/R/equesting a easy way to kill myself

/R/equesting a easy way to kill myself.
Doesn't need to be painless or quick i just want a way to do it
I don't have anything i really can use
>Will post photo before doing it


Smoke cigarettes until the cancer or kol kills you.


op. dont do this. seriously. dont.

Already doing it

I've heard that one before don't waste your time

Don't you have any buildings taller than 2 stories where you line. Dive headfirst, dipshit.

I would need to get a bus to another city really

Use a networkcable to hang yourself! it worked wonders for LurifaxFlux. Or Marcus Jannes as his real name was. He was nice enough to livestream it too.

Op. Don't. Why would you do this? You're involved in my life now due to this post, and I don't want anyone else I know to kill themselves. Already had a friend do it and I was depressed for so long. Think about everyone you're affecting by doing this.

Oh please stop being such a sensitive girl

You're welcome :-) good luck and see you in the afterlife!

I actually have some of these in my house.
Thank you user

So, saying not to do it, and his life matters changes my gender somehow? Ok.

>random Sup Forumstard wants to kill himself
>no pls I will get depressed!
lol maybe you should kill yourself fucking fagget

What's a "Fagget"?
>procedes to tell me to kill my self

Knife to the leg, rip upwards until theres a long gaping hole filled to the brim with blood, bone, and muscle. suck the wound before sucking the knife as hard as you can, like literally gulp that shit down. bleeding mouth should next rub against your arm, before you finally stab your fucking liver and bleed to death.

you really should the gene pool really fucked up with your ass

Always glad to help. Just try to get it tight around your neck, blocking the bloodflow till and from your brain and you will passout out in maby 15-30 seconds, fast and painless.

Self-immolation. Extract some gas out of some car and burn yourself. Just don't hurt anyone.

Take a thick plastic bag. Tape it around your neck
>PROTIP: Drink lots and lots of nyquil, the one with the sleep aid, before doing it.
Tape the bag after you feel very drowzy. You'll suffocate, dreamlessly in your sleep.
Alcohol can be used with nyquil for maximum nap time.

Yeah, I mean, I'm not white... so... Well, technically I'm half. Up to you to decide though. Also, FUCK YOU THE SPERM COUNTS OF MEN A DRASTICALLY FALLING, MEANING EXTINCTION IS RELATIVELY CLOSE

>understandable have a great day