There's someone i'm catfishing who is suicidal and he's in love with me if i tell him to fuck off or something and he...

there's someone i'm catfishing who is suicidal and he's in love with me if i tell him to fuck off or something and he actually kills himself can i be held responsible

only if you tell him to kill himself

Pretty sure only if you tell him to do it but on a side note you good at baiting straight guys ? Have some guys in mind

Kill yourself OP, problem solved.

its my girlfriends ex and im using her profile and hes really insecure and i made him fall in love with her again

Your only hope is to become a cop, then you can kill him and walk away Scott fucking free.
Good luck at all 3 days of the police academy.

There's some lowlife shenanigan's I've seen.
Should I kill them?


Dubs checked


nigger detected

OP will get 18 months
u done fucked up

Say you did it because you are in love with him.

you did the same as me. nice job eliot

lol wtf why, how did it start please tell us


I mean you are fucked one way or the other.

I call bullshit. There's no way you'd be able to catfish a former ex. He'd never get strung along without at least talking to her.

Ur a sick fucker...

wasnt even a real relation ship shes 16 and hes 21 it was long distance hes never even held a girls hand before hes so sad


so what should i do? even if i reveal im a catfish he might still do it