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How do you personally deal with panic attacks?

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Depends war situations are causing them?

I've always had anxiety issues, but only recently started having the panic attacks out of the blue, seemingly from nowhere, even if I don't feel overly anxious beforehand

> I don't get them


Medication. Works 100%, costs about 20 bucks a year, no side effects.

Weed gives me panic attacks.

i like a little meth in my weed to counter the anxiety

What are your panic attacks triggered by?
If you can pinpoint what causes them (in the direct sense), you can come come to terms with and learn to deal with the problem.

act like nothing is even happening even though im being torn apart inside


Desensitization helps. My therapist took me to a gym once, and he'd make me run laps around it until my heart rate started rising. Then he'd make me aware of all the similar bodily sensations between panic attacks and physical activity - heart rate, breathing rate, sweat, etc.

After a while, I learned through experience that the actual feeling of having a panic attack is completely harmless. Even though you KNOW it, you need to force your body to LEARN it.

been having them since I was 8. I usually just have a shit, or read a book and by the time I'm finished I'm good.

Alcohol. Fuck yeah.

Huh, that sounds pretty good

Got a female friend (yeah, friendzoned) with borderline disorder who gets those. Can be triggered by pretty much anything negative.

She climbed on a low hanging branch for a picture, saw ants on it, she hates bugs - triggered.
Got a ticket for drinking in public - triggered (looks on cops faces were priceless)
She had a dream we had a car crash, then we're driving somewhere, 2 ambulances pass by - triggered (actually almost made us have an accident then, fuck)

Can't be helped from the outside. She says she just doesnt fight those anymore, just tries to control the body to avoid any harm and waits for it to pass.

Go home, drink until I pass out or puke.

Even more harmful in the long run.

I guess I go into a quiet place

Your female friend sounds like a cultural Marxist. Does she paint her hair weird colours and does she complain constantly?

walk in the nature, go outside and relax

anti-depressant meds

when having an attack breath only a little bit and exhale

when i had the major motherfucking panic attack of my life everything triggered it: hunger, if i ate too much, cat looked at me, ...

>cat looked at me

Yeah man.

>Psychology > drugs

Especially for things like anxiety and depression. Psychological interventions receive far more research and testing, have no side-effects, and teach you how to deal with mental problems instead of forcing you to rely on drugs that will be taken away from you at some point.

I was helped by a fellow Sup Forumsrother once and I'll pass the message along to you guys now.

Start naming the sounds you hear.
If that doesn't work, start naming the smells you hear or the sights you see.

It sounds silly but it has derailed a few attacks for me if you try it. Instead of focusing on what is causing your panic, stop and focus on the sounds you hear. Pick out one sound and identify what it is (humming fridge, fan, cars, anything, no matter where you are. Try and identify every sound, sight and smell until your panic attack has subsided.

It's suprisingly effective at shifting one's attention when one does not shift attention easily (ADHD fag here). This method has helped me a bunch of times and I recommend anyone with panic or anxiety attacks to at least try it.

This is true. Any anti-anxiety medication I've ever taken has made me feel like fucking shit. Yeah they helped me with the anxiety itself, but the side effects had me worse off.

Just the complaining part. But no, she would be the very opposite of a marxist.

No way this works with serious panic. I say benzos are great. Valium and shit.

Thanks fella, I'll remember this one

>20bucks a year

Just last night, I discovered a new trick, if you would call it that.

So, every night, while falling asleep, I've been having, or on the brink of having, a panic attack.

I've realized that if I think of a deep fetish, I'll start getting a boner, and all anxiety, the panic attack, goes away.

Panic attacks at home for me are no where near as severe as when I'm in public.

No shame in rocking a boner in public, user. Especially if you get some compression shorts to wear as underwear, your boner will remain hidden.

This may sound ulta gay in some parts but give it a chance.

First of train your general awareness. Be Mindful of little things you see, hear and feel. In that order. Count those things conciously. 5 for each.
Do this regularly, it's gonna be a help.
Next thing in the build up and during a panic attack is do the same thing. Not to distract yourself but to be concious during the attack so you remain in charge enough to let it happen in a more controlled manner.
Make yourself aware that a panic attack is something you experienced before and that it did go away eventually. It's not gonna be a permanent state, it's not gonna escalate beyond some insane point you cannot even imagine. You know the procedure and you decide yourself to let it happen and subside eventually without pressure.

