How bad did Obama and the Dems fuck things up that we actually had to elect Trump?

How bad did Obama and the Dems fuck things up that we actually had to elect Trump?

Pretty fucking bad. Go, God Emperor Trump! Make America Great Again!

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I had my doubts. Didn't vote for him. But he's been the most amazing president in my lifetime.

Teh globalists have been fucking over our nation and racial tensions for so long I didn't know it could be normal. I have visions of a great future.

It started with bush! Thats the real truth. Bush set us up to do horrible for the next 20 years

pretty much this, except i did vote for him

He's doing a decent job of keeping Congress from starting another cold war. Good at keeping immigrants out and introducing a newer merit based immigration system. Gave money to nasa

not disagreeing. last great pres was Reagan.


As a Sanders supporter, I find this quite amusing.

The only problem is his attention whoring and it's a shame media feed him his fix. If news outlets stopped giving a fuck about his antics and tantrums he would simply go ballistic and maybe fuck up.

Omg the original image I fucking died

>How bad did Obama and the Dems fuck things up that we actually had to elect Trump?
That's neoliberalism for you. They'll prefer an incompetent and dangerous fascist manbaby to anything resembling a socialist.

>Go, God Emperor Trump! Make America Great Again!
He won't. It'll just get worse, and you know it. Trump doesn't really have any policies. He's just a distraction to let the GOP rape everyone.

Forgot to add, it's not that Obama fucked it. He's a fucking nigger and all, but he was a pretty decent president that tried his best to fix Bush's fuck ups.

The fan was shat when Bernie Sanders was cheated out of the primaries and cucked himself to endorse Hillary.

>he's been the most amazing president in my lifetime
In what measure? Just entertainment value?

>Teh globalists have been fucking over our nation
How are the GOP any different?

>racial tensions
Which are worsening under Trump?

>I have visions of a great future.
You're delusional.

>The fan was shat when Bernie Sanders was cheated out of the primaries

Hopefully this will be the last ride of the cis white male

It all started with Johnson and his statement after approving his liberal give free shit away policy of "I have those niggers voting democrat for generations". The conservative god, Reagan was nothing but a dumb fucking hollywood actor in the right place at the right time, cutting taxes and outspending the Russians to end the cold war, and those tax cuts have put this nation on the verge of bankruptcy today. We have not had a president worth a fuck since Kennedy, every one since has sold us out to the highest bidder and corporate America, and has continued the slide to the bottom. WTF makes anyone think Trump can or will make America great again?

Get out you Bernie cock sucking globalist socialist Jew. The adults are talking



It wasn't Obama and the Dems, it was the press.

The press caused Trump's victory.



This bad:

Fuck you. We don't want to be Venezuela. Kill yourself



Some heretical statement claiming him to be the God Emperor

>How bad do Amerifats hate women that we actually had to elect Trump?



What was decent about Obama? Doubling the debt, allowing ISIS to form, lower credit rating, bombing all those countries, record high poverty and welfare, record low job participation, inflation, health insurance rates and deductibles through the roof, bigger government, worse racial tension, lower median income, the lies, spying on American citizens, or all the red lines he drew for Iran and ignored?
And Bernie is a fucking cuck like you. Kill yourself.



Obama fucked things up because he promised Change (tm) and Hope (tm).

Guess what.
Nothing changed.
The gulf between the rich and the poor got greater.
What we could buy with our pay got smaller.
What we got paid was smaller still.

There was no Change.
There was no Hope.

So we voted for the one asshole who said they'd bring it.
Hillary certainly didn't.
She said that America was great just the way it is.
Fuck you.

Now Trump is fucking up too. Where is his promised change? Where all the jobs he promised to take back?

What's going to happen is that after 12 fucking years of presidents telling us shit is going to change people are going to give up on the government and take "change" into their own hands.
This is not fucking sustainable.

I wouldn't have voted for Hillary if she was a man either. This last election was a no-win for me because I loathed both Trump and Hillary

I mean, we quickly forgot about Guantanamo, pulling the troops out of Iraq, having a transparent government, and literally still my favorite- Obama "I'm not good with the economy". Voters for the rest of the election season: "I'm voting Obama because I think he'll be good for the economy"
It's not that most of us forgot what Trump promised. Do you still care about what anyone promises during election season? Or is this your first rodeo

People are far too affected by personality traits, the easiest and dumbest fucking thing to market.

