Well Sup Forums wwyd?

Well Sup Forums wwyd?

Other urls found in this thread:


Bite off her tongue

projectile vomit, then locate a police officer to report the assault

kill it with fire

Start stabbing with any sharp object in my pockets.

Push off and throw a knee at the liver

What if it's your dick.


falcon punch

Crawl out of the rumble slightly horny,slightly confused


Scream rape

Call a tow truck

Kill it with fire

Cut his dick off.

Cry for help

try to figure out if it has a vagina on it or not tbh

Turn the beast around, get on my knees and have her fart in my mouth

Make a criminal complaint against you.

My Benis is essentially a smoke detector.

Press charges for rape.

heh heh benis :DDD

Cry and feel dirty. Also would inevitable feel like it happened because of me and that mom was right, it was my fault that dad got arrested