I sort of learned to ignore it and it goes away. For specific situations like public presentations I use inderal and for airplane travel I use diazepam

You dumb idiot have no idea what a panic attack is.
You americans always have every single mental illness out there, but you never need any medication. It's funny cause i had real panic attacks that really made my life shit cause i couldnt do anything outside of my house (meet ppl, buy things, etc.). IT took my 3 month of stationary therapy and a shoppingbag full of pills until i could ride a bus again and you motherfuckers are talking jerking your dick against panic... there is a difference between light tenseness and panic.

I don't deal with them personally. I occasionally use email or text messaging but I refer to go through an intermediary.

During the attack when you conciously step into the panic circle, you can alter one of its steps, like in this example your own awareness and thoughts. Subsequently you may notice that the other reactions become more calm, which again will give you a positive feedback on your thoughts. You're then stepping out of this circle.
Give it some time to fade and you'll be good to go after a while.

this. it's basically gradual exposure. you fear something like public speaking, so you do it more and more until it doesn't get to you. shit works like a charm

Terrible advice. Noticing more shit just makes the panic attack worse. I've tried this bullshit "just meditate bro" when having a panic attack, and it made it worse, sevenfold

I jack off or cry myself to sleep or both.

Shut the fuck up, crybaby.

Pretty sure my shit is a panic attack. We don't need meds like you becuase us americans aren't little pussies like the rest of the world e.g. you.

It's not meditation and it's not "noticing more", it's being aware of your situation.
The awareness training beforehand is done during calm times and it helps you to be more aware of your feelings before the panic attack strikes with full force.
It's not terrible advice, you just have a terrible comprehension.

These are good and legitimate advice you'd get from therapists.
OP should read some more about the "circle of panic", the body reactions to it and the stress curve.
Basically sit it out and be aware that the sensations cannot harm you and will go away. Be concious about that.

"noticing more" is mindfulness, which is trained with meditation. Also, you know there are countless meditations performed throughout the world's history, and not just in Asia right? "noticing more" is meditation. And that doesn't work for me, but maybe it helps others.

I usually excuse myself from the situation if possible. Just a quick exit to the bathroom will do. If you are alone, or in a situation where exiting would create a disturbance, what I usually do is focus on breathing.

Specifically, belly breathing helps me. Allow you ab muscle and belly to relax, and take a slow deep breath, almost as if your filling your belly with air.

Alternatively, you can utilize the 4-7-8 method.
>Breathe in for 4 seconds
>Hold for 7 seconds
>Exhale for 8 seconds

Just as an aside question, do you experience and derealization (a feeling that one's surroundings are not real, especially as a symptom of mental disturbance) or depersonalization (Depersonalization can consist of a detachment within the self regarding one's mind or body, or being a detached observer of oneself. Subjects feel they have changed and that the world has become vague, dreamlike, less real, or lacking in significance) when the attacks occur?


Weed can cause even more panic attacks. At least in my case

Well, I've been studying Stoicism and CBT for a few years. I've noticed my mind is a lot calmer in regards to anxiety/panic attacks.

Also, I used to drink like a pot of coffee every morning. Don't do shit like this. Keep caffeine intake low.

>I'm pretty sure i have panic attacks
No you have autism. When having a panic attack i'd argue 99% of ppl couldnt even jerk their dicks. You are so full of fucking adrenalin that it wouldnt work, even if you could somehow manage to get your brain working again (cause you know you cant think things like "ok i need to fap now" , because the only thought constantly repeated is "escape". ) most ppl couldnt just lie in their beds with a panic attack. Seriously amphetamin or cocaine is a fucking joke compared to panic when it comes to keep you moving.
I mean why wouldnt you even lay in your bed when you are sweating like a pig and shivering, unable to think or speak a clear sentence. Panic is something that your brain does when it wants you to emidiatly ESCAPE an situation, not lie down and fap. You are an idiot. Dont diagnose yourself, see a fucking doctor you mongrel.