People are supposed to be more intellectual now, yet they're acting more and more like fucking idiots, whether it be conspiracy birthers or the baby dick crybaby left.

Don't forget Barrack "I will end the war in Iraq" Obama increasing the number of drone attacks by an order of magnitude

If more of the idiot Democrats fought the DNC tooth and nail then maybe forces Hillary into some kind of concession.

But people are such dumb fucks they ignore the obvious DNC election scandal while pitching retarded Russian conspiracies.

Do you ever have a synapse that fires and forms an independent thought of your own or do you always just regurgitate everything Tucker Carlson says?

>People are far too affected by personality traits, the easiest and dumbest fucking thing to market.
That'd be true if Trump wasn't a walking PR nightmare.
He is not charismatic. He speaks even less well than Bush II.

The one thing he does well is tap into what people want to hear.
He's not eloquent about it, like Obama was.
He just fucking says in blunt terms what people want to hear.

In 3 years, people are going to be fucking pissed. Trump, the outsider, the blunt talking, gitterdun President didn't do fuck all.

What's going to happen then?

Not an Obama fan but his policies were pretty much just like GW Bush's except for the tax breaks for the wealthy. I always found it funny that he was protested so much when he was essentially Bush 3.0

If the theories are retarded why is Trump being investigated for financial ties with Russia?

Can thank him and the useless Congress.

Sadly, Congress won't get enough of the blame.

Can't remember a time they've been in the slightest bit useful.

There hasn't been an election since 1930, likely earlier

Why has a year of investigations yielded nothing on Trump?

Investigation means shit.

Look at Bush, lied about Iraq, caused thousands of Americans to die, no impeachment, no waterboarding at Guantanamo, nothing.

Nice reddit spacing /r/the_donald

Congress is a majority Republican now
Trump's problem is that he's doing that thing in his Art of the Deal book where he starts with the worst possible deal for the guy and negotiates the way down to something they think they won but he really always wanted.

>still blaming bush

That's how they all do it. What's new?


Yeah, just wait.. and wait.. and wait..

America needs a better voting system that allows more than two parties to exist. So that people can actually vote for someone and arent forced to choose the lesser evil

Put your mask back on
Someone might recognize you.

Again....more pussy antifa

No, it's not.
How backroom dealing worked in politics before Trump was through favours.
You do this for me, and I'll do that for you.
So everything eventually passed. Just given time and favours. It seesawed between the two.

But Trump said Fuck that system and went with his business style of negotiation he outlined in the Art of the Deal.
And that just doesn't work, obviously, in Congress.
There is no room for "No no no no no yes" style negotiation



I'm assuming that you believe the Russians hacked the DNC and got some emails
That's dry, it's old news, people aren't buying it no more
Let's talk about a much juicer scandal
The awan brothers
What does everyone think about the awan brothers

The swamp wants trump out. The swamp is immensely powerful and one of these will surely happen even if it takes years:

>Someone will get convicted of an actual crime
>Someone will get wrongfully convicted of a fabricated crime
>Someone will get convicted of perjury, conspiracy or a process crime due to a poor choice of words under intense questioning or poor judgement in managing their affairs

Like him or not, either Trump is out of office by the next election or is so damaged he won't evenm win his own primary. Guaranteed.
I'm just curious if Pence goes down with him or if he's managed to be just far enough away to avoid going down with him
I'm just curious if Pence has managed to

Rep here

Would like to see trump out. Not for the usual reasons.

I'd just love to see Pence sit in the iron throne and rule the 7 kingdoms

Trump will be re-elected.

Reason: He sucks big time, but does a fantastic job of illustrating how stupid the left are, and nobody wants to side with them right now.

If the left didn't act like a bunch of faggot kids throwing tantrums Trump wouldn't stand a chance at re-election.

