Non-native English speakers of Sup Forums, has visiting this board helped your English...

Non-native English speakers of Sup Forums, has visiting this board helped your English? I notice the quality of grammar and vocabulary is actually quite high.

Was English in school all you needed and Sup Forums was easy mode afterwards?

What were the toughest things to understand about the unusual meme language used here?

How has the English you learned here helped you with school, work, traveling or other ways?

Overall experience of immersing yourself in Sup Forums and working on your English skills?

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Don't forget that most foreigners on Sup Forums are upper class, mostly because normal people simply don't have a good enough English to understand and post in a place where most contact is text based in American common language
To understand slangs and normal American speech we have to have had a pretty decent English education beforehand

Makes sense. Is Sup Forums popular in your upper class schools?

>not speaking American

I learned my English from 2008 Sup Forums and Nickelodeon. Thanks America, thanks NEETdom!

Memes are a universal language. Otherwise i'd probably go with what said. It takes a certain level of culture to find this place. And when it comes to foreigners, they probably already learned English by the time they realized how fucked the world was and they needed to come here to vent out.

God no. Most people who have an English education here use it very rarely, only for speaking with foreigners and sometimes posting in more mainstream sites. Sup Forums is known exclusively to people who have a great deal of contact with American internet culture, especially shut-in teens who spend too much time on their computers

I started using Sup Forums when I was 14 after years of using sites like 9gag and reddit, which are already pretty unknown here

I was actually good and bad for my english. Good is my english got so slanged up that I get mistaken for native speaker
The bad part it my grammar went to shit and my vocabulary is filled with slang.

I thought Jews only communicate by rubbing their hands together at different frequencies.

Yeah but I need English to be able to rip you retarded Goyim off

Yes but now i can't speak english without dropping the word "nigger" every sentence.

>burgers think english is hard

All I needed was school-level English, and a few months on irc. I still have a slight Egyptian accent when I speak English, but I can read and write better than most first language speakers.

Number 2

I don't know whether Sup Forums helps me to learn English more proficiently but certainly it doesn't let my English to become dull.
I forgot a lot of Russian language simply because I use it so rarely (stopped learning Russian 7 years ago at high school and use it extremely rarely).

Me too, actually. In fact, I speak so much slanged up English because of Sup Forums, I've started swearing a lot more in Portuguese. And sometimes I even use translated English expressions unconsciously, which gets me some weird looks

All this board has taught me is that Americans have a lot of gay people.

When you've watched so many movies and you are affiliated with pop culture it isnt so hard to type some memey shit at a decent lvl on a Somalian migration affairs imageboard

I read books in english if it is the original language.
Not sure if it helps improving it, but it keeps it fresh.

We like to joke about being retarded and so forth but the reality is dumb people don't like Sup Forums. They can't understand it, they can't keep up, they don't understand the language, they might see a few memes or videos or jokes that originate here and they enjoy those and use them as a gauge and believe they know about Sup Forums from that, but they can't comprehend what is going on enough to lurk here or post here.

Plus dumb people are weeded out quite fast and attacked by the userbase so they will either improve themselves or leave. Even outsiders who do sort of understand, like redditfags who come here and 'raid' by shilling for whatever their gay cause is won't last. They always leave. We the few that stay are actually the cream of the crop. We have a unique combination of intelligence, humor, and disdain for outsiders.

And that's among native english speakers.

So those from non-english countries have the added trait of being well versed in english culture. By english culture I mean everything ever written in english, not pertaining to the country of england.

I imagine constant written communication on this high level would improve English skills considerably for such a person, since it has considerably increased my vocabulary, grammar, spelling and typing skills and I am native english speaker.

Most people aren't willing to have long form text discussions with lots of reading and typing either

This board me helpeo mucho amigo hahahahha joking great post hahahah okay peace adios

Why did I laugh

>I notice the quality of grammar and vocabulary is actually quite high.
Evidently not

I actually learned english by watching a subbed version of the Halo Machinima "Red Vs Blue"
Godspeed Caboose

This is a phase in the lifespan of a native English speaker that shitposts. Usually around age 14-16. It's a secondary language for you so you'll progress through it at a later age.

>Non-native English speakers of Sup Forums, has visiting this board helped your English? I notice the quality of grammar and vocabulary is actually quite high.
>Was English in school all you needed and Sup Forums was easy mode afterwards?
>What were the toughest things to understand about the unusual meme language used here?
>How has the English you learned here helped you with school, work, traveling or other ways?
>Overall experience of immersing yourself in Sup Forums and working on your English skills?

