Ask ANTIFA anything

ask ANTIFA anything

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Why do you perpetuate violence against a group that survives by perpetuating violence? You embolden your enemy and become as bad as your enemy in the process. What makes you better than the fascists? A lot of you are outspoken communists. Tell me, how are the communists better than the fascists? How is your violence better than their violence? Why is your fashion activism better than their meme magic?

why is communism better then fascism? first one should contrast the the state monopoly -substituting the bourgeoisie- that is socialism from the communalism of antifa and other anarho communists. second its better then fascism becouse in fascism the capitalist system survives, alienation persists, all we are offered under fascism is a scapegoat in the form of jews,blacks,Mexicans and whatever else

the use of violance is not always fascistic, one should not equate the violance of the oppressed and the oppressor, of hegemony and couter hegemony, a polish partisan is not a nazi because he fought nazis



What is it that makes the United States government a fascism? Just trying to gain some insight. Not really interested in argument.

isis believes that their is no difference between an arab man and black man or a white man as long as they accept islam. Why do you support isis?

with the neoliberal [globalism] mode of production in crises, as exemplified with the 2008 crises and occuywalsteet the system feals threatened, Trump is a response to a weakness of a revolutionary perspective in america, the old is dying and the new is still to weak to be born

this is bullshit, antifa fights isis

This is retarded

actually if you watch Trumps last campaign ad it sounds like something from the anti globalism movement of the 90's and early 00's

So why do communists think that Biology is not important. Why do they worship Marx like he knew everything?

what Biology has to to with anything? you think we are animals? we are not animals or live stoke at a farm. animals have nature, we humans have history.

nobody warships Marx, Marx was an insightful man, thats all

Communists don't neccesarily worship Marx. That's your misconception. Marx simply published alot on labor theory, and the value of labor. He noted a significant amount of downfalls of capitalism. I've never heard a comminist speak of a lack of importance of biology. But it may pertain to a lack of importance in the eyes of the law. That all people are equal under the law. Maybe.

You need to rephrase this statement. With all due respect it is incoherent.

What do you have to say about the violent protests that antifa made? You say you are anti-fascist but even so, you fight people with different beliefs, just because they don't agree, is not exactly Fascism ( like Mussolini's Fascism ) but is almost the same at this point, you hate on a group with different beliefs and often engage in violence, like the case of the guy who threw a bike locker at the head of a protester
My point is, you do not engage in violence to defend yourselves, you attack.

Why do you think this is right and why do you think that antifa is necessary?(mainly because everyone knows that Fascism is bs)

Ausfag here, why do you Americans seem to hate eachother so much. And why does antifa seem to hate their country and its values and themselves more than any other yank?

walter benjamin ones said that every fascism is a symptom of a failed revolution. fascism is revolution inverted. if the occupywallstreet movement would have set the country on fire trump wouldn't be president, it failed and many people feel helpless and embittered. this is trump. bitterness embodied

nothing to ask you. just some advice. enjoy your ability to make choices. it's almost done.

But humans are Animals

Communism is just a religion

first, there is no peaceful revolutions, peacful insurrection. secondly you ignore power relations. both a cop and a "criminal scum", a nazi and a jew, a slave and a slave holder have different beliefs, but they are not equal in their power. asserting that ‘violence’ is antithetical to their ‘non-violence’. In doing so, they neglect the reality that the ‘peace’ they are defending is merely the well-ordered violence of those who’ve won—i.e., the violence of the state, going back to Columbus and European slave traders, through rape culture, and carrying on today. This violence is so normalized that it has ceased to register as violence, since it goes into remission once established and only emerges to maintain the status quo. The protest marshal’s insistence on ‘non-violence’ is a grotesque proposition when people’s lives are threatened everyday. They’re willing to betray anyone who would use any means to defend themselves against a world that makes life more and more unlivable. The protest marshal believes that ‘violence’ and ‘non-violence’ are poles on a spectrum, when this spectrum is really only a tool of control to allow for some actions while condemning others that challenge the normal operation of power.

you know. there is some guy in Austria from Identity Europa movement, he got hes car torched. civil war is global

>Rape culture
>European Slave traders
>Somehow Columbus fits in?

