Sup Forums let's say someone ruined your life even worse than pic related, wwyd?

Sup Forums let's say someone ruined your life even worse than pic related, wwyd?
As an example let's say that girl in the pic divorce raped me and then did all that, I'd do this.
>I would wait 8-10 months so it wouldn't arouse suspicion on myself
>Figure out how many people she lives with (assuming I don't already know that because I was her bf. I prob know which apartment # it is too)
>Start watching what times they usually leave and when the house is empty (write down the times for many consecutive week so I can really understand when they usually leave, when they'll be back, who's likely to come back 1st 2nd etc.)
>Grow out mustache and beard
>Borrow a car from a friend or someone(who does 100% NOT know ex gf) for the day (give him some excuse) and park far from her apartment at a secluded spot
>One day (Winter time) I watch as the last person from her apartment # leaves
>Wearing dark clothes with a dark beanie + gloves (not all black because that looks suspicious)and bring in backpack of supplies
>I know their general time schedules so I know they won't be back any time soon
>Leave laptop + phone in my locked car autoplaying recommended youtube videos using my phone's wifi hotspot (this might matter later on)
>As a random other resident leaves, I enter the apartment building by catching the front door as it's closing.
>Go up to her floor and make sure nobody is there or might come out
>Insert the short end of an Allen wrench into the lower edge of her front door's keyhole
>Apply a tiny bit of pressure to turn the lock slightly in the direction the key would turn
>Keep this pressure as steady as possible, and use an unbent paperclip with a small crook at the end to pick the lock (this should take no more than 2-3 mins)
>Get in
>Plant a few grams cocaine in her closet
>Plant xanax, oxys and other prescription painkillers next to her bathroom sink
>Leave a couple of weed joint roaches under bed, 1 on her window sill, and some on her desk

>Part 2 incoming

>Part 2

>Take out small dirty bong,a few ounces of weed, grinder, bowl (want to rack up the possession of drug paraphernalia charges)
>pack the bong bowl with weed and use a jet flame lighter to completely torch like 10 packed bowls so the entire apartment reeks of weed
>throw the ashed weed in the kitchen garbage can and leave the bowl on top of the fridge
>leave the bong & grinder in a hiding spot in her room
>quickly open some of their alcohol, spill a little and leave a few half opened bottle on the kitchen counter with the caps off and shot glasses that appear used next to them (to make it look like that cunt was having a party earlier)
>have a tiny vial of cocaine on me with a tiny amount in it which I use to sprinkle a little bit around the side of the counter
>This should all take less than 20 mins total (including the time it took to pick the lock)
>Leave the apartment
>Use disposable cell phone to *67 call my ex and use a non threatening handheld voice changer to tell her "Hi Shera I'm your neighbor ____ from apartment ___ (figure out the name from the apartment ringer name list out front) I just though I should tell you that a woman is outside your apartment door looking for you and she says it's very urgent and she'll wait"
>Wait very far from the apartment in my car and wait until she comes back.
>The second I see her car pull in I call the police using the voice changer and tell them that "apartment # at blabla apartments on whatever street is playing loud music and the entire floor smells like marijuana because of that. I think the resident might be a drug dealer..."
>Immediately snap the disposable phone a drive away
>drive to a nearest different state
>throw the broken phone + empty coke vial in a garbage can
> then drive to garbage dump in some back woods ass town

>Part 3

>throw out all of the clothes, gloves, beanie, and backpack I was wearing
>put on the fresh change of clothes that were sitting in the borrowed car
>drive home (all the while I'm blowing huge amounts of date so that my laptop can play youtube vids and porn vids and shit this whole time)
>Get home and leave laptop while it's still playing random long vids on autoplay on different sites
>drive to friends house and say thanks for letting me use your car
>uber back to my house and delete uber app
>go upstairs, drink beers and chill on computer
>everytime I go into and out of my house quietly so no neighbors know I left + I leave the tv on a little loud and my car is still in the lot
>ex's life is ruined because all girls from her apartment # are called in for questioning and most of the drugs were in her room

Would I theoretically get caught if I did this?

