Spain YES!

The Spanish socialist candidate, which is likely to govern, has announced that he will create a Ministry of Refugees (you can't make this up) and he'll appoint a moor as minister. He'll also appoint this nigger as minister of immigration

Fucking pathetic, just kill me already.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Goverment of the yes

Youse guys spent the 1500's fucking colored women, now the coloreds are going to spend the 2000's fucking your women

Do you really thaught you could escape the madness of multiculturalism Spain?

so will the europe face same fate as the white colonies in africa?

i probably be dead by then tho

Europe pls


Look hanz, if multicult does NOT kill us I don't know what will.

I'd say it's about time we nuked Europe into oblivion

hasta luego spain, it was good while it lasted

Wtf Spain pls, i'm ashamed to be 50% spanish now.

Don't do this :'(

Come home white man.

>which is likely to govern
Don't worry, Sup Forums. He will fail.

He can't even speak Spanish properly. Jesus Christ.

>Muslim nigger as pres
>Hillary and her 50% womyn government next year
>Sweden on steroids

We should all be nuked in that case

50% spanish 50% french 100% arab

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

whats the big deal about this? You all look like mudslims anyways


that's right tho.

fuck, where is the rope ...

delete this

>Needing rope
Knife for the men dick for the woman takbir.

>He'll also appoint this nigger as minister of immigration
Are they trying to outdo Sweden?

sry, i forgot that rule Al'Rodriguez.

Always my friend

It's Al·Ejandro

Hope Ciudadanos wins
The least shitty option for Spain tbqh family

To be honest it could be worse. The ministry of refugees is Sweden-tier but I bet it'll be a meme ministry with no real significance.

Also with a quick search on the nigger I found this:
>la crisis real que ahora azota al continente es la de valores. Se pierden el respeto a los mayores, la solidaridad, las religiones
>the real crisis [in Senegal, his home country] is the crisis of values. Respect of the elderly, solidarity and religion are being lost

The other guy is a French-raised Algerian who is anti-islamist, eurosceptic with the EU and anti-TTIP, accuses USA of being responsible for the spawn of ISIS, and his main thought about immigration is that immigrants shouldn't be treated like minorities, that they should be like any other citizen.

It's not like these news are something to be proud of, but I think we're still far from Northern Europe levels of cuckoldry.
