Let's see if you could be a good detective

Let's see if you could be a good detective.

the muslim sand monkey, obv


What the fuck do you want from us no shit "hurr dee durr" it's the muslim.

3 and not because she is a muslim, but she is the only one who can go in to the woman's wc and go out without making a scene

No knife at the table
Wearing a red shirt so blood wouldn't show up


4 is the only one missing a knife
But he’s white, so it couldn’t have been him.
By process of elimination it has to be the sand niggar due to the victim not wearing a burka.

Number 4 doesnt have a knife anymore since its in the bathroom, he's the killer

#4 Yep, Handbags are haram if made out of leather since the animal might not have been slaughtered according shariah. She didn't come in with that bag. Can't be politically correct as a cop.

I bet you all liberal retards would call you a racist for pointing out #4

4. He doesn't have a knife


he's clearly mexican

#5 the nigger already ran out.

3, she stole the knife from 4 in order to pretend she still had hers, but the waiter took away her cutlery before bringing dessert. That's why she has a knife and no fork, she shouldn't have either.

well, both 1 and 4 could be it bc we know 4 is missing a knife and 1 could be, but 4 is the only one with a table set for 2 and is missing a knife, so 4 killed his wife

#1 is suspect as fuck. Just sitting there, not willing to face us.

but where is the chair?

False as fuck, you can even use pig skin to make leather in Islam you just can't eat it.

Neither does #1 batman.

he is holding the knife.

4, his red shirt would match the blood and conceal it and hes the only one who doesnt have a knife

Other possibility- 1 because we cant see if he has a knife or blood stains

Last but not least, op is a faggot and the answer is none of them because the real killer fuckin booked it

Good theory if it weren't for one little thing.

What business would someone from sandland have in a bathroom when there are perfectly good streets outside?

he's holding a fork

#4 his shirt is half pulled out like he was in a struggle

Plus, plate and handbag are both empty

None of them are black, the killer obviously got away

It's the Muslim

#2 is clearly tearing his victims heart apart right there in the middle of the restaurant. That's why the waiter looks so horrified.

What's up with number fours plate?


4 or 1
no knife
can't really see with 1 though

You win. I manipulated you by giving you options. She actually committed suicide.

or he was feeling rapey, but couldn't get it hard.

its happened to all of us atleast once

The nigger that killed her is long gone by now. Case solved, lets just put some crack on some random coon and well call that karma.

#1 is killer. His table still has his playing. But the waiter just bussed the dead woman's plate and glass. Presumably the man knows she won't return to the table.

2 eZ
The chef doesn't have a knife

>dead in woman's bathroom
Clearly the muzzy did it, not because I'm racist but because she is the only other woman. How would one of the guys kill her if they cant even go in there?

It's the waiter. Looks at this face

you just have to say that you identify as one nowadays

clearly he knows something

The waiter, he moves around unnoticed and has access to all the utensils. Bitch probably didnt tip.

They are all mudslimes, ya dinguses.
But the killer is the man in red.
Disheveled, nervous, and eating with his hands because no knife. Also he is closest to the bathroom. And last but not least,

Don't assume the gender or race you white male!!!

The door is open, mother fucker dipped out, pushed the waiter out of the way on the way out, thats why he looks so shocked


The waiter took knife off table behind the guy and stabbed the woman


The woman on the right is obviously related to the dead one too. Maybe a sister. Her sister left to use the restroom, hence the open purse and the concerned look on her face that she hasn't yet returned.

this is bait made by muslims
> post this anywhere
> wait for a white man to point out the headscarf wearing woman is the only one who can go into the bathroom unnoticed and therefore the killer
> rage and blame white racist society

None it's that waiter numbers are irrelevant


Clearly it was #2
He carved off one of her breasts and grafted it to himself

And off her plate

it clearly was a suicide

Yeah sure, because you can just stab yourself and put the knife away from that position

3 shes the only one that isnt eating. Who could eat after a murder? The cup on her table suggests that shes been waited on

3 obviously.
She could enter the ladies room without suspicion and stabbings cause a lot of blood to splash everywhere, she has the purse to bring a change of clothes and hide the bloody ones.
Also she's a Muslim.

