When are we raiding this fat fuck?

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Do you really think he's willfully fat as fuck? These types of people eat because it's the only thing that gives them pleasure in their lives.

Also, he has a good point, if you actually watch the video. Healthcare should be free. Nobody should lose their newborn all because the baby was born with a birth defect and they can't pay for the surgery that would save his/her life.

Oh god, is he really eating mayo straight out of the can?

Yes hes willfully fat, no ones shoving food down his throat. It still takes consciousness to move his fat hand to his fat mouth. Its not a matter of wanting, its a matter of doing, and he does not.

>Healthcare should be free.
>Competent skilled doctors should work for shit wages.
Fixed it for you.

I've been fat, I've been skinny, I've been jacked and let me tell you this: It's your choice to be obese.

So go write them a check and pay for the baby to get surgery. While you're there pay for the other 1000 people that need surgery.

Take a trillion out of the militarys budget, bam.

Free healthcare and well paid doctors.

>>Competent skilled doctors should work for shit wages.
>Fixed it for you.

They arent exclusive points. only ameritards dont understand that. The rest of the developed world has decent healthcare for a fraction of the cost.

Most doctors only became doctors because of the pay. The competent skilled doctors would do it for shit wages because it's their passion. 99% of doctors are shit tier.

Let me put it this way. With these people, it's either eat the food that makes you happy, or kill yourself. Not surprising they would eat the food that makes them happy, except they are kinda picking a slow death instead of a fast one.

Fucking exactly. How do people not understand this?

Probably because the US military budget is only about 600 million.

So, y'know, a trillion dollars out of it would basically defund the entire thing.

600 Billion I mean.

Then they should fucking kill themselves.
People who hold themselves hostage to get what they want are awful.

all for a raid.

this guy has had heaps of help from all sorts of people. Some other youtuber even invited this guy to live with him, changed the shower door to fit the fat fucker and he still is fat.

>When are we raiding this fat fuck?

You want to raid a guy that was around pre-Sup Forums, back when Something Awful was the hotspot, and was also part of Sup Forums itself for most of his youth?

What the fuck would that even do, he knows this place more than you do and how to systematically ignore anything that you might do to him.

Do you kids even know anything of the history of this place and the people that interacted with it before you actually joined this shithole?

Let's organize a raid on his youtube. Good at making pics? Operation: Gastric Bypass, removing the gorilla from YouTube by baiting him into looking like a jackass and getting his subscribers to unsubscribe.

>Sup Forums used to be so much better waaaah

Who gives a fuck what the history if this place is? It's a website, not a country. I'm not going to turn the page to 116 to learn about Boogie2988's past with Sup Forums.

It's 'Lose' you massive fucking cunt

Okay, then a few billion should do it, right?

No its not, and you fucking know it. Stop being so melodramatic, youre treating them as children. Theyre fucking adults, they can go without food for a couple of hours every day

It's not about the site being better or worse, you lobotomized baboon.
It's about trying to raid a guy that knows you, and knows the ins and out of this place and how it works.
It's impossible to raid someone that is already familiar with Sup Forums.

Doctors get payed well in Canada and it's free

While I agree with you, there are people who think the military should be as strong as it is today, and they might just as well ask "why not take a few billion out of healthcare to make the military stronger"

Unless proof he has no past with us and everyone here hates him. His wife is BLACKED and he pretends he doesn't have a bull to the normal person.

Maybe because our military is already sucking all of the money dry?

You guys should see how hated he is on

What seems easy to you isn't easy for everybody.

Again, other people value a stronger military. You cant just say "they drain money" when there are people who want that money to just go to the military.

And again, I agree with you, less military.

No, it wouldn't. There are 350 million people registered to reside in the USA. Even if everyone only used 5 dollars a year that would be over 2 billion in coverage. This type of thinking is juvenile, healthcare can't be free, especially in USA.

>Unless proof he has no past with us
It's on his channel, he said he used to go on Sup Forums in his youth.
You don't seem to understand: you can't raid someone that understands how Sup Forums works.

What are you gonna do, flood the comments calling him a cuck?
Do you really think he gives a shit, he makes money off exploiting people's sympathy towards him, he doesn't really give a shit about anything at this point.

