ostracized and hated by my new roommates because I brought roaches with me to my dorm.

This in itself isn't necessarily the entirety of my problems (although it's a big one), but it's representative of all my concerns. That all my efforts are for naught because everywhere I go I'll just inevitably bring with me filth and signs of my life in poverty.

For fucks sake, I barely have any clothes to bring with me. I've got about 5 shirts and 3 pairs of pants.

Another issue that is contributing to all this is that I have no insurance and I'm running out of my medication I take to treat my OCD.

Everyday I wake up and feel drained of any energy and motivation. This is making me worried that when I get to my University in two weeks that I'm going to end up doing terribly in all my classes because I don't have the motivation to do well.

All of these problems may be bearable if it weren't for the fact that none of my family members seem to give a damn about my problems or concerns. I suppose they don't have an obligation to, but I just wish they would, because I have no one else to rely on. Scratch that: I have no one to rely on...

Please try to find a therapist, hopefully they can help you find meaning & purpose. Please don’t give up :)

You're a tiny, microscopic speck in the universe. Your existence doesn't matter. Your religion doesn't matter. Your feelings don't matter. Whether you kill yourself or not, you are a pointless pile of shit that will never equate to anything even 0.00000000001% important to anyone or anything.


Avoid rope, go for jump. Quick and easy.

you're only about 19? so what you are 19?

I'm aware already that my life has no inherent meaning.

The point isn't that I want to try and be important to anyone or anything, it's that I want be happy for the rest of the short life I have left to live. If I can't be happy then I just can't see why I should continue living...

I posted about it here because - why not? I've got nothing to lose by doing so.

Yeah, I'm 19. I don't know why I added that "about." Please excuse my idiocy.

Then why don't you kys FAGGOT?
Please find something fun to do, start a business or something.
What is your hobby/thing? Anime Gaming Sup Forumseek?

> it's that I want be happy for the rest of the long, amazing and wonderful life I have left to live
Correct version, pls don't kys OP. You say that noone cares about you, then why are there people in this tread telling you not to kys? You'll have an amazing life in front of you, don't kys man

do you have any friends? at least online friends?

420 dank em

I am not OP, the message above is

Check em

That is why I don't give a fuck about anything!

You really want your parents found your dead body?you really want to give your mother this pain?

Fuck i deleted the 5 at the end of 74086728

Just get a job, smoke weed, and get a girlfriend that likes sex. That's all you need in life to be happy.

smoke weed

I have the same sort of problem. I'm 25, no friends, crippling mental illnesses.
I have some pretty great skills, skills that most people would love, but absolutely no way to use them because mental.
I would take a life worth living over death, but it doesn't seem to be an option.

I mean, I play video games and watch anime. They're things I like to do, but hobbies are merely that: hobbies. They can't provide a fulfilling life to you. I have a specific goal in mind, which is to get my graduate degree in sociology and history and teach at a university.

The issue is that there seems to be a lot of issues impeding my ability to accomplish this goal, not to mention that my current living conditions, as described in a post I made above, do not at all contribute to my general comfort. I've lived a life in a home of filth, roach infested home filled with lazy people. I don't feel like I've been adequately given the skills to live properly by my family, as much as I love them.

I dunno, maybe I'm being overly pessimistic. Maybe I just need to suck it up and try to do everything I can to be happy. It's admittedly a lot harder to do than it sounds, though... as I said before, not only is it entirely possible that I'll end up bringing roaches with me to my new home, but I'll likely bring my bad habits with me. My lazy and unmotivated demeanor, my terrible cleaning habits, everything..

The point of going to a university in a new town is to try and improve myself and get away from the environment I'm living in now. Unfortunately, I'm afraid that in a short period of time I'll end up in the same situation.

