Woman Hate Thread:

Woman Hate Thread:

Tell us your stories Sup Forums. How have women hurt you? It can be anyone, friends, girlfriends, wives, ex-wives, mothers, whatever.

>be me, repeating fifth grade
>mom comes to school cuz I'm not doing school work or some shit
>her and teacher go through desk and bitch at me about work I haven't done
>as we leave, my mom gets a phone call from her friend
>as she drives me home, she rails on about how much of a failure I am and how all I are about is video games
>just a 30 second car ride
>was before valentines day and now I get severely depressed after the holiday from time to time

she should have beaten the crap outta you

tbh, at first I was like nah you're just a little bitch, she had every reason to rail into you

but then I was like, nah, hang on, she could've just, y'know

asked you why you were failing, why you'd rather distract yourself with videogames. obviously you were running away from something and severely depressed and railing into wasn't gonna help that. so much for women being the more empathetic and compassionate sex.

I do think they're a superior gender, just that no one gives them credit for being superiority evil.

No hate, just no love either

I don't think they're superior at all. they just appear to be because they've evolved to be so naturally adept at manipulation, which gives the illusion of dominance if carried out on a subject successfully.

In my experience, women in general are callus, uncaring, selfish, and completely lacking empathy. They feign caring for those that provide them value, provide them no/less value and anything resembling compassion or human decency just vanishes.

On a side note, I read craiglist ads for shits and gigs regularly, and have grown kinda fond of the missed connections section, it's a like a window into broken hearts. I've noticed a hard and fast pattern with it, all of the W4M ads are one of two things: "I miss you, do you think about me? I know you're married but I still think about you" OR the MUCH more common "YOU'RE SO HOT, PLS ATTENTION ME".
While the M4W ads are mostly quite nice, kinda romantic, and seem mostly genuine.
I mean, I'm not really surprised, men like women, women like resources/status and men give it to them.

>INB4 permavirgin neckbeard

I'm happily married, been together for 13 years. After a long string of regular women I did in fact find one that I'd consider a good woman. They exist, but make up the tiniest minority.

>hating women because you're so repugnant they want nothing to do with you

>hating women because of 15 long years of being involved with multiple women and having to deal with their callous, vain, greedy, self-absorbed, manipulative nature and finally self-red-pilling yourself thanks to networking with other males who have had the exact same experiences, even with their own mothers and other female family members.

try harder next time faggot.

>so pathetic you lump an entire gender together because you deal with shit people, probably because you are a shit person.

>so butthurt you don;t address any points, just mudsling.

ok so let me give you a little background on myself.

was raised by women, had practically zero male presence in my early life. was always taught to look out for other people, to be charitable, to be kind etc, to give / sacrifice with no intention to get something in return.

have spent my 27 years of life around women mostly, barely any male friendships. over 90% of my friendships have been with women. have had multiple relationships, some being long-term, some being short-term. multiple flings, multiple one-nighters. multiple close friendships with females and have also observed female behaviour with other males from a distance, and their behaviour in general (I have a knack for pattern recognition and human behaviour in general fascinates me, female behaviour more than male though admittedly).

all the evidence I've seen, the patterns I've observed throughout my life suggest to me that women almost ALL follow the same behavioural patterns, of course, diverging from them a tiny amount in each individual case, depending on factors like sexual marketplace value and / or personality / upbringing (but the general traits and characteristics are still there on a fundamental level and more often than not, I'd say 99.9% of the time lead to morally repugnant behaviours).

so this isn't quite lumping an entire gender into the same category. it almost is, but not quite.

it's simply a reaction to observations I've made over a long period of time, that I have seen no evidence to the contrary.

feel free to give me any counter-arguements on why women aren't inherently self-absorbed and as a result, immoral.


in my experience, whenever women show empathy or compassion, it's because they want to appear as though they care, not because they do. it's all words, or virtue signalling. when it comes down to actions though, they never sacrifice. they never give with no intention of receiving. everything they do is a clear investment. which is ironic because it's mostly women that preach charity and giving with no intention to receive, but rather to help others (I was raised on these principles by women who never practised what they preached, my mother for example, taught me these principles but ultimately allowed an abusive boyfriend to push me out of my home by abusing me, she let me leave, rather than leave him, she did so because she chose financial security over her son, so much for self-sacrifice).

I have only ever witnessed or experience compassion from women when I provide them with something, but even then, it's the most half-assed, meaningless, substanceless empathy or compassion that there could ever be. there is no emotion there. the only time women show genuine emotion in my experience, is when you deny them resources, or reject them. just another example of this is when they "fake cry" in order to convey an emotional arguement, you can just tell how there's no genuine emotion backing it. if you observe without any emotional bias on your part that is.

and yeah that makes sense. it kinda makes me think about how I view each sex now too. as opposed to a while ago.

