Would you fuck a chick if she had horse pussy and ass?

Would you fuck a chick if she had horse pussy and ass?

Sure, its still a pussy.

i mean i would fuck a horse pussy on a horse, why wouldn't i fuck one on a chick




Like this?

I wish I could be horrified.


no you tard, thats just an ugly vaigna


Someone took the time out to photoshop this shit...

I don't know whether to be disgusted or amazed.

Find out after I fap...

looking at this leaves a bad taste in my mouth

sup with dat

it's hot

So will her farts smell human or horse-like?

You're not gonna like the answer m8

She wont fart, she's a girl you idiot

I'd rather just fuck a horse.

These are pretty good.
Got any more?

Go to bing, disable safe search, search for "white mare sex",(sex, fuck, or any derivative there of) have fun.

Sheeit... Thanks user. And thanks Bing.
Truly the master of porn indexing

>Women not farting

You've never been behind a woman long enough, have you?

That's fucking disgusting...a chick.

I'm not saying I wouldn't fuck it!...It's just that I've never seen a pussy & ass like that?..except on a horse or a goat at a push!....No! I dont fuck either!

All these shit stained assholes on my Sup Forums. Why don't folks just admit they want to fuck turds and get it over with?

Just imagine the girl whose ass it would be in this scenario would keep it as clean as any normal human one.

wow what else is on Bing besides the horsy

it's all gaybeast porn

I don't know, all I can say is be careful, Bing doesn't seem to censor searches, so searching for anything too illegal might be a bad idea.

beast porn is only punishable by law in Oregon and the Virgin Islands

Go shill for shit females elsewhere you stain.

Holy fuck

No. I want to smell a woman's farts.

any reverse cuckold

you mean life?

I want that clit

I want to suck all the cream off that horse clit
