What is your idea of hell? is it the world we live in? is it isolation in endless whiteness/darkness...

what is your idea of hell? is it the world we live in? is it isolation in endless whiteness/darkness? or is it just burning in fire forever?

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This picture is disturbing.

a whole bunch a farts

Sartre gets it right. He doesn't mean all other people. He means spending eternity with those people we despise. What could be worse?

Hell in my eyes is just nothing. Floating in a void, deprived of feeling. You cant see, feel, hear, smell, just you and your thoughts for all eternity.

Experiencing the same confusing day with desperation, chaos and disappointmend over and over again.

Have you ever read I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream?

it reminds me of an inverse of the the primum mobile

An eternal struggle dream

must be a lot more funnier than heaven!

Hell is just gonna be math class and everytime you feel like an hour went by, you look at your watch and only two minutes went by.

Hell is here.


imagine the feeling that u get when u have explosive diarrhea and have to hold it in while it can burst out any seconds that feeling for the rest of ethernity thats hell

And heaven would be that, but on the shitter?

Protip: this world is not hell, its purgatory.

Hell is your regrets made fully manifest, mocking and tormenting you until you learn to come to terms with what you did, or didn't do.
It may seem like an eternity, most horrible situations do - but it's not. Eventually you find forgiveness for yourself - that's when you rejoin the wheel, and start anew, to make all new mistakes, but at the same time learn and grow, so maybe this next time round you get it more right than the last.
Hell isn't eternal, but the eventual heaven you build for yourself is.

No bullshit, my idea of hell is a bleak cartoon landscape, with no detail, populated with 2 dimensional hollow characters. I dont know where this fear came from, but its been something Ive thought about for years now.

Thats called life mate

So basically it's our lives are they are right now. Plus Arizona weather.

Hell is pain in a materialized structure. ie: The third dimension.
If pain is a feeling and feeling is only felt in a material existence then living would be considered hell.
If you found what I said interesting look into the Gnostic religion.
It's the truth the Templars fought so hard to conceal, and the truth the Catholic Church attempted to burn out of existence.

I think hell is specific to you. It's based on the sins you committed in life.

Hell is a place just like Earth. Everything there is the same. You wake up. Put the kettle on. Enjoy a nice breakfast. Then you step outside and get in your car. Ready for the morning commute.
Put your key in.
Turn it.
The car starts.
You reach for the radio.
And it plays the same overhead radio that looks continuously in grocery stores and shopping centers.
The same songs over and over.
And you drive to work every day. Listening to the same music on loop.
And while your at work that's all you hear.
And your coworkers sing along
And your boss sings along
And you go home to your loving wife and 2 kids
And through the paper thin walls of your hell apartment you hear your daughters radio
And it's the same music
And you turn on your iPod and guess what
The same shit plays
And no matter how hard you try you can't kill yourself.
That is hell gents.

Hell is ultimately the suffering of being unable to love, anyone or anything

It's a bullshit made up for people believing in non-existing things.

Sup Forums is hell enough.

Hell is loving someone that doesn't love you back.

So I take it you're not a fan of Taylor Swift?

God no.

Hell is not a factual place user, only actual retarded people see it that way. Hell is a state of being, and it is very much so real.

being reborn in a mirror world as the thing/person that you absolutely hated the most

We're all in it already.

Perpetually installing fibreglass insulation in a dirty loft on a hot summers day. That is true hell.

omg i hate bill gates so much. time to get rich guys

>implying you aren't in essence Being itself and thus everyone simultaneously

>and here we have the allied Skellington forces battling those dickhead xenomorph demon fuccbois for control of a wormhole during the 3rd Spooky War
>Many bones were rattled on that day

Sup Forums. Just Sup Forums for all eternity. You can't go to other sites, you can't leave the computer, you just sit on Sup Forums all day, every day without end forever.

We ARE in hell

That's actually scary. Yet what are the characters like?

Watching my life except viewing my life as 'what could have been' seeing all the missed opportunities and impacts of mistakes and actions that I never would have otherwise taken into consideration

Or having my dick cut off only for it to grow back and be cut off again in repeat for the rest of eternity

This is the end user.
You're dead.
You awake finding yourself laying on the floor in a dimly lit elevator.
There are no buttons and no lights but that feeling in your stomach tells you, that you're heading down.
Take this moment to reflect on your life.
All those poor choices that led your towards eternal damnation.
The elevator slows and that pit in your stomach gets heavy with fear and anticipation.
From overhead you hear a ding as the elevator comes to a stop and the dull grey metal doors slowly open.
You're greeted by the blinding glow of overhead florescent lights.
>right this way sir
A bored, dry, feminine voice beckons you forward.
You peer out of the elevator to find a well lit room full of metal folding chairs with a few end tables scattered haphazardly with various magazines.
A lone table sits at the center of the room, it's sole inhabitant absently chews the end of a pen while flipping through a stack of papers.
>we've been expecting you user. Have a seat.
The same dull voice encourages you forward.
You take the seat closest to the elevator.
The room is uncomfortably humid.
It's difficult to breathe.
Whether that's the temperature or your fear is unclear to you.
Wide eye and staring about your surroundings
You notice a pair of large red doors to the far side.
>he'll be with you shortly. Hope the trip down here wasn't too bad