That's complete bullshit. When I have panic attacks, my mind races, but I am able to remain still - most people probably wouldn't even notice I was having one.

Though, you are right, seeing a doctor is always the right way to get a diagnosis.

Nope. Check mate, atheists

I remove myself from whatever situation is causing it.
If im at work and something stresses me out to the point of a full blown panic attack, I take five to ten minutes to sit outside and calm down. I then go right back to work. Usually works fairly well. Unfortunately is happening more and more often which means I can't really take the time for the break as often as it happens which is leading to it happening even more often which leads to a vicious cycle that is slowly making me hate my job, interaction with people in general, and I've been so stressed out that my hair is falling out in clumps and I'm visibly going bald starting from the forehead. I cant go to a doctor about it, last time I tried they put me on an antidepressant but I'm not depressed so all it did was make me depressed and have crazy side effects so I stopped taking it cold turkey due to the horrible side effects wether you taper or not. So I said fuck it if I'm ganna have the side effects of rather have them for a shorter time.
>Tl;Dr: I don't, OP. They get worse by the day because the reality is I can't seperate myself from the stress causing the panic attacks.

>unnoticable panic attack
What is your autonomic nervous system doing then? I mean every single humans bloodpressure will rise when panicing, also unless you you are botox treated you'll start to sweat and shiver. You can try to act cool but it's rediculous cause everyone who has a minimal amount of empathy can see it, even if you dont run around screaming. But i never saw anybody being like "oh shiit i have a panicattack i'll lay down in a bed" this is shit you do to lower your tensionlevel to prevent an actual attack from happening.

Just realize that no matter what your brain is telling you, no matter what substance you're on or how much you do of it, no matter how sedentary you are, you cannot give yourself a heart attack or a stroke.

Have you noticed you can't visualize images in your head as well as you used to be able to? Work on that, your child version of yourself had a very powerful tool for fighting anxiety, and that's imagination. Visualize a beach, force yourself to do it, and you'll notice your stress melt away.

As far as racing thoughts, think of thoughts as a short audio MP3 clip. You listen to pop music when you want to feel happy, you listen to metal or hard rock when you want to feel aggressive, you need to hear good thoughts when you want to feel good. When you continue having negative thoughts, it's like being in a room with people mocking you endlessly, wouldn't that make you feel like shit? So why let it happen with your own mind? You can't keep torturing your brain and setting a tone/vibe of you being a shit person. Just work on silencing the thoughts that set a miserable tone, and build some thoughts that are positive. This will help you say fuck it when you start freaking out. That's basically what meditation is and why it helps people with anxiety.

Also smoking weed and dealing with the panic attacks it brings up can cure it. You can literally smoke yourself to the other side. If none of this appeals to you, just get on Zoloft.

Jesus Christ you're insecure as fuck, lol.

I don't have them. Mostly because I'm not weak. If you have a problem, maybe try dealing with it rather than sitting around worrying about it.

Don't think that's how I would describe mine. What I notice most is every last bit of energy in my body just vanishes, making me very shaky and weak, everything looks like a flash.


this method seems like it holds water, however;
my first thought is that is literally autism in action.
>looking around and panicking, wild eyed
>start naming sounds
>"cat meow. bird chirp. car vroom"

Also, check these damn quads.

Yeah okay dude. The word autism has lost on meaning with you retards.

>I'm not weak

I would love to beat the ever loving fuck out of you. Arrogant and ignorant.

thats fine mane. I enduced mine 10 years ago
from 7g of magic mushrooms.
its taken nearly this entire 10 years to learn to just take them as they come, but a little direction can help out.

Never leaving your house, having mother goose buy all your food, no job to go to. Of course you've no reason to have panic attacks.

Sorry man, that's just not true. People react to panic attacks in different ways. It's probably true the first panic attack someone has, they end up freaking out, because they have absolutely no idea what is happening. Many people believe they are dying, so of course they are going to be freaking out.

But once you know you aren't going to die, and that it will pass, it's possible to get through it with minimal disruption to those around you.

