Is it gay to suck dick?

is it gay to suck dick?

Only if you enjoy it.

Not if your a girl

What if I pretend not to enjoy it?

Still gay and suck me up while your at it pretty girl

Not according to Cosmopolitan

Well just like kissing or anything else, it depends on the sex of the person you're doing it to.

Did you just assume my gender?

Sex is a social construct.

If your sucking dick. You're the girl in the relationship, princess

Is it bad I know she's a trap

And you did it again.

Then (s)he's a girl.

Not if it's a feminine penis like this

It means you got the gay.

Even if your a genderfluid dangerwolf-kin. If a dick finds its way into your gob. Your the girl in the situation, sissy

That does looks feminine enough to me.

I'm pretty sure you're the gay one here.

>both suck each others dicks
>we are both girls in the situation
>its now lesbian sex

I put dicks in my ass. On occasion.

You have broken the game congrats


Prove it

Batman can solve the most difficult mysteries in the world. But can he see why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch?

No, because his parents never bought him Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and Alfred only eats Raisin Bran

Pretty much, yeah. But who cares? If you like dick in your mouth, then suck away. :)

This was a really gay answer.