Rape culture is a myth portrayed by people who wish to create anger where there is none.

What about all the African slave traders and the Arab Slave traders which existed before the European slave traders? Or did you forget about that? Oh and did you also forget that Britain tried to end the slave trade in the 1800s and most abolitionists were white?

Ok much more eloquently said. You're saying that because these revolts have failed, the bitter aftermath has lead to a Trump fascism. There were alot of achievements of that movement. People finally woke up to wealth inequality. The means of that movement were a failure. Should have been more covert like the modern KKK.

no, i didnt forget that at all. i didnt say white people are evil, there were even some black slave holders believe it or not. we operate in american context. sure, antiblackess is prevalent to this day in the arab world


That is true all over the east, but historically slavery was not about race.

Here in America we love to fight over who is right, and who has the power. It's an endless onslaught of blaming eachother for past failures, taking credit for past successes. And we only just, really, got into moshpit style hooligan protesting. I have more fun at the protests than most punk shows. The Antifa think we have a fascism. Which yes, use of the military to insure corporate profits is about the most fascist thing our government has done. We remain a democratic republic. We fucking chose our fascism. Wrap your mind around that. So the Antifa want to bring the whole fucking thing down in a violent revolution. Which they should fucking know doesn't work. And to just fucking vote! Which they all fucking don't! Meanwhile the fart right white supremecists just sip lattes in gated communities emjoying white dominance over everyone. Which they should fucking know is completely unfucking fair to everyone who isn't white. But we have civil rights, and we have a decent healthcare system. Our democratic republic works just fucking fine. The rightwing took control of everything because the left, antifa, rioted, and made the left look like a bunch of punk rock meth addicts. So everyone went right Republican because they are at the very fucking minimum patriotic. And that's where we're at. The right controls about everything, but they're too fucking retarded to do anything because they all can barely read, and have no idea how the government actually works.

Afroniggers betrayed themselves when sold their bruthas to the europeans

it a very old institution. but its inportant to understand that its a structural assembly, not a logical one. Anti-blackness is not only in the KKK, its in labour, in prisons, in schools. it will end only with the end of the united states.

We know they did this. They sold themselves off to buy weopons. Does that mean it was the right thing to buy people? Does that make racism ok in 2017? What does your statement have anything to do with anything?

Wow what a clusterfuck

look, we live not in a democracy but in a police state. this is why the NSA is reding our Emails, we are all potential "terrorist". there is a sleeping "antifa" guy in every one of us. the security services are predicated on that. the police is getting militarized.the government is threting us progressively as a enemy population to be managed the spied upon

You can't defeat Nazis & fascists with words. The very purpose of their movement is to recruit whites and takeover the political structure of their area to implement their policy & viewpoints. Their goal is not to have polite discussions online. Their words are not genuine.

>You embolden your enemy and become as bad as your enemy in the process.
Defeating a group of people who wish genocide on non-whites, using violence is the only true way to defeat fascism on an individual level.

How bold can a Nazi be when they must huddle together in numbers, wearing KKK robes, hiding online using anime avatars, codewords, and refusing to show their true, real face or name.

They scatter under the lights like cockroaches, and like cockroaches sometimes you have to put into place active countermeasures against them, lest they nest and grow in size.

Anyone who is "emboldened" by violence against fascists is already a fascist, just one looking for an excuse to join the ranks of the oppressors & genocidal killers.

>What makes you better than the fascists?
Not wanting to exterminate people because of their skin colour, their religion, their sexuality, being a unionist (of whatever form).

So you are justifying violence ? Antifa isn't part of a revolution, and also, antifa is fucking hypocrisy. You can't be a "communistic" movimento when you live in the us, you basically breathe imperialism and capitalism every fucking day, and also, the US will never be anything close to a socialist state, I mean, holy fuck, you guys don't even have free college.
Also, antifa is anti-trump right? While I agree that Bernie was the best candidate, I also agree that Trump is way better than Hillary, since Hillary basically threatened russia to war, and the fact that she called multiple times on Trump for he being "misogynistic" when her herself was married to Bill Fucking Clinton.
Taking the fact the she said that the us should focus in other areas (for oil) instead of the Middle-East.
What does antifa want to accomplish in the us ? And why antifa doesn't like DT ?