>everyone who has a minimal amount of empathy can see it

Totally agree, but that's assuming they are paying attention to you. I remember being in an Abnormal Psychology class in college, and that day we were talking about panic attacks and anxiety. Listening to the description and symptoms of a panic attack actually caused my to have one. I was in the middle of a class, and probably became a bit fidgety - but nothing very extreme. No one seemed to notice, so I assume it wasn't noticeable.

Have you experienced panic attacks before?

Take lavender and put it into a paper towel. Breath the lavender through the towel. Lavender works instantly on anxiety. Much better than pills that make you feel like you're dead. Best part is that it's cheap.

I bet you wish you could stop having panic attacks too.

>Pretty sure my shit is a panic attack

You really can't be pretty sure you're having a panic attack. It's legitimately like you've just done drugs. Terrible, terrible drugs. I often compare the panic attacks I used to get as like being very drunk. The room spins, you get warm, you feel heavy. Then there's the actual panicking.

If you mean ONLY visually like you're really drunk, I kind agree.

and again, it's not about noticing more, but general awareness to have it when you are in the situation of a panic attack. meditation is not mere "noticing more", and you have no idea what you're talking about.

I did years ago. Now I like to share things that helped me, and here you are.

Also if you're still under 20 you're almost certainly going to have them too. Remember me when you do.

By not having them

it helps to remember you are not worth the effort to panic.

Speak for yourself.

Back to /r9k/

If I had to make a guess, and it is a guess since I don't know anyone fucked up enough to worry themselves to the point where their body can't handle the stress anymore, I would think that the basement dwellers would be more susceptable to panic attacks. I would assume that they lack the coping skills required to deal with adversity and would not make any attempt to gain them. Instead they would sit around sniffing lavender.

Well yeah, but only if they ever had to make social contact like going to the shop, which they rarely do.

>How do you personally deal with panic attacks
by not getting them because panic attacks are for women and weak men

>I don't know anyone fucked up enough to worry themselves to the point where their body can't handle the stress anymore

Big words on the internet.

You talking shit about lavender motherfucker?

Look at your statement, then look at the image you have saved to your PC. Can you see the problem?

>almost certainly

Not even close.

You just have to learn to pick up the advice regardless of the shit that comes with it. Here, user is alerting you to the power of "mind over matter."He thinks he is not worth it, therefore, he isn't.

You can just variate it in a non self deprecating way, and use your mind to stifle your panic.


I've never had one. In intense situations (which happens with some frequency in my career) I sort of turn robotic/mechanical. Any emotions I process later, after the intense period has passed. This is likely due to a childhood where I had to hide any emotions to avoid being taken advantage of by stronger and/or more manipulative siblings and unsupportive parents.

That is clearly not how he meant it lmao.

People who suffer panic attacks are a tiny minority. That's not a bold claim.

I've seen many tough, stoic men brought down by slowly creeping alcoholism.

>saving porn means you're a weak man
i don't see the problem, and don't you have a trap thread you need to be in

>by not getting them because panic attacks are for women and weak men

Actually, just like Fry from Futurama, you simply lack the necessary mental function to become susceptible to being attacked by the brain. Ignorance is bliss.

If you're not sure, just look up any scholarly article comparing IQ and anxiety. You're literally too stupid to have panic attacks.

>don't you have a trap thread you need to be in

He's already forgotten the image he posted, lol.

I'm sure you have. But this isn't a thread about drinking.

It's a man, baby.

>better food
>don't smoke pot every day

Why are you using statistics from the general populace when you're almost certainly a NEET since you're on Sup Forums? What a silly thing to post.

It's a counterpoint to his statement. Incel neckbeards might be more likely to have panic attacks, but I've seen what traditionally masculine men do to quietly deal with their anxiety and fear, and it gets them bad in the end.

that's a women my dudes. goes by the name wetladyjoy on chaturbate

>vague appeals to authority

Going to have to pick one, Professor.

I workout daily, eat well, and don't smoke weed. I still get panic attacks on occasion. Everyone is different.

>Scientific papers are now appeals to authority

Holy fuck please stop you're killing me