American here

American here.
Just woke up from a horrible nightmare where I stopped at a gas station to get a drink, but the chink woman wanted me to pay $25 for orange juice.
She and her two kids started arguing with me, trying to scam me for $25 for orange juice.
I told them to call the cops, because I'm not paying $25 for orange juice.
So I just started leaving, buy I woke up from being so angry.
Why do even dream Chinks try to scam people???
$25 for orange juice?!?!?!?
No way.
I told her, this is America!

Other urls found in this thread:

I cannot dream

I sleep like I got knocked out cold

I only dream if I sleep flat on my back.

Good goy. Die for the Jews.

I wish I was you.
My ex worked for a sleep clinic, and she actually recommended a dream inhibitor.
I was like... Bitch what?
She had huge tits.
I miss fucking her.
She could suck my dick with her pussy.

>Good goy. Die for the Jews
Um... What???
This has nothing to do with the Jews.

>I only dream if I sleep flat on my back.
You don't shift positions during the night?

$25 for OJ isn't a scam. A scam would be cutting the OJ with half water and selling it at the same price.

It a capitalist society, the chink will simply fail for over charging her customers. Fuckin' let em.

did someone just see 'falling down' for the first time?


It happens to me too, if I sleep on my back I get nightmares, sleep paralysis, and hypnagogic hallucinations. Usually I sleep on my stomach for this reason.

Also I never in my life experienced a nightmare

I wish I could experience one

Like something really fucked up with crows, fire and glitchy shit

It would make my day

Price gouging and fixing refutes your entire post.

Everything has something to do with the Jews. They're everywhere

I can see the attraction, but I only ever have nightmares. I wish I could never dream again.

Hey same, literally just woke up from a hallucination-filled sleep paralysis episode on my back. Usually happens after I drink, as I am usually inclined to roll on to my back (and get shitty sleep in general).

Falling down?
That movie is so old.
Not fake.
I went and ate breakfast, then drank lots of orange juice just now.

Haven't had a dream in over 15 years due to being a heavy weed smoker, kind of miss it in a way.

Try taking LSD while watching Evil Dead

This is true, actually.
The Jews did it.

>Haven't had a dream in over 15 years due to being a heavy weed smoker, kind of miss it in a way.
You're telling me you can't go a week or two without weed to clean out your system?
I love weed once in a while for fun or sex, just one in a while on special occasions, but if you need it so badly every day, you're just a drug addict.

I had a dream last night where I had to buy the 10 worst driving games on Steam. I was spending a lot of money but I couldn't stop myself. What did this dream mean?

never smoked, but i dont remember any dreams, like, ever.
oh ok it happened a few times, but that was like what, 3-4 times over the past 15 years?

I had a nightmare as a 4 year old. We lived in an apartment at the time with a balcony, I looked at the window to the balcony and there were an army of red eyed owls, ominously looking at me. I had a fear of owls as a kid. Even though I'm not scared of owls anymore, the thought of that dream still makes me shiver a decade and a half later. I had another one at age 6 I was captured by orc things, and they invited me to eat dinner with them (more like intimidated to) and there was some nasty stuff. Really stupid now that I think about it. The first one really makes my hair stand though.

you do dream, you just forget about it when you wake up.

what the fuckity fuck is that thing

In this past year, I've had 2 dreams. Both about some girl I'm foolishly into.

I dont want to go without for a week or two. Me smoking weed has no negative effect on my life at all, call me a drug addict all you like, i have a gorgeous gf, 3 beautiful kids and i'm baked 24/7. Life is great.

>I had a dream last night where I had to buy the 10 worst driving games on Steam. I was spending a lot of money but I couldn't stop myself. What did this dream mean?
It means your subconsciously worried about your lack of discipline and self restraint when it comes to your spending habits.
tl;dr Your brain thinks you're a nigger.

This means you were molested by your dad at age 4. Sad. Many such cases.

That is shockingly true. I'll punish my brain with some alcohol later.

1) Your GF is cheating on you
2) Your child was molested at school
3) Everyone talks shit about you behind your back
4) You're a pathetic druggie

did you enjoy the orc dick?

You're so cool. I wish i could be like you but i respect my virgin asshole too much.

It took you A REALLY long time to come up with that.
See how weed kills your brain cells?

My nightmares are like jump and run horrorgames

Classic closet homosexual dreams

I'm at work dickhead, we cant all survive on government handouts and tips from the gloryhole.

Oh well

>I'm at work dickhead, we cant all survive on government handouts and tips from the gloryhole.
Being a male prostitute is not work, bro.
Pics or didn't happen.

Being a male prostitute is totally work, just getting the spunk stains out of my mlp boxers is work.