(Also, you can't justify violence In the us since there is no kind of direct opression like the countries where the communist revolutions occurred)

I agree, but Antifa targets the west where people aren't oppressed. They wouldn't go to Saudi Arabia or North Korea and pull this shit.

What does Antifa stand for? How did it get created? Why should I care?

They're retarded. Just a bunch of betas and trannies.

If the Africans didn't sold their fellow brothers, your so called structural racism wouldn't occur, also, he only stated that they sold themselves, nothing else

whats it lije being a giant faggot thats the laughing stock of the entire world and fighting for a retarded ideology sponsored by the same corporate overlords you profess to hate??? lol rhetoric question no one cares what you giant vaginas think.

I am not watching that shit, just fucking tell me bitch.

people are oppressed in america, also, with no resistance, the US would become like north Korea ect..

it was created when you mom was ovulating

Hey man you forgot feminists

So, after the OP's posts, we can say:

>Antifa uses violence on group that doesn't use violence
>Antifa is mostly composed of whiteniggers who aren't opressed (as they say)
>Antifa states that they're at war with nazis/fascists
>Antifa doesn't realize how retarded saying that the us government is national socialism in any way
>Antifa engaged in violence in protests where they are the only ones who uses violence
>Antifa thinks that they're communistic
You cannot engage in violence just because you say that someone in some point engaged in violence, the us state doesn't use violence to suppress peaceful protesters (since that doesn't cause any effect on them),. Also, you go against the community sense that communism states, you can't call every white/male/christian wrong, since they're individuals...

What antifa should do is protest for the humans rights, what isn't the case when you are making prejudice against groups
As the user said, you guys should go to a place where society is really repressed

>scatter under the lights like cockroaches
Listen up faggot. I was at Berkeley during the big riot and I was at Auburn. Want to know the difference between the two? The fact that when you cock smokers showed up in masks the police actually did their job and made you remove them. And what happened? You scattered exactly like roaches when the lights come up.

See this is the bullshit right here. If we were really being spied on, don't you think the government would be able to prevent terrorists attacks from happening? Huh? Don't you think they could have prevented the San Bernardino attacks? The Boston Bombings? Fucking 9/11? Nobody is really paying attention. A fuckin' homeless vietnam vet who set up comm links at the pentagon taught me that. They spy on us to try and identify members of Al Queda, "the database." You know people in the cellphone networks of an organization that took down the world trade center. They don't give a fuck about you or your auntie. We don't have a police state. We have the fucking police. You know? The people we call if you're murdered by one of your tweaker friends. That's all a bunch of conspiracy bull shit! Yes a lot of cops are racists. It's based off of statistics. Black people, and people in general, need to stop acting like idiots and breaking the law! When cops do racist shit, we prosecute them the best we can. They have a scary fucking job. Because criminals are fucking scary people. Shit, look at antifa, some scary fuckin' people. There is no police state, just the police on patrol. If there is a fascism, we voted for it, and our dumbasses deserve it. But noone is spying on you, unless you spoke to a memeber of al qaeda or isis today.

Hypothetically the ANTIFA agenda reaches a point of leadership, what is the plan post the fall of the patriarchy? There's no doubt a hierarchy system will put in place. How are you going to ensure total equality for all without instilling personal political agendas into the leadership without disagreement. If met with opposing voices and opinions are met, aren't you just introducing a renewed patriarchy?

>a fascist regime
>followers of fascism
Learn how to english cunt

leadership and hierarchy are not inevitable.

