Best zombie movie ever. prove me wrong

best zombie movie ever. prove me wrong.

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Not wrong.

There's a strong argument for your face.
Braindead is my personal favourite.

I think you got the wrong poster

The remake was better.

Very much this

I think you are very much wrong op

Nah. Switching out romero zombies for obannon ones is all this has going for it.

You both should honestly kill yourself if you think the remake was even good let alone better than the far superior original. Zack Snyder couldn't make a great film even if his life depended on it.

I'd say Return of the Living Dead was probably the most fun zombie film although there has been some great ones.

Definitely funniest zombie flick

Really loved the remake until the bullshit part where they all suddenly die in the credits. Would've been so much better to just cut that part out. (I mean, I get it, it's a zombie movie, everybody dying is perfectly fine, but don't do some quick bullshit in the end credits when you just did a happy ending fakeout)

Nigga the movie went to shit 10 minutes after the great opening it had. The movie is a complete mess which everyone knows except for casual viewing millennials who don't know good from bad.

All god tier except Shuan of the dead. The only great Zombie films past the 80s are Tom Savini's 1990 remake of Night of the living dead, Cemetary Man and Army Of Darkness

Remake was pure dogshit. You have a guy in a gun store with a shit ton of bullets and ammo, and instead of spending all day every day shooting zombies he fucking starves to death while playing chess. Gimme a fucking break.

Besides sayin Shaun is crap, I know you're retarded another way.
Army of Darkness isn't a zombie flick, they're Kandarian demons aka deadites, summoned from Hell by the Necronomicon.
Bruce Campbell would be ashamed of you now.

Truth. Original or bust.

Not only that but the setting in general was horrible. It wasn't even a cool kind of mall.

Of course I know that, I just personally don't make that distinction. How ever they are re-animated a corpse animated is a Zombie. You think they're still only possesed once they have been chopped/shot up? Nope dead so Zombie. And me and Bruce are tight so watch yourself lol, I've met him 4 times and he remembers my name so suck on my Boomstick

Some vastly underrated zombie films:

>Juan Of The Dead (Cuban zombie comedy).

>The Dead (set in Africa).

>Fido (one of the most underrated zombie comedies in my opinion).

>Pride & Prejudice & Zombies (wasn't going to include this one, but it is actually decent).

Shaun is fun as fuck. Shame on you.

Also you forgot to mention Braindead, Return of the Living Dead Part 3 (which isn't great but it is enjoyable with some great effects as well as having a very nostalgic 90's nickelodeon TV movie sort of feel, but an R rated one at that), as well as Scooby Doo on Zombie Island which is technically a 90's zombie film.

>says he knows that they aren't zombies but calls them zombies anyway
>claims to know the Chin
Bruce would be ashamed. Aaaaaashamed. Lying like that. This is not how you show the King some love.

>Modern zombie movies

Can't wait to see some CG decapitations and blood splatters.

Train to Busan was surprisingly good. Climax on the engine car was pretty stupid, but overall a really solid film

>prove me wrong

No. You're 100% correct, friendo.

that bait tho

this, cornetto trilogy is so fucking good

You must be joking. I know we get shitty comedic zombie films all the time now but at the time, it was a surprisingly clever take on the genre that actually had heart and effort put into it. I don't think it's as good as Shaun of the Dead, but it's a very decent movie... Also, Bill Fucking Murray.

This. Zombieland is a good, fun flick. I hope Zombieland 2 is as good.

Bitch please

>Army of Darkness isn't a zombie flick, they're Kandarian demons aka deadites, summoned from Hell by the Necronomicon.

They're corpses reanimated by demonic possession. Whether the corpses are reanimated through viruses, toxic chemicals, voodoo, necromancy, demonology, et cetera is irrelevent - they are the dead brought back to life.

But that's exactly what he does. He sit on the roof and shoots zombies.
I always was under the impression that the crowd was growing continuously.
Meaning over time they'd be dealing with more than 100k people. Each needs a headshot.
Yeah, you have the time and ammo, but what when looters show up? Why waste ammo on something that is no direct threat and likely doesn't affect the overall situation.
grenades, now that could've made a dent.

Nope, they're meatsuits. They aren't zombies. A remote control car isn't an autonomous robot - it's just being controlled by you. All the dead items are the same thing - they are things controlled by a fragment of the Kandarian demon. Not a zombie, just a tool.

Deadites* - damn autocorrect

We all know what the best zombie film is.

not done yet

Aw yeaaaah



Even part 3 has some great moments

Post the red head chick, neked and sheit

I personally like 28 days later a bunch
Fido is indeed an underrated classic

>28 days later
You mean the movie where the rotting corpses are capable of running?