I was always pretty much bombarded with the message that men are pigs and women are angels and I believed it for so long. I thought women were generally victims of bad male behaviours and that they needed to be cherished and loved etc

but experience has taught me otherwise. now I think it's the complete opposite. I think that the last thing women want is love. I don't think they even have the capacity to love the way we do. and I think most men are good men, but good men who have been given a bad deal and as a result, corrupted themselves to compensate for that bad deal.

I mean now, the more I talk to men about these issues, the more I see the commonalities between us. we all seem to have been through the same things with women, we all seem to feel similar things about the situation and about ourselves and our world view. and it's all poison that's been planted in our minds by women.

so now, I respect men a hell of a lot more, and empathise with them a hell of a lot more, and I see how a woman's livelyhood essentially depends on breaking men down emotionally and psychologically so that they become appeasers, like I was obviously being groomed to be.

I'm 80% sure you just pasted a copied post of mine from earlier.
Or are we soulmates?


now suck me off

You nailed it right on the head there user.
It IS grooming, to be a good little worker bee, get out there and break your body.
Just consider the daydreams of boys vs girls.
Girls = Princess. A pretty thing that all the men want and gets everything they want whenever they want just because they were born special.
Boys = Police, firmen, superheros, pro athletes. To have your tangible, real accomplishments commemorated, and commonly fantasize about saving people, endangering themselves or even dieing to save another.

I worked in the oil industry for some time, and after really looking at the dynamic of an air condition office filled with women who quite literally do nothing but plan office only social functions while making as much if not more than the men in the field, compared to the men who endure the most harsh, dangerous environments working hours that actually break human rights laws, many of whom died or were crippled at work, I came up with a good analogy.
Society is a car that burns men as fuel. Women are the stereo.
I got way off track there, but yeh, you're on point. Men are brainwashed to being willingly disposable workhorses, and women are selfish consumers.

Depends how feminine your penis is.

Reddit spacing
No reddit spacing.

Not soulmates (see what I did there)

yes, agreed. I now firmly believe that this whole patriarchy outcry bullshit is just that, complete bullshit. and that we have always lived in a covert matriarchy. and now, that covert matriarchy wants to be overt, and essentially live like queens while men appease those queens more than ever before.

love that analogy btw. makes perfect sense.

I think men as a whole need to learn how to control their libido rather than let their libido control them, and also, they need to get into philosophy, because philosophy opens the mind up to lots and lots of avenues of thinking that crack a lot of society's lies wide open, including but obviously not limited to female nature and inter-relating subjects.

I was literally gonna say "suck my feminine penis" instead of suck me off

There was this one particular girl that fucked me up completely. I'll green text so it can be easier to explain.

It all started in the 7th grade.
>school is going on school trip to zoo
>meet my friend's friend
>7/10 qt at the time, didn't develop any nice tits
>she sits next to me on the bus
>break the ice, have a decent conversation on our way to the zoo
>throughout the day, we learn more about each other
>eventually start texting/skyping

We went out for about six months until she broke up with me over her personal problems, kinda crushed me. But that was only the beginning..

More? I'll green text and reveal some fucked up shit.

yeah man, keep going, ALSO CHECKED ^

I know. I read it as "suck my feminine penis" but then re'read it and realised that's not what you said. I responded with the joke because I thought's that what it said in the first place.
Choo Choo Choose me


It is kinda happening tbh. Internet porn and video games are freeing up men. Mos tof my younger friends are just not all that interested in dating, and are WAY more red pilled than I was at their age. When I was in my early 20's ALL I thought about was women, and put all of my effort into being with them. It was until my late 20"s I kinda woke up. Now it seems to me that alot of guys just skip past the pussyhound phase and just jerk off to porn.

I finally meet my soulmate, and they're a million miles away on the internet.

>Single mother's son
>Mom on drugs with a good job
>left me wirh grandparents
>treat me kindly 2 weekends a month
>definitely abandoned me for some junkie when I was 7 Y. O.
>junkie dies cause AIDS mom didn't get it.
>met again 2 weekends a month
>anbandoned me for next junkie
>she got pregnant and give birth to sis (I'm 11 at this point)
>junkie 2.0 stole everything from her and run away leaving a huge debt on my my mothers friends
>convince her to dump him
>she agrees at first but later he wants to came back and she blame on me for everithing
>bastard came back and repeat the gameplay when mom save enough money. Fortunately this time I manage to convince her not to put debts on her but on him.
>Next junkie at home. Sailor with no upper teeth I'm 16 at this time.
>mother dump him cause it was so evident he wss a parasite. Junkie 3.0 didn't want to leave I had to take a walking dog's chain wraped against my fist and fight him. Police arrived and beat the shit out of him, I was loosing the fight by far but I made him bleed too.
>mother called police again when saw him again and moved out of the city.
>At this point, my mother get super adicted and I become my sister's father in functions cause mom disappeared as often as she got some money.
>debts with dealers everywhere.
>dealers amenace sister or thats what mom says (later found it whas true)
>Mom steal 8000$ my father saved for my college from me.
>Went to university. Grandparents paid for it. Every time I come back mother disapears abandoning sis. >Try to never came back to make her man up with my sister's education. >Get huge depression. Draming almost every night my mother sells sisters body for money and came back due to regrets of leaving sis with monster mom.
>Mom finds a great normal man to live with. All together put mother on rehab.
>Eventually succeded (3rd try and 10 years later)
>Now I'm 33. I hate her but I have to play the loving son role to avoid her returning to drugs.