“The people I saw on Tahrir Square were new Egyptians, having nothing in common with the Egyptians I was used to dealing with every day. It was as if the revolution had created Egyptians in a higher form […], as if the revolution had not only rid Egyptians of their fear but also cured them of their social defects. […] Tahrir Square became like the Paris Commune. The authority of the regime collapsed and the authority of the people took its place. Committees were formed everywhere, committees to clean the square and committees to set up lavatories and washrooms. Volunteer doctors set up a field hospital.” In Oakland, the Occupy movement held Oscar Grant Plaza as the “Oakland Commune.” In Istanbul, no better name could be found, already in the first days, than the “Taksim Commune” for what was coming into existence there. A way of saying that revolution was not something that Taksim might lead to one day, but its existence in actuality, its ebullient immanence, here and now. In September, 2012, a poor Nile Delta village, Tahsin, 3,000 inhabitants, declared its independence from the Egyptian state. “We will no longer pay taxes. We will no longer pay for schools. We’ll operate our own schools. We’ll collect our garbage and maintain our roads ourselves. And if an employee of the state sets foot in the village for any other purpose than to help us, we’ll throw him out,” they said. In the high mountains of Oaxaca, at the beginning of the 1980s, Indians trying to formulate what was distinctive about their form of life arrived at the notion of “communality.”

Dude it's Sup Forums you're seriously gonna correct shit like that?

Hey fuck you asshole. I just wanted OP to explain what is fascist about the U.S. government. Current administration or what the fuck ever. Fuck you.

For these Indians, living communally is both what sums up their traditional basis and what they oppose to capitalism, with an “ethical reconstruction of the peoples” in view. In recent years, we’ve even seen the PKK convert to the libertarian communalism of Murray Bookchin, and project themselves into a federation of communes instead of the construction of a Kurdish state.

Not only is the commune not dead, it is coming back. And it’s not returning by chance. It’s returning at the very moment the state and the bourgeoisie are fading as historical forces. Now, it was precisely the emergence of the state and the bourgeoisie that put an end to the movement of communalist revolt that shook France from the 11th to the 13th century. The commune, then, is not the chartered town, it’s not a collectivity endowed with institutions of self-government. While it can happen that the commune is recognized by this or that authority, generally after battles are fought, it doesn’t need that in order to exist. It doesn’t always even have a charter, and when there is one, it is quite rare for the latter to stipulate any political or administrative structure. It can have a mayor, or not. What constitutes the commune is the mutual oath sworn by the inhabitants of a city, a town, or a rural area to stand together as a body.

>Listen up faggot. I was at Berkeley during the big riot and I was at Auburn. Want to know the difference between the two? The fact that when you cock smokers showed up in masks the police actually did their job and made you remove them. And what happened? You scattered exactly like roaches when the lights come up.
Wearing a mask at a protest because the cops will hit everyone with pepper spray isn't the same as anime avatars, having to have secret rallies in the middle of the night while everyone wears a white hood, crying to the racist "oath keepers" to be security for your fascist rallies, and getting mad about the idea of CNN doxxing a trump supporting proto-fascist.

Wearing a mask to hide your identity so you don't lose standing in the society you hate because you get the chance at black pussy for smashing a Starbucks

>humans are not animals

Are you joking? The exact reason you wear the masks is so you don't get doxxed. So no one can tell who is breaking why laws. There is a reason my side doesn't cover their faces. And before you say KKK remember that they aren't who my brothers are. My alt right brothers that kick the shit out of you slack jawed faggots. We are proud to show our faces. You are not. That's the difference.


It's the difference between a Noun and an Adjective. That's literally grade school shit

Dude even the human body needs a hierarchy. Leadership and hierarchy is needed. Biology and millions of years of evolutionary experimentation have shown that.

You are a retard.

In a demonstration, a union member tears the mask off of an anonymous person who has just broken a window. “Take responsibility for what you’re doing instead of hiding yourself.” To be visible is to be exposed, that is to say above all, vulnerable. When leftists everywhere continually make their cause more “visible” — whether that of the homeless, of women, or of undocumented immigrants — in hopes that it will get dealt with, they’re doing exactly the contrary of what must be done. Not making ourselves visible, but instead turning the anonymity to which we’ve been relegated to our advantage, and through conspiracy, nocturnal or faceless actions, creating an invulnerable position of attack. The fires of November 2005 offer a model for this. No leader, no demands, no organization, but words, gestures, complicities. To be socially nothing is not a humiliating condition, the source of some tragic lack of recognition — from whom do we seek recognition? — but is on the contrary the condition for maximum freedom of action.

Just looking at the faces on some of this society’s somebodies illustrates why there’s such joy in being nobody.