Absolutely, even when communicating with friends they shorten everything because they can't be bothered typing and if you have ever tried sending a friend a long email or text message almost none of them will read it. But I spend hours daily reading lots of messages from people all over the world and sharing my own thoughts, sometimes to be completely overlooked, and that's ok too, not because it's a chore, but for my own entertainment. It stimulates the mind and gets you thinking. I enjoy that.

There is a weird sort of culture that we have that most people do not, we have a far greater understanding of other people and foreign cultures than the average person.

I remember when the belgium terror attack happened I sat here for 12 hours watching live streams and discussing the event with Sup Forums. It was the biggest thing in the world to me at the time and a huge event. I went into work the next day expecting everyone to be talking about it. I brought it up and almost nobody even knew it had happened and those that did barely even had an opinion or a thought on it beyond, "yeah, that's horrible".

Meanwhile Sup Forums will dissect any topic to the nth degree.

Went to private english school
Lived in england for 1 year also attending a private school
Upper class law student now

No, this board literally has completely fucked up my english.

Now I'm used to words like nigga, kikes, praise kek, habening, benis, and other slang from pol, that I really cannot use neither in real life, or in any neutral average situation, but I can't avoid think in one of those pol words while I am speaking or writing.

Really triggers me how you all have fucked my joie de vivre, and also my language skills.

Unfortunately we had English forced upon us to our eternal shame.

English, as a language, is piss easy. Sup Forums and 'unusual meme language' are no exception.

This, I actually swear far more in german, french and even spanish and often have to restrain myself once I'm angry from calling people fucking retarded faggots.
>well I did it last week as I fired a guy that fucked up beyond anything you could imagine.
but a few months of language classes should get my english back to a normal level I hope kek.

I actually tried to translate some expression but they make no sense in german and trying to explain it to people is hopeless so I don't do it.
Do they actually make sense in Portuguese?

I learnt mostly racist slang here

>has visiting this board helped your English?


When i was in hight school i didn't know a shit, i literally let my english exams empty.

Years later my english improved but when i discovered Sup Forums (1 years and half) i wasn't able to understand most of things.

Now i understand almost everything, and can watch series, films or Trump's speechs in english and i will understand the 70% of it, i think is not bad considering that i learned english alone from a group of Hitler's lovers.

But anyways my grammar is still shit and i have a lack of vocabulary, i'm working on it to fix it tho.

I'm really gratefull because this has open the doors of windsom to me, politically speaking.

Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general is the place where intelligent people go to pretend to be retarded.

Look at all the sarcasm, desire to stir up shit just because we can and shit all over each other just to unite 5min later to get something done nobody else could.

News from around the world? Sup Forums breaks them, translate them and blast them around the globe and be it as a meme.

If the people here would really be as retarded/stupid as we love to pretend to be nothing of this would ever happen.

I work as a translator and am currently trying to get a writing career going. Had a very decent education as far as English is concerned (can't thank my parents and teachers enough for that).

Most people who studied English at school only basically don't speak it at all. Even those who know it relatively well try not to deal with resources in English, cause it takes them much effort. In several organizations I used to work for (not translation-related) not one person could speak decent English, and two of those were actually universities, where the most educated folks are supposed to be.

I don't in portuguese but in spanish some expressions from Sup Forums make sense but sound weird as fuck, and if anybody uses any expression in real life, probably would be some edgy teen who has been lurking here and thinks it's cool being autist.

playstation 1 and Ytv helped.

I feel you brother, I learned a basic version of english one summer and Sup Forums and YT helped me developing it. Knowing english really opens yourself to knowledge, is sad, but true. Trump es un crack.

Well said and I've had similar experiences with news events. people will know the stats, the death count, the basic info but country background and political maneuvering is alien to them.

Honestly Sup Forums has made me a more informed, critical, aware citizen.

Flags have really helped me get to know different countries too.

> the result of learning English is spending your teenage and young adult years on the 4chins and 9gag

Do you ever wish you didn't learn English so well?

English spoken in german schools is pure shit. The teachers speak english and the students switch to german after 1,2 words. Got 13 from possible 15 points with doing literally nothing. I learned english by playing games, watching tv series and stand ups. All on english ofcourse. Needed subs the first 6-8 months but it is a easy language to learn fluent.

That's what I thought kek.

>not communicating with handrubbing-infrasound

why live?


That's how kikes communicate joy

Wait a second
>Egyptian accent
you mean BLACK-AFRICAN accent, don't you?