that's kinda worrying though. because rather than overcoming being controlled by libido, they're simply getting their fix of sexual release / feeding their addiction via other means.


let me shorten that for you

>grown woman refuses to grow up and resorts to drugs to avoid responsibility to self and dependents
>role reversal occurs when son comes of age and son becomes father and mother becomes child

sorry to hear you went through all that user. I know she's your mother and it's hard, but I hope you're not letting this bitch drag you down. you don't owe her a thing.

It's hardwired. Just accept it. Thats like saying "sure you don;t eat sugar anymore, but you're still eating, feeding your food addiction". W're animals, we need to get off, it's essential.
And it's a cure for most woman related drama, honestly. Jerking off before talking to a woman you think you're attracted to really lets you examine her objectively instead of through the film of lust.

Thats pretty much every single mother-son absent father relationship I've ever seen.
And not just "dead beat dads", but dad dies? You're her new caretaker now.

Thaks user.
I'm trapped. Everything goes perfect now and I don't want to break it. I'm doing it for sis. She's the reason I found guts to made everything then.

I don't get it. Why some anons hate women or are they just tryimg to be edgy?

Are you afraid of them or something?

I'm confused about this because I have never met a woman who could actually do me some harm in a way or another.

Forgot to say she started to hit me the first 2 times I tried to leave home before university.

Nah I don't believe it's hardwired at all. If it was hardwired then nobody would ever be able to be celibate and there'd be literally zero occurences of this in all of history. but that's not the case. I think saying it's hardwired is defeatist. I think the "need" for sexual release is just an obstacle to overcome. something we're not used to thinking about like that because it's been such a big part of male life for so long. you could argue that the killer instinct is hardwired as well, because we've traditionally pretty much always killed either for sport, food, or for other reasons, but while society has evolved, so has our behaviour, and we pretty much have no need to kill anymore so that "instinct" that was once pretty much hardwired, has disappeared now. it's called evolution bro.

I firmly believe we can evolve to a point where we still enjoy sexual release, but we don't need it, where we can instead focus our energy on other things like personal achievements and contributions to society. I think men only feel like they "need" a sexual release nowadays because they've been programmed to think that too.

you should really read the thread before responding, rather than just the title.

you need to think about yourself, and both your mother and sister need to learn to stand up on their own two feet.

you're not their crutch.

Nice trips m8

Sometime later I enter highschool.
Sophomore year.
>she went to the same highschool as I did
>we would see each other in the hallways but never talk
>she hits me up on snapchat wanting to talk
>agree, we talk about the past and she starts apologizing
>we make up and have a thing
>friendswithbenifits.oh yeah
>she sends me her tits (which are now decent enough to suck)*
>made the mistake of falling for her again
>tell her how I feel but she doesn't respond with the answer I was hoping for
>said ok whatever I don't give a shit when that really hurt
This is the deal though. We talk , get some sort of conflict and end it. But we always repeat the exact same thing over and over again.

*no I don't have her nudes, she made me delete them when I was at her house

Sorry for the long explanation. Fucked up part coming in like 10 min from now.

mine wasn't so much like that, mine was typical in another way

>mother had me
>father wasn't absent, but he may as well have been
>parents were separated, lived with mother, barely saw father
>mother decided to go to college / uni
>mother decided to go for a career in the sciences
>barely raised me, had my great grandmother raise me instead
>fucked off her career after I moved out and decided to live off boyfriends money instead after also leaving a remedial door-to-door carer's job
>spent the majority of my childhood working towards a career that she never stuck to, basically trading in raising her child for a failure

they were your trips m8!

ok it sounds to me like she knows she has you by the balls and she's just using you for a quick fix of attention now and then when she can't get it from anywhere else or is rejected by someone she's chasing or whatever

Should have done this long time ago. Now I live on my own and sis just got her degree and first job. I'm getting married this year. I'll just put distance between us. Not gonna be the one that made her fall into drugs again.