Visibility must be avoided. But a force that gathers in the shadows can’t avoid it forever. Our appearance as a force must be pushed back until the opportune moment. The longer we avoid visibility, the stronger we’ll be when it catches up with us. And once we become visible our days will be numbered. Either we will be in a position to pulverize its reign in short order, or we’ll be crushed in no time.

Who is breaking what laws

>avoid responsibility

fucking lol

How can you stand here and take a moral high ground, saying "the world is fucked, because facism" and all the while you do absolutely nothing productive. And in fact do the contrary, act destructive.

Talking with antics is at the same time funny and stupid.

If it is held that man is "by nature" an uninventive tribesman and an inventive businessman, a submissive slave and a proud craftsman an independent hunter and a dependent wage-worker, then either man's "nature" is an empty concept, or man's "nature" depends on material and historical conditions, and is in fact a response to those conditions.

I understand where you're coming from but who cares man. You knew what he was talking about yea

>Watched 3 seconds of video then, then shut it off

I'd like to thank you for destroying the liberal movement.

my pleasure man, seriously

Dude you seriously think there's a chance antifa won't be crushed if they actually tried something. I'm in defence, not in the u.s. though and a group of civvies can't beat that shit. A frigate can waste a city if it wanted to imagine the u.s. Military going at it? No chance man...

That is not even a proper retort to my post. I said the human body needs a hierarchy. You need to get around with a BRAIN.

Our biology is the lens by which we see the world, we are controlled by it, we don’t control it.

Marked by this kind of symmetry, revolt is bound to fail—not only because it presents an easy target, a recognizable face, but above all because it eventually takes on the features of its adversary. To be convinced of this, open Counter-insurgency Warfare: Theory and Practice, by David Galula, for example. One finds therein, methodically laid out in detail, the steps to a definitive victory of a loyalist force over generic insurgents. “The best cause for the insurgent is one that, by definition, can attract the largest number of supporters and repel the minimum of opponents... It is not absolutely necessary that the problem be acute, although the insurgent’s work is facilitated if such is the case. If the problem is merely latent, the first task of the insurgent is to make it acute by ‘raising the political consciousness of the masses’...The insurgent is not restricted to the choice of a single cause. Unless he has found an overall cause, like anti-colonialism, which is sufficient in itself because it combines all the political, social, economic, racial, religious, and cultural causes described above, he has much to gain by selecting an assortment of causes especially tailored for the various groups in the society that he is seeking to take over.”

>all we are offered under fascism is a scapegoat in the form of jews,blacks,Mexicans and whatever else
Fascists nowadays are a scapegoat too, why don't you beat up some bourgeois/capitalists instead?

Who is Galula’s “insurgent’? None other than the distorted reflection of the Western politician, official, or publicist: cynical, external to every situation, devoid of any genuine desire, except for an outsize hunger for control. The insurgent that Galula knows how to combat is a stranger to the world just as he’s a stranger to any belief. For that officer, Galula, insurrection never emanates from the population, which only aspires to security, basically, and tends to go with the party that protects it the best or threatens it the least. The population is only a pawn, an inert mass, a marsh, in the struggle between several elites. It can seem astonishing that power’s notion of the insurgent wavers between the figure of the fanatic and that of the crafty lobbyist—but this is less surprising than the eagerness of so many revolutionaries to put on those unpleasant masks. Always this same symmetrical understanding of warfare, even the “asymmetrical” kind—grou-puscules competing for control of the population, and always maintaining an outsider’s relation with it. In the end, this is the monumental error of counterinsurgency: despite its success absorbing the asymmetry introduced by guerilla tactics, it still continues to produce the figure of the “terrorist” based on what it is itself. And this is to our advantage, then, provided we don’t allow ourselves to embody that figure. It’s what all effective revolutionary strategy must accept as its point of departure. The failure of the American strategy in Iraq and Afghanistan bears witness. Counterinsurgency did such a good job of turning “the population” around that the Obama administration has to routinely and surgically assassinate, via drone, anything that might resemble an insurgent.

