I can't hear the fucking lyrics

i can't hear the fucking lyrics

>close my eyes


That's the point idiot

turn the volume up. you should be able to hear the lyrics clearly and be on the fringe of ear pain.

>feel me now


im pretty sure youre supposed to just fill in the blanks with your own words:
>like a pillow
>down what
>there she wont have
>cross the window
>touch her hair
>there she wont tell

shit is deep

thats the point norman

Not gonna lie, I wasn't impressed.

I was expecting some akin to Heaven or Las Vegas which I think is great.

I thought this was bland, didn't sound sonically interesting, and didn't make me feel anything.

They recorded all the vocals at like 3 in the morning when Belinda was tired as fuck to make it sound dreamy. They were going for Francoise Hardy if I remember correctly. I think the vocals are cool as fuck.

>tired as fuck
what a bunch of pussies

how is belinda your friend doing?

you thought loveless didn't sound sonically interesting?

>Posted at exactly 3 am EST

>what is shoegaze

Because they forgot to turn off that damn vacuum cleaner in the background.

Didn't Kevin end up doing all of them?

I always felt Loveless tended to be more colorful and interesting than basically all of the genre it spawned.

Unique? Sure
But extremely repetitive, and just washed out.

To use the album I previously mentioned.

HoLV envelops you with its sound and kind of all blurs/mixes in an ethereal way.

Conversely, I thought Loveless just sounded like it was mixed very poorly and produced by somebody who had no idea what they were doing.

I get what aesthetic they were going for, but in my opinion, it doesn't succeed very well.

At least for me, music is after all subjective.

But I was disappointed as I was expecting to really like it.

>reddit spacing

Try mobile posting

How do you knows it's reddit spacing, Redditor?

>I don't know how you could not love me now.

Rhyming now with now... how poetic

music is not supposed to be poetic idiot

Don't hear, just feel.

you must be a hit at parties

On When You Sleep

>I thought Loveless just sounded like it was mixed very poorly and produced by somebody who had no idea what they were doing.
all the mixing was super deliberate my dude! how can you act like you know what they were going for and dismiss it as an amateurish attempt? sounds like you just don't really get what they were going for. anyway, you suck!