They were on a break

So who was in the wrong?

Rachel of course

Luz for imitating Major Horton and confusing him

>you will never gas the cast of Friends

Ross of course. If you're really in love with someone no way you can just go fuck immediately after a breakup.

I personally didn't like Rachel's entire attitude during that whole thing, like she was basically expecting him to be sitting by the phone like her good little dog and wait for her to forgive him. Sure it was scummy of Ross to wind up banging a girl the same day they went on a break but fuck it Rachel would have waited three days before taking a dozen dicks and then get upset when she sees Ross having coffee with some woman.

Rachel for dating a jew and Ross for dating her.

>You'll never pass gas with the cast of friends

In his defense he called Rachel to make amends and overheard Mark (the guy who Ross' jealousy caused their break up) in the room with her. He rationally assumed that she was screwing him so he reluctantly decided to screw someone else. It's an important point that never really got properly brought up. You're still right though.



Ross for not confessing his love to Winters when he had the chance.

I have an ex-gf who pulled the "Let's take a break" card out of nowhere on me.

I honestly don't understand this kind of thinking.

Splitting from someone is supposed to make you want them more? It's stupid.

In any case, I don't believe in "breaks" and told her it was over between us. Never take shit from anyone folks, if they say "I want a break" you go for a break-up. None of that half-assed shit.

Rachel, 100%. A break doesn't mean "no sex until we're back together", it means a fucking break. If you're still interested in someone and want to solve your problems, do it. Don't go on a break, knowing full well what that means, and sperg out when he sleeps with someone.

Also like said, if the site was on the other foot you know Rachel would be using the same excuse.

The great disappointment of rewatching this, for me, was the painfully and awkwardly contrived jealousy of Ross. He's just all over the fucking place suddenly, for seemingly no character og occurence-related reason whatsoever, just because the screenwriters were lazy as fuck and out of drama juice.

they were both disgusting people

they all were apart from joey and they were awful to him

They were on a break. It wasn't a break-up. Rachel decided to give their relationship a break. Ross did nothing wrong.

>my longest relationship was 4 months

Joe all he wanted was hot ass meal and the only things close to it was between rachels legs

That particular relationship was almost two years old at the time when she did that. Don't fall for the sunk cost fallacy bullshit. Doesn't matter how long you were together if they start pulling this kind of shit on you, just make a clean cut from it all and remove them your life.

Ross was wrong


Rachel, obviously.

>They were on a break. It wasn't a break-up

Yes they were. That's how it works.

He was an american officer training to fight the germans

He should've been allowed to cut a fence if he wanted to

Rachel, technically, because they *were* on a break

Still a shitty thing for Ross to do tho

And enlist the cows to fight.

break =/= break up

Either way, Rachel was the one who "broke" them up. Ross could sleep with whoever he wanted.

they both were, that was the point. their relationship showed that getting what you want doesn't always end well, he was overly possessive and she thought she could have it all her way. they weren't suited for eachother but ended up together anyway shit writing

Anybody remember the one where Rachel is willing to get back together but Ross has to sign that big ass paper of hers that was basically 'I am an innocent little angel in all of this and you were evil scum' and then he swallows his pride to get back together with her but then afterwards she ruins it by basically spiking the ball causing them to break up again?

The fact that we're discussing it after all this time shows how good a plot device it was (for a sitcom). Just saying.

Didn't Rachel later go and start to date the guy Ross was so worried she was spending so much time with when her and Ross were together?

Ya, when Phoebe sets him up with the "bald" chick


I think we can all agree that photocopier girl > rachel


saying 'let's take a break' in the middle of an argument =/= saying 'we are officially over so you can just fuck whoever starting this minute'. It would be different if it was like a couple of weeks later and it looked like you were definitely broken up but that was some bullshit

That's like some kind of record by today's standards