If the insurgents’ war against the government needs to be asymmetrical, it’s because there is an ontological asymmetry between them, and hence a disagreement about the very definition of war, about its methods as well as its objectives. We other revolutionaries are both the focus and the target of the permanent offensive that government has become. We are the “hearts and minds” that must be conquered. We are the “crowds” that are to be controlled. We are the environment in which the governmental agents evolve and which they mean to subdue, and not a rival entity in the race for power. We don’t fight in the midst of the people “like fish in water”; we’re the water itself, in which our enemies flounder—soluble fish. We don’t hide in ambush among the plebs of this world, because it’s also us that the plebs hide among. The vitality and the plundering, the rage and the craftiness, the truth and the subterfuge all spring from deep within us. There is no one to be organized. We are that material which grows from within, which organizes itself and develops itself. The true asymmetry lies there, and our real position of strength is there. Those who make their belief into an article of export, through terror or performance, instead of dealing with what exists where they are, only cut themselves off from themselves and their base. It’s not a matter of snatching the “support of the population,” nor even its indulgent passivity, from the enemy: we must make it so there is no longer a population. The population has never been the object of government without first being its product. It ceases to exist once it ceases to be governable. This is what’s involved in the muffled battle that rages after every uprising: dissolving the power that had formed, focused, and deployed in that event. Governing has never been anything but denying the people all political capacity, that is, preventing insurrection.

Oh shit... the religious nut job has gone all bible quotation on us now...

Who is that Marx your Jesus?

this is actually an analysis.

You all realise the Americans were playing at war in Iraq and Afghanistan right? If faced with losing power the government could flatten and stamp any thought of opposition

Ey! Listen here buddy! My use of the word fascism was gramatically correct. You are attempting to correct something that needs no correction. I was asking, "...what makes the U.S. government a fascism?" Albeit can be more eloquently written, is gramatically sufficient. Buddy.

You sound so retarded on this wall of text, it's baffling that someone as such a deluded view on things, and such a huge ego and boner for your own ideology.

You sound like a religious zealot.
You talk and act like a religious fanatic.

Also hilarious:
>Those who make their belief into an article of export, through terror or performance
Antifa use terror, it uses acts of violence to spread its political message.

It's ironical in the end, he sees the darkness within everyone but himself, because he thinks of himself as pure and saint.

I'm having a good laugh reading your shitty arguments covered in beautiful words.

Whats it like to actually be the very thing you claim to hate?

why do you assault anyone that doesn't think exactly like you?

listen man, we dont live in some Buddhist monestery. the us is a very violent place. violance is here, maybe you are privileged not to experience it directly. when a man is kicked out of his house because of some mortgage hustle it is done so violently. why is our violence is violence but the police violence is "normal"?

and actually, this analysis involves some critic on some "antifa" members, im not saying that the movement if by any means flawless. i suggest you read the wole thing


Do you think your wife prefers you or Tyrone? I mean you probably support her emotionally and financially but is that enough?

shit, if i had a wife i bet i would prefer Tyrone after a while

have anyone of you had an employment (not barista), or even held a tool?

come on nigga, you can do better

Instead of rioting and screaming like faggots why doesn't antifa actually start a political movement and actually do something constructive? Or is it just the simple fact that you know it won't gain any traction?

i think it's a valid question, considering the fact that they supposedly represent the working class

all i can say from personal experience is that the vast majority of antifa members I've met are non working liberals / edgy commie kids

the movement in the US is immature, we are only now waking up from 30-40 years of liberal sleep. but its really easy to level criticizem when you yourself are not engaged. you can read about the movement in greece which does much "constructive" work like in the link. besides, rebelling, as akwared is it maybe, is not a given in an agrresive police state as the US, alt rigth only reaffirm hegemony and does not challenge it

why is antifa such fascists

who paid you guys to be flown to the states from spain ?

legit question from britfag wtf is antifa noone ever gives a clear answer

Mostly college students, unemployed arts and social science graduates and people on the spectrum who use violence and intimidation to stop anyone who doesn't think along the same lines as them

Love the video thumbnail. Literally took you 0 seconds to bring up the KKK. What is now essentially a defunct organization. You idiots are so predictable. If you don't have something to bitch about you will invent it.