What if we were to troll SJW's into arguing that farting and burping loudly in public is normal acceptable behavior...

What if we were to troll SJW's into arguing that farting and burping loudly in public is normal acceptable behavior, and trying to teach your kids to fart discreetly is an oppression of their natural bodily functions and thus and a form of body-shaming?

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>fat unshaved sweaty women farting at will

Yeah no thanks, some jokes need to not happen


I'm in

Well I don't know any IRL so I wouldn't have to smell it myself but to see them on youtube and TV would be comedy gold

Vegans fart a lot



I just had an egg salad sandwich, I want to puke, but not sure if because of the SJW Lesbos with the lesbo kid or the thong man :S

Interestingly something similar has and still is under consideration by feminist / postermodernist / critical theorists in academia. They see white, western culture as something that must be eradicated in its entirety to eliminate societal oppression. They propose violating every possible cultural norm conveivable; including standing in uniform rows facing forward when traveling in an elevator, walking on the right side of the hallway, any conveivable practice that is the norm in our society. Think about this the next time you vote to maintain / increase funding for the humanities in your state.


Real sjws are actually fighting for equality and wouldn't be caught up in dumb bullshit like that. You need something better. Like the pedo thing. Even true sjws had to address it

I could swear there was a joke a while back about a guy "fart raping" a feminazi on a train simply by passing gas in earshot.

You're thinking of activists, rather than SJWs.
An activist will try to get a ramp installed along with stairs to help people; an SJW will try to get the stairs removed because they're offending someone/ableist.

Marxists will destroy first worldist "SJWs", (the "the word 'lame' is ableist!!1!!" kind) don't worry.

>suppressing bodily functions is oppression
>part of patriarchal, chauvinist system
i like it. it's stupid enough to be credible as a feminist opinion

He farted louder than her and she called it fart rape

you mean this?

So the difference between a feminist and a feminazi?

That sounds like a joke. She couldn't have been serious

Never underestimate the potential stupidity of feminist college students.

It wasnt a joke

i think it's an early attempt to troll feminists. most people who talked about this, back-linked to a (in my eyes) pretty scammy blog: thewaterpipe.wordpress.com/2013/12/22/can-a-fart-be-misogynist/