What exactly is wrong with baby boomers?

What exactly is wrong with baby boomers?

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television shaped their world view

They're Jewish slaves.

With women, not much, but the men were huge betas that allowed women to turn into shit with every generation after them.

They didn't try to remove social security, and so they fucked themselves and future generations.


They forgot that the West was trusted to them as a gift and they had a duty to pass it on undamaged and improved..

allowed their daughters to burn their bras.

They mortgaged their children's and grandchildren's futures for their immediate gain.

They literally had everything handed to them.

No car? Don't worry, save up for 2 months while working at a restaurant and you'll get that Corvette you always wanted.

holy shit this. all they do in their old age is do what they did when they were younger sit in front of the telly. its not because they have nothing better to do its because they still like to do the things they did when they were younger.

The only good boomer is a dead boomer.

>attention whore
She's just trying to get her needs met, user

this ready to goto war with those fucks. they refuse to relinquish power in the corporate world and politics and must be destroyed.

They're basically just an older version of the millennials, spoiled, lazy, greedy and based their world view around sensationalized reality

In general:

- embraced rampant hyperconsumerism that served no purpose except to signal their artificial identity to other baby boomers

- lived through a period of immense economic prosperity but didn't save anything, didn't even spend everything they had, but borrowed money they did not possess so they could buy more stupid shit, which, once again, served no purpose except to reinforce an artificial identity

- are bleeding the younger generations of Americans dry to support their ridiculous entitlements, like retirement payments; this combined with the ridiculous debt they've racked up means younger generations will be paying for these fucking entitled shits for the foreseeable future

- created and administer the American university, which is ridiculously over-priced and has become a left-wing indoctrination camp, while also making university attendance practically mandatory

- made America a fucking joke - when most people, even Americans, say they hate America, what they really mean is they hate the Boomers America

- Once again, with regards to their vamprirism of the younger generations, for all the bitching people can do about the youngest generations, the boomers created the world that young people exist in. They created youtube and aggressively marketed it to teenagers, they created MTV and aggressively marketed it young people




Unbridled selfishness
Unwarranted tax breaks
Privatisation of state assets
Reverse mortgages and the ending of inheritances
Land grabs
Privatised education
Drug and party culture
Vapidness and pretentiousness
Consumer culture
Culture of perpetual and invasive marketing
Devaluation of academics
Celebrity worship
Predatory ruthless towards others yet demand social security pension and other perks for themselves
Most importantly have left zero opportunities for generations that have followed them.

Wow beat me to a lot of this.

Culture of apathy. They let the commies infiltrate schools and media to indoctrinate their children and grandchildren. They took the post-war economic boom for granted.

Absolutely nothing.

Expecting the generation before you to pave the way for you and to sacrifice themselves so you have a more comfortable life shows a deep sense of entitlement.

No, not pave the way or sacrifice themselves, but how about not turn America into a fucking joke, not make young people pay 20% of their earned income to pay for your own retirement benefits because you couldn't be assed to invest your money in a pension, you had to spend it all and borrow more to buy BMW's and 5 bed/3 bath houses way above your pay grade.

Baby boomers are not just demanding that the government protect them from the consequences of their own decisions, they are demanding the young pay the price for the idiotic spending habits the boomers partook in from the 60s to the present day.

It's always something like that, isn't it?

These high school graduates fell into a cozy suburban lifestyles and they all have their own unique story of how the heavens rained manna on them.

In my block there was cop, carpenter, machinist, truck driver, old school computer guy. All had stay at home wives. Didn't know any niggers til high school.

I'm now a college educated cop. I work regular overtime. I have a small side job. Wife works part time and I'm all like....where is the manna from heaven? Why are there niggers around me?

>They created youtube

They didn't create YT. The guys who created YT are in their mid 30's right now. That's the tailend of Gen X.

Gen X master race reporting in

Their parents fought against totalitarianism in the name of freedom and liberty. They built an economy based around the working man being able to go out and work to support a home. They created a society from the ashes of war that could hope for a better, more prosperous future. They were the generation that gave us an optimistic vision, Star Trek, for example, came from Gene Roddenberry, a WWII veteran, in which the crew of the Enterprise explored the galaxy with peace and harmony, every person fitting into a greater whole, aspiring to and living up to a greater purpose, the enrichment and enlightenment of mankind. They turned the horrors of war into a space race, going to the moon, putting satellites into orbit and advancing the aspirations of mankind. They began to wash away the mistakes of the past and give everyone a stake, but they were wary, because they knew it wouldn't suffice just to grant welfare to all. It was better to make sure work paid for anyone who was willing to do it.

Then their kids came along, rejected society, rejected their duty, rejected the greater whole in the name of individual freedoms. They decided the values their parents fought and died for were worthless and unreasonable. They went out and fucked everything that moved and took every drug going to a ridiculous excess, and then they turned around and began locking down society after they regretted it. As if sex and drugs were inherently dangerous, and not just the STUPID excesses they took them to. This generation lost the vietnam war, spread STD's far and wide, then in the 80s, pissed away and commodified the incredible culture they had been handed by their parents. They brutalised and cracked down on free culture, free expression, replaced it with watered down corporate media and culture. They decided cosseting every small interest group was more important than equal opportunities for all.


They lived the good life, and they sold out the younger generations to keep their life styles.

I miss TLP. Pretty insightful guy.

Basically got a 1945 world and then get it into this shithole.

Everything is money based now 'tanto tienes tanto vales' 'you are worth what you had'


Thumbs up. Have some ass.

Heads are up their asses.

Thanks Leafpal

No manna for racist dirtbags, sorry.

Complete inability to empathize.