There are people here who unironically voted for this cuckold

There are people here who unironically voted for this cuckold.

I honestly would've gone with Sanders if I
1). Had known how Trumps presidency would go
2). The choice was between Sanders and Trump
Sanders may be a socialist, whom I detest, but he wouldn't have gotten the power to implement any of his socialist views.

what about socialism do you detest?

and what state are you in? just humor me?

You can say a lot about Sanders, but at least he's honest, and represents what the left actually thinks. As opposed to Hillary, who tends to lie about her views when it favors her.

Hillary supporters and their like are the cancer of the DNC.

short answers would be fine, I'm just trying to get a guage

My main issues with socialism are
1). Its tendency to turn into a totalitarian state wherever it's implemented
2). Its strong government regulations on the market
3). Taxing the rich an insane percentage of their income

I'm not actually from the United States, sorry.

>implying that Jeb! wasn't actually the best best choice.

Kind of sounds like 'socialism' is a buzzword that a lot of people throw around.

I was going to tell you that you receive a massive amount of funds re socialism, that have benefited you (that you never thought twice about).

Sure, and I don't deny that, but Sanders' version of socialism is something I don't agree with.
That doesn't mean there aren't any good sides to socialism, though. I'd say a society which has found a good balance between socialism and capitalism could become very wealthy. (Like the Scandinavian nations)

ah quite so, well as a student in the Ivy League, I can tell you that socialism is a part of life in every country on earth.

So your assertion that "it turns every place into a totalitarian state" is false.

in many countries that apply socialism there are no government regulations.

In every country, the rich are taxed. I'm wondering why you're specifically fighting for the rich, are you wealthy?

Here in America, the poor fight for the wealthy, it's rather pathetic. They fight for the wealthy, while they starve and live check-to-check.


Now, I didn't say it turns every nation it's implemented in into a totalitarion state. I said it "tends" to do so. Look at Venezuala, for instance.
And you're correct, the Scandinavian nations' markets are a lot freer than that which Sanders proposed. That's because they've found a healthy balance between capitalism and socialism.
The reason I think taxing the rich an extraordinary amount of their income is because those rich people often own businesses—succesful business. Those businesses tend to need employees from the middle and/or lower class. Taxing the rich an insane amount of money, and their business, will cause them to take their business somewhere else, leaving their employees unemployed. Of course I'm not saying they shouldn't be taxed at all, though.

Sorry about my grammar and/or spelling, by the way. Again, I'm not a native English speaker.

I'm not the other guy, I just wanna point something out. Greece at one point had one of the highest, if not the highest, number of millionaires and billionaires in the world. They taxed the absolute fuck out of them, so the millionaire and billionaires left to go somewhere nice that wasn't taxing their dick off. Greece lost a shit ton of money because of this, and while I'm not saying this caused them to go bankrupt, it sure as fuck helped. I know this is anecdotal at best, I'm not trying to argue, I'm just trying to show something that can go wrong with taxing the shit out of the rich.

Oh shit, sorry. I'm pretty new to Sup Forums, gotta get used to this layout.
And yes, that's a good example of why taxing the rich and their businessess too much can do harm to your nation.

He's a socialist, but he's an AMERICAN socialist.

Trump is a capitalist opportunist with no allegiance to any country.

When will people learn that trickle down economics don't work? USA has the highest number of millionaires and billionaires and the divide between the rich and poor has never been wider. More and more money in less and less hands is not a good thing.

socialism is:

Our public libraries
Our public schools
Our interstate highways
Our mass transit systems
Our subsidised food industry
Our subsidised fossil fuels industry
Our national parks

No one is taxed in the rich country of Saudi Arabia.

you must be going to Brown.

Letting citizens speak on the mic is better than freaking out and publicly complaining every time someone calls you a loser on social media

Just to make a point clearer. After Reagan and his silly economics that government has to be less involved and we should tax the rich less all of the things you mentioned have gone to the shit. Shitty public schools and education in general, poor infrastructure, etc.

Heeeeeeere we go.

Everyone knows they don't work. It was even a national joke when it was first proposed.

Only uneducated plebs in the working class even buy into shit like that. And they never learn anything.

Our interstate highways have not gone to shit. Hate to break it to you, I drive from coast to coast at least once a year and the roads are always perfect.

As for education, libraries, they've gone to shit because of republican meddling. Namely Bush pushing standardized testing, and "no child left behind" while cutting funding to libraries and schools.

Of course socialist institutions go to shit when they're constantly under attack by GOP politicians.

Infrastructure isn't composed of roads only. There are plenty of other things that are involved and are in the decline. But otherwise I agree with you.

As a trucker I can comfortably say that your once a year observation is shit. Infrastructure needs a lot of work.

And every can see it that current political practices don't work. The current idea which is still based on the trickle down economics promoted by the GOP doesn't work. We see the bankers accumulating more money while not actually investigating it in the economy. The financial crisis of 2008 was just one of the many symptoms. Yet I see many of these people voting for Trump and the GOP. Defending the tax cuts for the rich, tax cuts for huge conglomerates, etc. Just why.

I feel I am entitled to the fruits of my labor and youre entitled to yours. Bernies form of socialism was going to end up with my fruits going to somebody who chooses not to work because they dont have to.

New york btw

>Bernies form of socialism was going to end up with my fruits going to somebody who chooses not to work because they dont have to.
This is what the poor people believe. I'm sure the tax cuts to the rich will eventually have you earn more money.

You're fruits? Do you make over 100k a year? And you're worried about taxes?

Venezuela's previous leader was socialist once he died a different guy came in and turn the government from a socialist democracy to an authoritarian state