Just look at her face, that isnt the face of somebody who just got murdered. That is the face of sweet release.

it's clearly the waiter, because he is evil, shown by him not even filling the fucking cup of #3

#2 still has his knife
#3 is the only one that finished eating so I consider that her alibi
#4 came alone since he doesn't even have another chair in front of him.

we know nothing about #1 so he's to most suspect

You might be right. His untucked shirt probably means there was a struggle. And is missing utencil

Number 4 is a muzzie offed the bathroom chick for not wearing a hijab and following Sharia law.

>He's the only one without a visible knife, the suspected murder weapon is still in the bathroom. Either she did it to herself, or her date did it to her

Once again, 4's biggest clue is HE LEFT A BIG RIPPED OFF CHUNK OF HIS SHIRT NEXT TO THE BODY AFTER A STRUGGLE. And they are all Muslims. How many white folks you know with brown skin and black hair?


she didnt even get served. You can see this because her cup is empty, as are her plate and her bag
She didnt get served because you can see that she doesn't have any money, as you can see by the bag

blood very quickly dries brown

its blood you inbred piece of shit

>implying muslims are the only degenerates who match that description

The murderer is Sup Forums. She became an hero because we told her to.

a nigger

That's dried blood. Dumbass

new fag

There is blood.

Missing knife.

Women restroom. Only muslim can enter, but she still has knife, although she could have used one from other table.

The red guy possibly. But even on red clothes, blood can be seen, and his left hand is not clear in this picture.

Signs of struggle. Can't stab person without getting dirty.

So it's either 3 or 4.

The waiter.
Got tired of her shit ordering a #6 but altering it to make what is clearly a #8, and to separate the calories because she doesn't want to get fat.
Man that would make anyone want to kill that stuck up bitch.

The muslim bitch also has something on the cheek. Indicates possible injury which occurred during fight.

Number 4. She was his wife.
>no knife
>closest to the women's
>chef is freaking the fuck out looking at him
>red shirt to hide the blood

nigga, you dumb

It's not 4. He has no motive. The killer is probably someone she knew: someone who came with her. 4 is seated alone. And if 4 was going to kill her, why would he do it in the middle of his meal then return to it. The lack of people in the restaurant would make it to obvious that he was gone the same time as her.

I would say the Muslim lady, but since when can women do a good job like that. Not even a speck of blood on her dress from stabbing.

It would have to be 4.

I don't care who did the murder, but that disgusting sand ape should be in jail regardless.
Disgusting wastes of oxygen

Lets see. Then again, 3 rd chair is untouched as well.

>still has knife, although she could have used one from other table
She probably has an entire arsenal of weapons under that sharia blanket

That's actually a pretty damn good theory.

You realize that there is oxygen in prison cells right?

The bag is open. Possible.

1 or 4

1 looks very sus

4 because he has no knife in his hands unlike the rest

I say number 3. She is not actually Muslim, though: that is a disguise. Anyone who tries to prosecute her or even suspect her would be labeled racist and "islamaphobic" (even though Islam is not a race). Win.

how do you steal someones knife while they are fucking eating

Death row nigga,
Send em right to the electric chair, all of em.

Well first is far away. And also, the blood would get him, so I think he can't be the killer.

Cheek on the muslim bitch
Missing knife on red guy.

Google image search only returns results in Arabic. What the hell, OP.

It was suicide.
The victim was transgender and noticed that """her""" male features when looking in the mirror

#3 stole the knife from #4 and was about to put it into her handbag

3 because it's a Muslim. I wanted to say it's a woman's bathroom and 3 is the only woman there, but 1,2 and 4 could just as easily identify as female and be allowed in because everyone is progressive.

As I mentioned she has cheek which supposedly is a sign of struggle, so yes, she's the first one to be interrogated.

The muslim cunt stabbed the woman, then put on the sharia blanket so people wouldn't see the blood and if anyone tried to say something she would get out of it by telling them that they are islamophobic

Hmm that could mean something then. An Arabic comic with an Arabic suspect.