Seems like Trump supporters here fall into two camps:

Seems like Trump supporters here fall into two camps:

People who genuinely think Donald Trump is the president America needs, and that he'll use his business acumen and negotiating skills to bring about good things for the country


People who think Trump is a useful idiot and don't actually want Trump near the levers of power, but value him as a wrecking ball to destroy our political system and from the ashes build something more authoritarian and monarchical

Which are you?

a bit of both.

>Which are you?
Stopped reading there

does Sup Forums even acknowledge how stupid this guy is? i have never once seen a post saying he's dumb. what kind of person isn't embarrassed to have this guy as a potential leader of the free, western world?

The latter. I'm tired of 9 to 5ing my way through life. I'm not a prepped per say, but I'm very ready to go off the grid. If Trump wins, I envision World War III coming- I need him to win not to push the reset button on politics, but to push the reset button on society.

He's the only politician that actually speaks out against the death cult that is Islam.

>Western world

Lol this nigga

Both. He's better than Hillary in every way possible. He's my dream and nightmare candidate at the same time, but dammit he's my guy and I support him fully.

neither im a jebhead

"both" is a cuck answer from someone who hasn't or refuses to think about it. pick one

>156 iq

>claims he is stupid
>even though he is a literal PR genius who has not just survived but thrived against the worst negative ad campaign of our time

i also stopped reading at the end of the post user

Hillary is a war criminal, and by far the worst candidate in history.

People claim presidency is a whole another thing from just business, but so far we have seen what Bernie Sanders did with his money and what Donald Trump did with his. Cost per vote doesn't lie.
I didn't say anything about Hillary because she is literally the worst candidate for potus but she has a woman card.

Ron paul was a racist, read his newsletters. Much worse.

>racism is worse than being a war criminal

a little of both. but more of the latter
now fuck off faggot OP and stop creating wedges in Trump's support

Don't even need to read the rest of them.

>>even though he is a literal PR genius
get your head out of your ass, moron the retard is a clown and cameras are all too willing to watch him 24/7.

So you think it was pure luck he got this far then? With all the money thrown away to try and stop him? I think you are the one who needs to remove your head from your anus.

$2.5 billion in earned media certainly helps

>false dichotomy


For me it had more to do with the fact I know everyone else is a flaming pile of shit hell bent on destroying this country. Any one else who had a chance of getting my support failed early. So I was left with Trump or Evil.
Trump is a great unknown. The enemy is there to see in their own words, actions, and affiliations.
I said I would know Rand was my man if the establishment did everything they could to destroy him. They didn't have to because he acted like a little chicken shit. Then Trump came along and it has been non stop attack after attack from my enemies. I don't know if that makes him great, but if my enemies hate him then I will support him and see what happens.

I'm in the group that hates Hillary.

>So you think it was pure luck he got this far then?
he got this far because republican voters and their representatives are incredibly retarded. the final blow to this shit stain of a political party will be when hillary blows his ass out in november

I certainly hope everyone keeps underestimating him and they keep doing what they have been doing. It worked well during the nomination after all.

Latter. Potentially the first as well, but I'm more for having a shit storm. I really want a World War so my generation will either straighten out or die in glory on the battlefield. Those who survive get a great post-war period for like 30 years.

1st one

>they must be stupid

Keep using those ad homs. They work so well for you.


I'm the second.

Have been Republican my whole life and I'm so fed up with the party. It needs to be destroyed.

It's not the dichotomy you present, OP.

It's far more simple than that. A vote for Trump is a vote for SJWs to reassess their grip on society in the post-Obama world.

3. I like seeing liberals cry.

I'm actually changing my mind about Trump. I haven't fully committed to feeling the Bern yet (Hillary's not an option for me), but I'm VERY disappointed that Trump is suddenly opening himself up to influence-peddling scenarios by taking money from the likes of Sheldon Adelson, or any other billionaire who wants to buy a piece of The Don's Presidency.

This could be a deal-breaker for me. It costs about a billion dollars to run for President in the current era. Trump claims to have $10 billion. So why wouldn't he cough up a mere 1/10th of his fortune in order to give this country its first-ever corruption-free Presidency?

When I can answer that question - why not? - I'll make my final decision about Trump. Meanwhile, I'm paying a lot more attention to Bernie Sanders all of a sudden.

He's manipulated the media into giving him free PR since long before he was running. He used his divorces and marriages to get all sorts of press and further his celebrity.

You don't know what you're talking about, the old adage that no press is bad press is true. As evidenced by Trump setting records in votes despite 11 months of the entire mainstream media trying to destroy him.

He has played them for fools the entire time. Even now this John Miller thing is just a ploy to keep his name in the media cycle while nothing is going on, knowing that they could never prove if its him, if it even is. Taco Bowl was the same thing, that got 90k retweets, for fuck's sake. He has branded every one of his political opponents, and they stuck. When America hears the word "crooked", everyone thinks of Hillary, even Hillary supporters.

If he's so dumb how did he manipulate the media so well throughout his career and his campaign?

You forgot "People who want to see SJW rage."

Its not an honest post

Its just a shill trying to divide and conquer





Framed Pseudo-Bayesian Priority?

>Trump supporters here fall into two camps

Nice false dichotomy you've got going on there, genius. Why don't you try asking the question of "Why are you voting for Trump?".

Now, which person are you? Someone who is trying to stump the Trump and failing miserably at it? Or someone who is an idiot and can't understand why people are voting for Trump in the first place? See what I did there?


I want trump to win because he causes leftist butthurt whatever he does.

You are missing the third camp:
Those who despise Hillary and willing to vote for anyone else just to spite her.

I just want anybody other than Hillary. I would legitimately vote for a convicted murderer or rapist over her

>So why wouldn't he cough up a mere 1/10th of his fortune in order to give this country its first-ever corruption-free Presidency?

Family First. I don't think he wants to risk spending 1-2 billion dollar of his own money on a campaign he might lose.

I'm the former btw. I think he has the potential to be a Reagan like president or even better. When you consider that a lot of his moves are cold and calculating, that he isn't always the hothead the media makes him out to be, and that a president has an excellent team of advisers, I'm pretty sure he won't cause a world war three. I like a lot of his policies.

But the fact that he's anti-establishment is a nice asset.