I hear you. I'm just worried that Pence comes across as a subordinate poofter.
Like Reagan would just slap him and call him Veronica.
We need the Gipper back

>awan brothers
They single handily did 9-11 as a favor to Bush then went on to make a fake hit on a school where no kids were killed. They are the devil.

they spit in the face of the millennials

this is the guy that wanted to invade russia after WW2

Agreed that the left is also in disarray. I see no realistic scenario that Trump is reelected. The right isn't exactly unified and he's a shit show

Yes, we do, Alzheimer's and all. Nancy did a decent job of running things with the help of her "seer" though.
I still worry about the "killer trees" destroying us all.

What you've failed to realize is that Trump is a neo-liberal shill. His whole function is to be so loathsome and incompetent that people will run back into the waiting arms of the neo-liberals. The billionaire lizard kings who rule the world saw the danger in rising populism and decided to short-circuit it by giving people a fake populist who would be so worthless and unpleasant that it would immunize people against populism for generations.

They were able to reliably count on stupid people to listen to whatever the loudest megaphone was saying, and since the billionaires own the biggest megaphones, they knew they would have no problem convincing morons like you to vote an utter incompetent into high office.

So you like him to waste your tax payer money and your parents to go on vacation while NK has successfully tested a NB that can travel to the US

>be me
>be anti-Obama fag
>be in 2010
>see the GOP have a historic win in the house
Fast forward to 2012
Romney (being a shitty candidate) lost

The point is that we the dems may choose a shitty nominee in the primaries (or the dems will rig it like 2016) and lose the election
Then were gonna get bitchy and make conspiracy theories just like the anti-Obama voters did in the obama era
Just like the anti-Obama fags
I'm a democrat and I hate seeing the level of hypocrisy within my own party
I'm so disappointed

>Let Dems make themselves look bad
>Make Repubs have internal conflict
>Try to pin The Deep State/Shadow Government on one partisan party to make the other party look like heroes
>To drain the swamp, the swamp gets filled up with the very parasitic lobbyists that were supposed to be eradicated
>Golfs more times than Obsma, but since it is Trump estate the cost fluctuates so taxpayers don't know how much it really costs them
>Blames fake news, yet showed off two fake Time Magazine Covers of Trump
>Blames immigrants for problems so the ignorant citizens of Southpark won't have to worry about them 'takin' durr jewbs'

No maga, we need LADF


Well, if they say they can hit NYC, it can't be all that bad.

I'm sure Sup Forums would set up a gofundme for kim

Yeah, that's what is, On the other hand, the white working middle-class hate blacks and it is a reaction to Obama that they would rather see the USA go down in flames than ever see a non-white person in power daddy issues. They love a guy who pretends to be in charge on TV.

Holy fuck you liberal loving, conservative hating dick heads, Trump has only been in office for six months and a couple weeks, and you silly fucks speak like he is a few weeks away from the end of his second term.
Guess what motherfuckers? Trump is your president, and none of the propaganda the media airs against him today or tomorrow will change that, but it does further damage politics in this country and their reputation of only reporting bullshit they can sensationalize, and half truths, and you people are just as bad, whining and bitching about your president.
Here`s a news flash for ya, there is not one politician on this planet that can make America great again, it is ultimately up to the people of America to do that, so why the fuck do you continue to put blind faith in politicians to make shit happen for you that is your responsibility to do for yourself?

I really disposed the 80s culture wise.
Spandex and Jordache? Ooookay...

But the hipper was amazing. What an amazing time.

Like the 1st time you saw the space shuttle go up, people everywhere were "fuck....they are awesome"

If the 2 parties keep going the same direction they are now then it wouldn't be surprising to see an increased in 3rd party support


*The gipper*

Damn I'm sucking at typing today....

Did you vote for trump then?
To make it all go away, the warm showers, your selection of foods at the store, a cool or warm bed to sleep in or are just sick of your mom's basement?

>Teh globalists
Uhm, Trump is a globalist you ignorant shit lol.


Hate it when outrage is on the other foot?
You pissed and moaned about Obama the whole fucking time.HAHAHAHA

>worse racial tension
>blames the black guy
ok fox

Both parties are hypocritical on epic levels.

People say the Dems rigged the 2016 primary and I fucking laugh.

The primaries for both parties are not democratic processes. They never have been. They are not government organizations. They both can and do try to sway primary elections for the candidate they deem mostly likely to win. There's nothing illegal or unethical about it. It's the way the system currently is. If we don't like it, then stop giving money and votes to the RNC and DNC.
And Citizens United made it exponentially worse.

