Ultimate redpill

Ok, let me drop the biggest redpill you will ever swallow.

Hitler was a kike shill.

Much like todays "cold war" between little Vova Putler and Husein Obongo (accompanied to the ring by Ugly Angela), the second world war was orchestrated by Zionists. Why? Here are the reasons:

1) Obtain an independent Zionist state. The international zionist movement was started way before the Nazis even existed. Using the "holocaust", fabricated by their man Jewdolf, the zionist elite would pressure the global community into GIBS ME DAT in the middle east.

2) Discredit white nationalism and european culture. Youre a WHITE NATIONALIST?!?! Muh hitler! Muh holocaust! Do away with that oppressive white heritage!

3) An opportunity to set Soviet Russia on a collision course with the west. Dont get me wrong, Sralin was the scum of the earth, but he was not under the control of zionist elites. But a confrontation between the USSR and the rest of the world would have undoubtedly brought the soviet regime down and no obstacles would remain for zionist world domination.


6 million did not happen. Has been proven countless times, the number is closer to 200 000, who died of disease which spread in the camps.

The camps themselves were just a place to hide the jews so the german public would not suspect anything.

In return, Shitler was ensured an escape route out of Berlin to South America by submarine. The skull the soviets found belonged to a woman. No other remains have ever been found, which seems improbable, given hitler's godlike standing among 99% of Germans, including his officers who would have been in charge of the body. For reference - Lenin said he wanted to be buried. Hitler's personality cult was arguably of a larger magnitude than Chlenin's.

Other urls found in this thread:


What you can do to fight against the unseen dominance:
1) Reject Abrahamic religions. Once people stop hoping for a better life after death, while letting the jews keep shafting them up the anus, things will change.
2) Do not keep money in banks, spend it immediately or store it in gold. I would say bitcoin too, but i am not too sure whether it is zionist-free or not.
3) Do not take loans from banks (self-explanatory)
4) Do not get insured
5) Pay as little taxes as possible

Fuck off kike.

I am with you Ivan!

Nice theory.
But I still believe Hitler was the last chance for Europe (World?) to break free from the Jewish control.

>Jews let their own kind die in the thousands
kek, but the second world war was definitely orchestrated by Zionists.


Nice source there Tatyana

He tried, man.

We put a travel embargo on Jews leaving Europe.

Read up on Aliyah Bet and the Patria disaster.

Then read up on the Jewish Insurgency, Britain tried to actually stop the creation of Israel but Amerishills, Germanshills and the League of Nations put pressure on us, along with bankruptcy and the Rothschilds begging to buy that clay.

They have a street in Israel called Rothschild.

They are scum.

And Jews did let their own kind die, again read up on the Patria Disaster, a Jewish refugee ship that was bombed by Zionist group Lehi and Haganah.


People really don't understand it. Also, the Jews had control of the USSR. Communism is a Jewish concept.

There is a reason Hitler killed off as many Masons as possible despite them being the only reason the German war machine was so productive.

Its because he was a plant.

The only genuine nationalists are fascists from Italy, Romania and so on.
Also, Marxists argued that the base for world domination/revolution would be conquering either Russia or Germany.

Don't forget that most of the wealthy jews ran off to U.S. and Switzerland before shit hit the fan

>wants to drop the real redpill about Hitler
>doesn't mention that Hitler was a Jesuit messenger

Hitler was a WW1 veteran and a true patriot. He fought for Germany and is not Jewish or part-Jewish. Those are anglo lies.

Pic related, Hitler during WW1


Another one with doge.

One when wounded in the military hospital

go to bed, it's late

I think you put a tinfoil hat too much on your head.

Этo бpeдь!

But now you sound blu pilled?

Op is on to something..

enough with the shilling and fuck off you dumb kike

He could have been dosed with an experimental drug to change his world views.

aryanskynet.wordpress.com/2016/04/21/chiles-salvador-allende-judeo-bolshevik-as-charged-or-misunderstood-good-jew/It's getting increasingly difficult finding out who the real jews are. The only option is to go kaczynski woods style

yes it is halt truth.

Hitlers grandmother was raped by one of the rotschilds when she worked as maiden in his villa. And she gave birth to alois, the father of hitler.

However he had close ties to jews but they didnt accept him as tribesmen, so he was angry at them.

He was used by masons to start ww2

Hitler was part of the lodge 99 wizardry and was into occult.

Was he a jew ? no, did he escape to argentine ? yes!

The cabal isnt jewish, but some jews are part of it.

see this retard ? this is typical german bydlo which never learns reality and keep on living in fantasy world.

The populace of the Middle East have been infected by the blood of The Old Ones and is comming to Europe to spread it further.

Anything could be possible, but OPs theory is bullshit.
Like mentioned, if you want the real redpill: he was a plant, indeed, but a Jesuit one. People don't know about the power the Jesuits inherit.

>ad hominem
Not an argument, leftard.

Whether he was or wasn't does not concern me. I have great respect for the fighting German men of WWII and a disgust for hitler. He ultimately had the German people butchered because he thought he was a prophet.

Entertaining grand conspiracies of the past is no different than reading fan-fiction. It's thrilling, and easy to become immersed while ignoring the problems of the present and future.


their no such thing you moron

it is typical devide and conquer tactic to target the workering class, left right left right

>posting unedited ben garrison
found the kike.

and btw of course there is a left and right view politically, this definition isn't based on your feels. but nice that you call others retard with your smattering. go read a book
and don't bother replying, I won't discuss with people with 40 IQ points below my IQ

complete bullshit, no proof. the only thing true here is that he was into occultism

I actually agree with all of your 3 points but it does not necessary prove that Hitler was somehow a Zionist shill. Also it was WWI not WWII that lead to the UK giving Rothschild the rights of Palestine. WWII was a means of transferring Jews over there.

3) Do not take loans from banks (self-explanatory)
4) Do not get insured

There is no other way. Do not take loans that have even .0001% interest. The moment you do, the moment they win. 0 interest loans are fine.

He was either that or retarded, which makes no sense.

What kind of idiot would try to kill an enemy that uses subversion and lies with an open war? The enemy will just slip through your fingers and screw whatever your are fighting for.

The only way is beating them at their own game.

op we've known this from the beginning

"racism" is how you identify a jew or jew activity

hitler himself may have been evil or not, but he presided over a uniquely jewish plan

Now where the fuck am I going to get a 0 interest mortgage? Or should everyone who doesn't have a few hundred k saved up just keep renting instead?