Emoji is the best zombie movie ever.

There's a finite amount of zombies though. It's not like people are infinite. Furthermore, he kills like 10 on the rooftop, because they're wasting time with their celebrity lookalike bullshit. As for that direct threat nonsense (it's not like everyone fucking dies because of the zombies or something) if looters were a genuine concern, the undead likely are not.

You're absolutely right.

You seriously starting this?

It had one fucking job. It's fine if you want to do something different but at least be logical about it.

These are fucking zombie movies. Fido has fucking space dust radiation shit reanimate the dead. Going the contagion route with infected and shit, sure, may not mean they're dead but they still retain the mindless instinct to feed on the living.

Not Zombies, people not dead, infected with the rage virus, doesn't kill you, makes you rage

Watch again & pay attention. Fag.

That's not return of the living dead

this did not age well

Zombie work in the context of the story and world they are apart of. In no circumstance would a zombie be capable of moving the way they do in 28 Days later. It's just doesn't make any sense.

In what way?

World War Z
'nuf said

They aren't zombies, they're infected with the rage virus and still alive.

See and for why they can run.

I prefer old zombie films with practical effects, but there have been some decent modern films that get ignored because some people think everything's shit.

Remake from 2004 was better and don't get me wrong remakes usually suck but this was was awesome

Return of the living dead 1-3 were good
>still get nightmares about the Tarman

Snyder's Dawn of the Dead remake is great. And certainly better than Savini's remake of Night of the Living Dead.

Day of the Dead was better.

Also known as dead alive

"Best zombie movie" is like "hottest retarded dude." It's a film genre made for people who cant comprehend real movies.

Zombie Ass toilet of the dead

>hottest retarded dude
user... that's the most popular choice of dude among women

Does 28 Days Later count as a zombie movie?

Yes, they're not technically dead but otherwise the plot, themes, etc are identical. Just a zombie movie with a more believable explanation for the "undead"

Besides, the original Haitian zombies aren't actually dead

You can say that about most zombie films, but the original Romero trilogy is pure uncut kino.

Also, goofy Italian shit like Nightmare City are great for completely different reasons.

Shiiieeett, The return of the living dead is my favourite zombie movie.

Just can't beat the scene where all the corpses rise from their graves.

>Army of Darkness
>zombie film
You best be trippin

Ugh, hate the 28 series.

Return of the Living Dead, best movie ever if you want to entertain goths.

I bought Day of the Dead kinda sucked tbh

>not picking up on the social criticism of the dead trilogy
It's like you didn't study college level English and literature.

Series? There's the excellent 28 days later and then much later we have 28 Weeks, different actor and director etc, which was mediocre af

Yeah dat Land of the Dead tho...

That's because you're gay and a huge disappointment to your father.

Day of the dead was a tonne better

Grenades wouldn't of done shit, they're designed to maim rather than kill. All the damage is centered at limbs and torso level.

Day of the dead is probably my fave Romero movie.

>wouldn't of
That's nt hoe "of" works.
Id liek 2 read whta you have to say but ur inglish bad sorry

>That strawman

He did try fire bombs but it made him hungry. In all honestly it was a miss hap in the story. If you watch his video diaries he mentions shooting them but kill one two more show so he gave up. It's actually kinda sad since he was forced to eat the only memory he had of his daughter. Tbh though issue i have is they should of rescued him sooner when the herd was lighter...or the young girl isn't a complete dumbass...or even fucking leave the mall. Create a direct line to the gun shop. Have endless supply of ammo and food to wait until help came which it didn't.

Actusllly it waznt en rgumint i just like berating u 4 being bad at baysic inglisch so wrong agin

Isn't that the sci-fi remakes that were shit? I love b movies but c'mon

28 days later

This guy knows what's up.

I watched the 2004 one and it was awesome, so I decided to watch the original. I was disapoint.

It was corny and slow moving and overall just extremely dated.


Which soundtrack do you like?

Was SUCH A GOOD BOOK! Shame the movie was a steaming lump of turd

What's it like being 12?

Watches at 0 $?

Agreed, saw it in the theatre when I was 8, crazy father took me see it, scarred me for years after, honorable mention. To day of the dead, lacked in story, kicked ass on gore.props Savini


Check em'

Yep, I same fagged it


>doesn't know what a strawman is either
Kys plz

>what's the best zombie move?
>I dunno but this one sucked
>hee hee /thread
Yeah no. /thread doesn't just mean you agree with something.