Typical classic cartoon characters. Think Warner Brothers. Impossible to communicate with on any kind of human level

Had you ever get a bad case of flu with high pain and fever levels in which you suffer so badly you wish to die in the short time?

Imagine a perpetual state of this except you can't die.

That's just fuckin scary.

Maybe hell is an eternity of regretting the things you did/didn't do during your life


After what feels like an eternity the secretary finally says
>okay user it's time
She points you towards the big red doors
You hesitate at first then slowly begin making your way towards them
They are scalding hot to the touch
Your hand burns bright red
You look back to the secretary
She pays you no attention
You shove the door open with your shoe and continue inside
A short dark hallway filled with a mild red illumination is in front of you
Standing at the opposite end is a giant fanged monstrosity
Naked blood red skin, standing 10 feet tall with a mane of bushy black hair and horns protruding from seemingly random intervals on its body
You turn to run but the door behind you has vanished
When you turn back the creature is now standing inches from your face
It smells of death, rotting decay
Blood drips from it's mammoth fangs
Your heart is racing
You back yourself against the wall
>come now user don't be shy
It whispers in a calmming British accent
It grabs you by the hand and begins walking you down the hallway
>this is your fate the results of the actions in life
He pulls you to the door and lifts your hand to the knob
He wraps his clawed fingers around yours and turns
The door opens and he forces you through
It's dark. And wet. You feel like the moisture around you is actually a part of you.
You begin forcing yourself through the only opening you can find.
Oh no something has you by the leg.
It's pulling you.
Pulling so hard your leg could tear from the socket.
Your pulled free from the moist enclosure
You begin to cry with relief
You look to what must be a giant to hold you so easily
A doctor?
He carries you to a giant sink and begins to wash the filth from your body
You look into the mirror and see yourself
The devil whispers in your ear
>that's what you get for posting on Sup Forums faggot

so gonna photoshop this into a butthole

Everything I don't want to be with/in/exposed to having an eternal presence.

you have now made me fear this. thanks m8

Beautifully done! Is this a copypasta?

I really, really like this image

So is everybody all-knowing in heaven? If and when we reunite with friends and family are they going to know all of our secrets while we were on earth? That sounds like hell to me.

Nah I just wrote it lol.
Kind of rushed the ending as I was running late for dinner.

Nobody cares

Hell is the place where this exists.

A loop.

that's it.

You might experience it on acid.

I had this anxious feeling on acid that something (a monster or demon of some sort) was going to attack me then I realized it was attacking me all the time.

You see, before you're born you don't remember anything it's like time didn't exist until you were born. Same thing after you die, and in this acid trip time was circular meaning the universe will begin all over again once it ends, or for an individual person it will start all over again once he dies.

So this monster attacked me and I died but I always got back to the same point and I was so afraid because I never got any peace, you never get to just relax.

Your brain is always ON, even when you're sleeping you're brain is doing something, thinking something even if unconsciously.

Then I went outside and everything became much clearer and then I realized life is amazing and what I saw before was just bs.

Do acid outside.

im scared

Hell is purely a figment of the imaginations of the lamest cunts on planet earth.

That's cool as fuck, faggot.

Hell = you are about to sneeze but never will

Of course it is. Just saying, imagine the kind of world where something like that is real. Fuckin nightmarish.



beksiƄski is genius

Hell is loving something, but not being able to do it for at least 6 months.

Eternal suffering is never being able to do it ever again.

>fucked my arm up, may never be able to work out again. Feelsbadman.


Artist name?

Hell is the feeling of nothing.

Being completely numb to everything, and having no senses. Essentially being in a void, where you can see nothing, touch nothing, hear nothing, etc. Except you also can't feel anything, and being in that state for an eternity, without knowing the passage of time. Eternal numbness and boredom, for the rest of forever.

Wayne Barlow

wayne barlowe. he did a whole series of hell pictures called Inferno to go alongside his novel- God's Demon.

Windows XP Basic Wallpaper m8

Film it now, many shekels will be made.

I think its like dantes inferno where each level is a reincarnation of your past life and they progressively get worse until youre soul is twisted beyond repair.

what's the novel premise

Hell is existence

>is it the world we live in?