July 14, 1789, the French Revolution just started. Which side are you in, what are we gonna do?

July 14, 1789, the French Revolution just started. Which side are you in, what are we gonna do?

0: Citoyen, regular pleb
1: Sans-culotte, violent agitator
2: Cordelier, far-left
3: Jacobin, left-wing
4: Indulgent, center-left
5: Girondin, center
6: Feuillant, center-right
7: Monarchien, right-wing
8: Royaliste, reactionary scum
9: Babeuvist, anarchist

Dubs: Coup d'état, faction of the user below gets guillotined
Trips: Robespierre, factions of the anons above and below get guillotined
Quads or higher: Napoléon, Revolution is over, long live the Emperor!


Le roll

rolling in the deep


That's my b day. Rolling

Heads will roll, tales for lost souls

Ah, ça ira, ça ira, ça ira!
Les Feuillants à la guillotine!

Fuck, a conundrum as Jacobins pull a coup to execute themselves!


Rolling for revolution!

I'm taking a bath with Marat.

Down with the revolutionaries! Long live the King!



Bonjour, fellow cheese eating surrender monkeys!

A bas le roi, faggot

Let's skull fuck Louis XVI's head, citizens!

huit, naturellement!

roollen boys

Jacobins get rekt



letah che mooha



Calm down, you must have taken something. Relax, take a deep breath. Now tell me, what is your name? Cunt where do you come from? Cunt Your mother's name? Cunt what do you want? Cunt