How much Bitcoin do you own? Just taking a little survey

How much Bitcoin do you own? Just taking a little survey


1, 1 bitcoin.

.56 mbtc ~6 usd

Holding 55 btc here

100 usd

Why not? Any other investments?

Is it possible to own less than 1 bitcoin? How does it works?

Yeah, it's like having change.

What price did you buy at?

.89 bitcoin if I remember correctly.
got it by trading in my dogecoin haha. exchange rates yo...

I never thought about it

None it's all in factom

How much do you have tied up in there?

Broken up into units, satoshis being the current smallest unit. .00000001 is a satoshi, and it takes about .00000358(358 satoshi) to make $.01

Like $1600 almost I have ~80 fct

>80 fct = 0.544336 btc
How did you fuck that up so badly?

Ok then .55 BTC I didn't think about the conversion

Why do you believe in fct so much?

0.31 BTC, 10003250 DOGE

A little over 2btc i think

I mined 250 right when they first came out and they've been sitting ever since.

Thats the way to bitcoin like a boss

If true, you're a lucky bastard, and must be happy with bitcoin cash.

Send me one

1KXxyt9C yJqqj4Wqo SLzSwyD6 tCgMonAyW

Send one please I am broke af need to fix my car.

18boW AZHsN aD Npy7F mTxm2ox 2SHZ 6LQhhv

I don’t know what I need to mine

Can...can you use a laptop for this??

this post will be dubs


This reply will be dubs

THIS reply is dubs


Wish I knew. The vids I've watched seem to have a lot of effort for little payoff. It'd have to be on a relatively huge scale for it to be worth it, imo

I mined 2 bitcoins with my cellphone.

Ill kill a nigger for 1 btc

Teach me

That's hardly worth .000001 BTC

12.10 mBTC

None. I will stick with my gold. Gold will be around longer than civilization.

It's a whole lot of heat, and unless you have a decent graphics card, you can forget it.

So the cell phone guy is lying?

|He's not lying guys. This cellphone is illegal you can only get it in the black market.

If it was early on(2008ish is when it started), no he wasn't lying. The thing block reward rates were higher, and a lot less people were involved in it. There was some faucets back then giving out 5 bitcoins an hour. People were mining on their cpu. But as more people get into it the difficulty of mining raises. Add in ASICs and you wont solve shit, get no shares, and get no bits.

Had 0.1 but decided to invest and lost like 0.05

One of the few assets that has a big dev team and actual usage, pretty much everything else besides Bitcoin and ether just have high values from speculation not actual usage

Invest in what?

Even at its peak, that's 300$ that you invested and lost 150$... pocket change

Probably easier to work and buy bitcoin.

I owned 5 bitcoins but forgot my password

29 and some change right now.

Two things irk me. My buddy has a few thousand so he has basically won the lottery. We feuded at the time and I could have mined a lot more with his help and it didn't happen. And I traded a TON of litecoin to bitcoin long ago after I mined it. Back when the ratio was much poorer than it is now. If I had held onto that, my holdings would be much larger.