I fear wherever I end up, my life will be stuck with me living an unmotivated life in a filthy and roach infested home. This prospect just makes me want to just end it now and save myself the trouble of even trying...

everyone who think life is worthless and suicide is the only option, you're right, if u got balls to actually commit suicide, i bow down to you sir

Fulfill Ra's Al Ghul's destiny, my child.

get off of Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general and stop being a fag. get some help instead of looking through this shithole

Fuck you redditor, let him do it

well,if you really feel this way
getting out from the internet and going outside for a walk and meeting people,is a good start

Do it but livestream it so we can all have a nice giggle

As I've said, I don't want to die.

The thought of complete non-existence terrifies me.

Obviously I know that if I'm dead I won't be able to even perceive anything because I won't exist, but that's the thing. I can't perceive sadness, shame, or disgust, but neither can I perceive happiness, joy, or excitement.

Non-existence is a concept humans can't even conceive of because by nature being conscious necessitates perception which you can't do if you don't exist.

That's why it terrifies me so much. It's just an empty void inching closer...

I know Sup Forums isn't really a good place for me, but still...

please do this

Depression is crippling and makes you look at things irrationally. Get serious help.

How? I don't even have health insurance.

blah blah blah. Keep your pseudo intellectual bs off of Sup Forums.Make a decision a stick to it to you want to take the easy way out or do you want to see how life pans out. These faggots pandering to this attention seeking annoys me more than you do and that's saying a lot.

You don't need insurance. Most hospitals offer low cost copays. 25 bucks a visit maybe. Apply yourself and get some help

Depression isn't always characterized as sadness. Sometimes it's pure boredom and numbness.

Of course non-existence is a concept, just like before you were born.

Now seriously OP, stop whining and go outside, do activities, hobbies, like archery, tennis, etc. Or speed dating. That's fun. Don't be afraid of other people. At first it's hard but after some tine it makes it easy

nigger do u even co-pay? My health insurance is mid-tier and pay $20 a visit. W/o insurance is like $140.

I'm not going to debate you on your use of the term "pseudo-intellectual," but I fail to see what you're so angry about.

The point I'm trying to make is that death is terrifying because the implication of dying is that you no longer exist. You can't perceive anything if you don't exist, and that is extremely scary.

Why do you feel angry at much just because I'm expressing my fear of no longer existing?

The words conceive and concept are only ostensibly related in this context.

The point is that we only know of non-existence as a concept merely because we know that it is the lack of existence.

However, trying to actually conceive what non-existence is in the mind is a completely different thing.

Can you even describe what non-existence is to me?

I'm by the way, wasn't trying to antagonize or anything.

Not existing on a physical level, or knowledge of, would require being outside the universe. So that's something we can never know.
On a conscious level though, it really is as simple as being asleep. But I'm not sure if DMT changes that upon death.
I really am slightly retarded

Get help. Call a counselor, a hospital. Just call someone and get help.


murder your family

This happens everyday. Just live stream it

Me too, user. I feel you. How should I kill myself? I want to go out with a bang.

Im not rll good at greentext but ill try :)

>be me, 20 (1,95m and about 140 kg)
> Have a qtie friend (19 yr) (studying nutricionism)
> friend gets in a bad relationship
>she breaks up
>she thinks of suiciding
>i, myself, feel like suicidal, but on the panic of it just try to think of something rational to demote her from the feeling
Hey Grill, before you do anything, help me shed a few kilos
>she agrees and i begging my diet
> Eventually she gets excited that someone actually does what she wanted and gets back on track
2 years later...
>Lost 40kg, no more depression, no more obesity, get into college and find a will to live
>She saw my progress, witch motivated her to keep fighting her own sadness

Point is, if you want to get out of sad taughts, you need to put yourself 1st, or have a good friend (my case and her case i guess) to get trought the sad taughts
Everything you do everyday has an impact in someone somewhere, think about that user
Never give up, just fight, get your shit done, prove others you are better than them. Do stuff that makes you proud, and if possible, help others along the way...

Keep up Sup Forumsrother
(my english is shit, i know)

Its unrelated but, where are you from? English is pretty damn good