You can't really cut off his source of income (the viewers), if you start controversy surroinding him he's just gonna have yet another resurgence of popularity.
This guy has been around since basically when YT itself started, he knows all the tricks to keep a solid amount of followers, he knows how to exploit people, and systematically ignore trolling, he's been doing this shit for years and years.

What the fuck can you even do to him?

Its not fucking easy for me, I went down 25 kg over a year. It was tough, but every day I did a little bit of work. Its just about doing it, and yes its gonna be hard. Stop giving excuses, fatboy

This. Op is a faggot that's probably been here for maybe a year tops.

This fatass faggot asks 4.5million people to pay his hospital bill WHICH IS HIS OWN FUCKING FAULT and the last thing I can think of is having the FUCKING CHILDREN and caring adults pay for his fat fucking arse.

"Oi mum, can I help out my favorite youtube subscriber stay alive?"
"... of course, johnny"

I've been here since 2010 man

Its free in lots of places you moron. Free to use anyway obviously tax money pays for it, but its still a much better system than "cant afford pill given away everywhere else" *dies*

The USA isn't "lots of places" and i'm thankful for it.

I think we're more thankful we're not like you

>ya'll posting in a troll thread lol

/fit/ FUCKING HATES boogie

Let the Operation Commence mates...

You have to learn alot to become a doctor so i'd be pissed tot if i could've been selling burgers at mcdonalds and make the same money.

You are the cancer crowd. Sorry to break it to ya.

Not at all mate. Moving on... here's his BULL


>Hey giuse let's do this.
>We re lejon.
Raids were for lulz not for politics. This wouldn't be funny enough by far.
Go to Sup Forumsyou'll have more luck with the reddit fresh cunts there

Yeah, but look where he is now. Actually caring about his body and not wanting to kill himself. In fact is actively happy and has people that like him around. Though he is moreso the exception, not the rule.
He does advocate against fat people because he also knows it was his fault in the end.


I don't even care if it's bait, people talking like this hurt too read. "C'mon gang, we can do this! Let's show em!" You don't have friends here, just peers, if even that.

That's fair, a New born shouldn't have to die.

But this fat fuck was once a New Born, if he was born fat I would then say he needed surgery free, he was born thin... and THEN made himself a fat fuck.

HE gets nothing.

Trillion taken from Military budget, another nation sees a chance to strike at us, what good is healthcare if we're attacked daily due to a weaken military?

If food is the only thing keeping you from killing yourself you have a weak mind and need to get help.

>Do you really think he's willfully fat as fuck

there is a movie called FIT TO FAT AND BACK where the guy purposefully gains 100 pounds and then loses it. He proves it's just fucking will power and determination. But people like you say that obesity is a disease and drugs are a disease... NO THEY'RE NOT! THEY'RE A FUCKING CHOICE PERIOD.

Move more eat less, it's fucking simple. Get some god damn will power you pathetic fucks.

The problem is everybody thinks they need food. Not true:

There are many well documented cases of people going incredibly long with out food and being incredibly healthier having done so. The perpetuated myth that we need to eat all of the time is corporate bs, like we need diamonds if we really love our wives, etc. etc.

You are fat because you're addicted to food. Break that addiction and you will be skinny. Best way to break that addiction is stop eating. I'm up to 3 week water fasts and never felt better.

Are you actually retarded?

I doubt name calling will make them change.

Is your middle name gullible?

Fat fuck detected.

I know I know I know you're a victim. Keep shoveling food down your throat and become even more disgusting.

>drug addiction
>not a disease
stopped reading there

He did the 382 day fast in a hospital with doctors monitoring him the whole time. There are more cases than that one too. You sound like the gullible one and maybe instead of ad hominem attacks that show me how stupid you really are you could manage to try and prove me wrong with evidence. Because you sound really fucking dumb to me. And probably fat and in denial. "but but i have to eat"

it was for a charity stream and donators demanded it. he vomited all over the place.

Nope, hes eating it out of the jar.