>she invites me over to "watch a movie"
>go over, fucked her brains out and leave.
>but the thing about that is that she claimed she was a virgin
>believed her because she was tight
>then again I was high, so I couldn't have had the right mind to think so
>do some lurkkkkking on social media
>talk to a former friend of hers and ask if she really was a virgin

Well. She got fucked by a tall ass black dude I know. He was known for banging a lot of chicks. He was my best friend.


OP is definitely a faggot and should seek companionship at the local gay bar.

>nobody would ever be able to be celibate
Pretty much nobody ever has. Those who try to be celebate tend to end up sexually abusing children (priests) or going on mass murder sprees. I just think you're making a pretty big leap to say that if you jerk off you're less capable in the rest of your life.
Where's the science behind the assumption that not being sexual by default will result in more success elsewhere in life.
And it's only defeatist if you see your sexuality as something to fight with and compete with.
I like ejactulating. I like looking at attractive women. Ramming my dick into a woman's holes is fun as fuck. I can do those things and still go hunting, shoot a deer, clean it, and pack the meat. I can do both.

So you lucked out and she found a bf to support her?
You kinda validated my point.

you need to be careful that you don't repeat the same habits in your relationship / marriage.

men tend to marry their mothers after all, because of familiarity. (not their literal mothers, you know what I mean)


what point?

her boyfriend was abusive towards me and I moved out as a result. she chose him over me, instead of leaving him, allowed me to leave and move in with abusive grandparents (her father who used to physically abuse her and her brother), and his emotionally + psychologically abusive wife, my step-grandmother. she even admitted that she knew they'd do what they did to me. but did she ever do anything to remedy it? no.

they abused my uncle so much he ended up with major mental health issues and is now a complete recluse after damaging himself beyond repair thanks to drugs. they made both him and her a slave, while providing them with nothing.

the only reason I moved there was because there was no likelyhood of physical abuse in my case for other reasons. but the emotional and psychological abuse destroyed me.

so no, I didn't "luck out", my mother abandoned me for an abuser and allowed two other abusers to abuse me for years until I finally found a way to separate myself from my entire family for the sake of my own well-being.

hahahaha so she basically gave you a slight variation of the whole "I don't usually do this" line.

yeah all women would have you believe they were virgins if they could get away with it.

they all love to tell men how they're their first / best or whatever, makes the man feel special so they work to appease them more.

why would I do that when I can just come to Sup Forums?

Women exist to cheat. They're internally designed to do so. Nothing makes a woman happier than having 6 kids with 6 fathers and 6 sources of income with other (inferiors) women taking care of her kids for her. It's a monarch thing they come built with.

The best way to keep a lady is hoping. Let her hope to be married, let her cheat and just use her for what she's worth. If you get bored or come along a better woman, then have at it.

We too are built to combat this monarch fetish women come built with. It's apathy. Some call it cuck, but once its realized that women are just that way and will always, 100% eventually cheat on you... Then it just gets to the point the only family you have are everyone related to you and not the woman that incubates your semen. They're the shell, you're the life giver.

Be a true Man. Love is fake when it's with a "spouse" or "lover", unless you're gay and then you're one of the rare that gets a jackpot.

If you cheat though, that's just the X chromozone taking over. Fight it, and don't love the flesh you cum into.

I never said that if you jerk off you're less capable in general. I'm saying that it's a matter of self-control and discipline.

my point is that most men are dominated by their libido. even in cases where they don't pursue women, they still feel like they "need" that fix, like they need to blow a load with a woman in their mind. and yes that's partially down to instinct. but it's also addiction, which is something else entirely. it's addiction and compulsion. and those are problems.

as a famous MGTOW commentator once said

"love is there to make men feel good about being with bad women, which is all women."

completely agree though user, thanks for that.

well actually no not completely, I don't like the fact you brought the term "cuck" into it. I'd rather us dominate women completely and use them as incubators and not allow them to even look at another men, but hey that's just me.

I'll take the advice.
My future wife doesn't even smoke and barely drinks alcohol. She's quiet, calm and very sweet. Just the opposite to my mother.

good on you for not falling into that pattern then, respect man!

Thanks again dude.
I really needed to get it out of my chest.
I still hate women with childish behaviour. I can't stand with people projecting guilt and frustrations on others and that's what I see in so many women and a few men.

yeah men are definitely an issue too. to sum it up, the infantilisation of men is a massive issue. men are no longer men in the majority, they're just manchildren who behave like children but look like men. and tbh I think it stems from mummy issues a lot of the time. and a lack of a father figure. I think men are like that in the majority now because the more infantile men are, the easier it is for women to manipulate them. and women groom them to be like this as compensation for not having a father / provider there while the mother is raising the child.