My alibi would be that I was at home watching youtube vids, porn and tv all day if for whatever reason the police decided that they should investigate me
No matter what happens my friend who's car I borrowed wouldn't be investigated because he's completely irrelevant to the potential investigation.

>i was his babaroo, his jewbaby

what the fuck, who talks like that

anyway OP, youre certifiable

you should speak to a doctor about your thoughts


I wouldn't ever do this unless someone actually fucked up my life lol I'm not a psychopath or something.
I was just curious as to how likely my odds would be at getting away with something like this.
I'd only be worried that the cops would know that somebody picked the lock which would shift blame away from the ex

no normal person would think this way.
if you want to get back at someone just burn down their house.

what about your friends car and license plate? that could be a dead giveaway

what does normal even mean on b?

Yes but then you;d likely get caught and go to jail.
What's the point of getting revenge if you end up getting raped by nigs in prison showers?

Yes but that's why you'd have to leave adequate distance between the borrowed car and the apartment because nobody would be paying enough attention to you to notice you left the apartment, spot the car you get into 3-4 blocks away and then track the plates.
That'd be absurd unless someone caught you trying to pick the lock in which case fucking dash and bail on the plan

i call my cat a babaroo

Boy oh boy do YOU have one heck of an imagination.

Lets all hope its just that, imagination.

since you're wearing gloves and a beanie, is it cold/ winter time? It would look weird to wear that in the summer. Are there no security tapes inside or outside the building? What if they are able to prove they never ingested the drugs and their fingerprints aren't on the bong?

Too much work man, Look, Just break in the apartment trash it amd ruin it. Or just set their front door on fire.

>One day (Winter time)
of course I can't wear all dark long clothes in the summer without looking like a suspicious retard
>Are there no security tapes inside or outside the building
Ah yes, cameras would definitely have to be accounted for. Hopefully if it's an ex that would just be something that stick.
I tend to observe shit a lot when I walk around and notice where most cameras are when I'm out and about.
>What if they are able to prove they never ingested the drugs and their fingerprints aren't on the bong
So I wondered about this too.
The thing is drugs like coke only stay in your system for no more than a few days so that wouldn't matter as for the weed that's where there's an issue.
Perhaps it would be smarter to make it appear like she deals and get her fucked for distribution but then there'd be the issue of how to get the cops to come with them having enough probable cause when they enter the apartment complex to actually enter her apartment #.
I'll try to think of a fullproof way to bypass these issue within a few minutes

To be honest I'm not a desperate person, if you cheat on me once the relationship is over and burried and I simply move on with my life

I partly blame Sup Forums for desensitising me, but reading that pic I'm not sure if thats a bad thing

>able to prove they never ingested the drugs
this is a good point. i'm sure they'd drug test them

Yes if this plan did work, her life would be absolutely fucked.
>eviction from the apartment
>charged for possession of marijuana
>several charges for possession of drug paraphernalia
>charged for possession of cocaine
>charges for possession of the pain pills without a prescription

I would get a girlfriend and ace all my classes, she is clearly doing this to hurt him because it validates how important she was. Imagine how much it would hurt her if he acted like she wasn't.

Also, what about witnesses. How will you be sure no one will notice you going into their apartment?

impressive dubs

If someone caught me trying to pick the lock, I'd dash and bail on the plan.
From a perspective of risk evaluation that'd be the most risky part because I'd literally be standing there picking someone's lock.
However from then on I'd just have to walk out, close the door, leave the apartment building and walk to the my friend's car. So no in my opinion that wouldn't be too much of an issue I'm pretty /fit/ and would just get the fuck out of there as fast as I can

Yes but that's why I said I'd only do this if someone ruined my life.
You can't just go beta route and cry all day.
Either you try to succeed in everything school work/lifting/getting pussy like a mf
or you get revenge
but you can't go full beta for weeks while she's out riding hella dicks