Man I laughed so hard, just picturing this whole communication thing in my head

I am an alchemist. I can turn money into shit.

>Flags have really helped me get to know different countries too.
Yeah, and I know flags just by looking at them now. Before Sup Forums I barely recognised any other than the big few. Now I recognise tons of flags by sight. Who ever had a reason to know the difference between the flags of austria, latvia and peru before?

It helped me with geography too. I often find myself looking up countries to see where events are happening and where the people I am talking to are from and now I have a good understanding on the locations of countries where previously I only really knew very little.

Another interesting thing you learn from Sup Forums is the hours in which other countries are active.

For instance it seems to be Spain hour right now and Brazil hour is just kind of teetering out.

Tomorrow is a public holiday in most of europe so you will see europeans shit post all night long.

What are they celebrating?

wtf do you mean "BLACK-"African, is there any other kind? racist pig


Everyone knows africa is the most diverse continent you arab pyramid thief.
You need to get the fuck out of there and return Egypt to it's rightful owners, the kings and queens of egypt, african americans.

I'm self though, swedish people are fucking stupid every sentence a swedish person is like " ughhhhh i like ughhhh meatballs? Ughhhh english is hard." I was better at english when I was 8 then my parents. My grammer might lack when I write but It's nothing compared to the majority of this god forsaken country


Learned from online games. Mostly rs but there were mmorpg's as well. I used to get laughed at a lot for shitty grammar and spelling and the way I pronounced things, had to adapt to avoid ridicule. By the time I graduated highschool my english was near fluent. Or so I like to think. After that I went to study in London, picked up a british accent. At this point people usually can't tell I'm not a native speaker.

I've learned racial slurs I couldn't even imagine

God has forsaken it yet you stay? Why haven't you left yet? You think you're better than god?

Actually, I'm a native african-american, the arab-looking egyptians you see on TV were created by racist hollywood producers

>pic related
actual picture of the sphinx before photoshop

I'm so sick of calling our language English. It should be called American. English is a quaint, dying language.

nigger jokes


I learned my english from Harvest Moon and Sup Forums

The hardest thing to learn when I came to this board were the abbreviations. I didn't know things like POTUS, GOP etc. before. Some gun/military and economics related terms are also difficult to understand.

English education is quite ok-ish here and gets you pretty far if you're not completely retarded.

Consuming media and news in English helps, too, though reading and writing is a lot easier than speaking face to face or even telephoning with a Britbong or an Ameri-kun.

> harvest moon
The Neil Young song?

I can't even follow that logic kangaroo jack. Are you putting me on the same level as god?

I'm saying god abandoned sweden long ago because it's a muslim infested shit hole not worth saving but you stick around in sweden. It must be because you think you can fix it, like you can succeed where god failed. So you must think you are better than god.

I think this direct quote from the bible will explain it better than I can:
"Sweden was a mistake" - God

100% yes

Actually, I was an autist for years on end and had absolutely no friends when I found Sup Forums. In fact, what I think set me up straight was seeing how many pathetic failed there were here.

Languages are very difficult to learn via set courses. If it doesn't develop naturally by talking to foreigners, reading and/or living in foreign countries, chances are you will never be comfortable with it.

I was fluid and comfortable with english already but I can see imageboards like Sup Forums and reddit helping people get better at it since they will not be limited to the textbook material.

Sometimes they do
Most of the time, they get really convoluted and hard on the tongue, so you end up sounding stupid

>Sup Forums browser from none English speaking nations are mostly upper class

maybe from poor undeveloped nations... here not so much.

>Was English in school all you needed and Sup Forums was easy mode afterwards?


>Non-native English speakers of Sup Forums, has visiting this board helped your English?

no, Sup Forums have actually decreased my mastery of English.
Meme, slang and weird shit.

I don't think it is strictly Sup Forums related. I mean ppl who post here most likely spend a lot of time reading English in internet, games, movies etc.

This. English is an simplified version of a bunch of European languages, so unless you're a fucking Asian, you can learn it super easily.
That means that the English lacks the depth and complexity of other languages, so unless you want to sound like a pretentious prick, you're stuck with a pretty limited vocabulary.

Like one person can fix this blackhole.

And that brings back the question. Why haven't you left already? Sell off all your shit and fill up your bank account as much as you can, pack a single bag full of some clothes and shit you actually really need, and get the fuck out. It's only going to get worse.

Come here. Australia is a shithole but at least it isn't sweden, just don't go to melbourne.

Tell that to kanji club