He had vitamins the whole time and the amount of fat he lost was immense. he DID have the basics of food. Now if he had extended that fast another year he would have started running into massive health problems

If you think drug addiction is a disease you're dumb. It's will power. I know because I was in a bad car accident and was on everything, percocet, methadone, morphine etc. I quit doing them all after 15 years. It was hard but with WILLPOWER I was able to quit, nothing else. The only disease you millenials have is pussification. Pathetic fatties all playing the disease victimization bs. I bet you've never even counted a calorie in your life you fat fuck.

He wasn't on vitamins the whole time, only after 5 months or so and the only supplement he was on at first was sodium. There are countless people that go months all of the time you can look them up. My point though is that you dont "need" to eat every time you get hungry and in fact you can go months to years and be healthier from it. I'm trying to say fat people need to stop making excuses and come to terms with their addiction if they ever want to beat it.

Anyone else trying to lose weight here? My heaviest that i know was 252 (I'm 6'2"). I have been exercising when i can (when weather permits) and trying to eat better for 6 months now. I weighed myself yesterday topped out at 230 lbs. I'm not going to lie i still miss just sitting down snd destroying a bag of chips. Not sure i will ever actually like eating broccoli, cauliflower or carrots as a snack. Anyone else doing the same? Any advice? I would like to hear your stories as i haven't really talked to anyone about this. Will i just get used to not eating shit and start craving the aforementioned healthy snacks?

Apologies if I'm not dialed in to the whoever is the fat fuck of the month, but who the fuck is this?


Good for you. Keep it up! I remember when I started counting calories and was like holy shit this candy bar is 300 calories?! I can eat 3 salads or even a big hamburger for that much. I'm trying to lose my weight slowly but surely. Now I gain and lose weight a lot depending on what I feel like. I peaked at 260, I'm around 230 now. Feels good. I would like to get to 200 in the next 6 months.

He might be a fat fuck but you're a dumbfuck. Water fasting is stupid as fuck, slow down your metabolism and doesn't fix the core problem, fuck off that shit and eat correctly to start with


if you are trying to get in shape you should watch this. Pretty motivational. You will notice the fat girl in it refuses to even try. It's a willpower thing.

fuck you

this planet does not need any more weak fucks living of the backs of the strong

Babies are literally born fat though.


yeah, im tired of faggots like you leaching off my hardwork, start a suicide cult rid yourselves of our of my planet

thin the herd

Yeah I have stopped snacking and eating smaller dinners
Shit fucking hurt for about 2 fucking months untill I stopped actually craving the shit

Lol yeah. I just found out about him abiut a year ago. Guess he has been making YouTube videos for some time now

Water fasting has great benefits. It doesn't slow your metabolism down as much as you think. Your metabolism is pretty much a reflection of how much muscle you have to feed. You can fast without losing almost any muscle or to the pint its minimal.

Also IT DOES fix many of the core problems.

1. It gets you over your mental dependence of eating
2. It shrinks your stomach and reduces your tolerance to the chemicals in your body that trigger you to realize you are full
3. It gets your body used to burning it's stored fats instead of only handling new calories

Water fasting is the healthiest thing you could do really. I notice my skin cleared up and I'm starting to look younger. Of course you have to so it in steps and do your research so you do it right.

this planet does not need any more retards either, but I don't see you running to the nearest bridge.

need to make a snack


What a bad example of a human.. I hope nobody looks up to this guy. You will feel so much better if you eat better and you dont need your stomach chopped and stitched up to eat less ffs.

The 50's are a thing of the past, granpa.

There's no Soviet Union after you anymore.

"another nation sees a chance to strike at us"


i understand what your saying and agree that skipping out on a meal is good sometimes. io myself live mostly on delicious delicious juice.

Kek not him, but you made an astute observation. Why are boomers+ incapable of reassessing the political world stage? I know a bunch of us millenials are absolutely retarded, but at least a good portion of us dont have a static perception and have the ability to hit the refresh button on our world views.

>Do you think these people are willfully poor, sick, fat
No. Unless retarded they have full control over their choices. Yes being poor is a choice in 2017. Fat and sick too unless some rare shit condition.

This fat fuck always talks but never does.

>Yes being poor is a choice in 2017
Meh depends where you live, what condition you are in, and who you know really. I've been poor a few times in life and had no choice. Drugs and obesity are 100% in your control though.