I laugh at the Bernie cucks that cried about the primaries. They were severely misinformed and/or ignorant to how the parties work. Especially for a guy who was an independent and decided to be a Dem for the presidential election

The two parties are two sides of the same coin. With one you steal to keep, with the other steals for you to keep. With only two parties, the two play against each other, and both need each each other. Nothing has worth if if no-one has or if everyone has. You have to keep the people fighting to distract them from your own theft. It's not about you or me. It's about money for the 1%. Keep the dream alive that folks have a shot at it, and keep the hope alive that you don't have to work for it. Then pit the two against each other and run.

>What does everyone think about the awan brothers
it a 24-7 distraction that Fox is pushing, because they are propaganda. Oh and of course pushing investigating Clinton again!

>I hear you. I'm just worried that Pence comes across as a subordinate poofter.

Pence is doing all the big boy stuff with NATO and shit right now. He's trying to show how presidential he can be for a 2020 run.

Fuck Regan. He was a piece of shit, funded death squads in latin american. Sold weapons illegally to Iran to fund his little war in Latin America. Basically created the modern deficit. He and his wife used a fucking astrologer's advice to run the country. Surprised we didn't all die in fire from soviet nukes.

Wrong douche bag, At least that nigger did quite well with what he inherited from bush, a collapsing economy. Maybe if he would not have forgotten about main street you liberal cucks would still have a president in office handing out freebies and creating safe places for you to hide.

Russian input from you I see. Are you paid or did you just buy into it?

No, this is the 1st time i see mein covfefe.

>ended the Cold War
>'tear down this wall'
>Gorby and the gipper hit it off

Yeah...:we were worried about those missles.....

>a collapsing economy.
this shit for real. I love how people complain about ISIS, when all everyone wanted was for us to get the fuck out of iraq.

And they elect some dipshit he says he won't be fighting in wars overseas, and put "America First"... how would that stop ISIS?

Whatever, only thing I like is that they removing regulations - it will force states that give a shit to regulate themselves. We can ship all our trash and radioactive waste to your state. Strip mine the shit out of your land, and frak it for gas. Then laugh when your ground water catches on fire and your kids are Asperger up the ass.

cant tell if you are serious or not - but yeah, we were fucking terrified of those missiles.

Only cool thing about the cold war was awesome tom clancy novels

This is a boy hiding in mom's basement? A Sup Forums guy? Or a lowlife that hates blacks and calls them niggers?
Trump IS all about main street money.

more spending on war effort means more veterans needing gibmedats, the greatest contributor to our debt.

Unlike ww2 there's not much money, technology or science to gain from war torn Syria, Iraq or Afghanistan.

When kurdistan (or whatever they'll call new northern Syria) is established, we're going to have to pay their bills if we want them to stay

Your momma's warm chooch is what took the stress away of not being a phag who voted for either

Some of us didn't shit our pants when they aired "the day after"

we invaded Iraq because of 9-11, remember? Oh yeah and so Halliburton could have billions in no-compete bids. fucking neo-cons should have all been strung up after that shit.

Lol you fucking snowflake, you really think every election ever was totally free of cheating up until this one?

You idiots voted in a greater evil for revenge on a lesser, that's why Bernie didn't support trump.

Well we've got about 7 years until this Bush Jr v.2 bubble pops

This time in English please?

If lived through the 80s without some kind of worry about nuclear weapons and the soviets you were either stupid or poorly informed.

Honestly, anyone who voted for him is a fucking retard. If you think Trump is going to "Make America Great Again" it makes you even dumber.

This fucking guy promises to bring jobs back that were relevant 30-40 years ago and I'm sorry if you buy into this shit but, it's not going to happen. Today's market has completely changed. Unskilled labor will never be what it used to be (will never earn a livable wage). This is simply because we can't compete with Mexico and other poorer nations.

If you think immigration is a problem you're also retarded. America was built by immigrants and your recent ancestors were also immigrants, making you the offspring of an immigrant. If America starts turning away new people, the country will stagnate.

Also, fuck reality TV stars. They're all cancer.