I was a child prodigy and my IQ is rated at four sigmas, meaning it's higher than 99.98% of the general population...

I was a child prodigy and my IQ is rated at four sigmas, meaning it's higher than 99.98% of the general population. I have no friends and live in isolation and destitution. I can't keep a job to save my life. I can extemporize on everything from existentialism to zoology, but I am completely incapable of chit-chat and small talk, which means no one wants to spend more than ten minutes in my presence.

I've noticed that when I contribute to a thread anywhere on Sup Forums, I am completely ignored. My suspicion is that it's because Sup Forums celebrates anti-intellectualism and is filled with subnormals whose Dunning-Kruger confidence makes them feel superior to anyone with actual expertise.

Ask me anything.

Other urls found in this thread:


go to the xkcd irc rooms. they are filled with people like you

Well, you're certainly not high up on the humbleness scale.
Also, if you were so smart, why haven't you learned to cope with your emotions and talk to people? Surely, it's not harder than doing trial and error. Maybe you are smart, but nobody who is "99.98 smarter than the general population" is going to fucking suck at socializing and not being able to at least put on a confident vibe.

So yeah. Geniuses may be not that good at socializing when they are brilliant in regards to one specific sphere of their lives, but someone who is "99.98%" smarter than the rest of us is bound to not be lonely or a boring dumb faggot with zero confidence or acting skills.

I sure did take the bait, didn't I? Fuck you, troll, nobody gives a fuck about the shitty threads you make on Sup Forums all day.

Also, to add to my previous comment, if somehow OP really was this smart then he should prove it by stating something none of us know. Something interesting that would set you apart from the rest of the population.

Otherwise I call bullshit.

The noted Christian thrologian, Charles Spurgeon, wrote: "Humility is to make a right estimate of oneself." It's not humble to hide one's light under a bushel. I know both my strengths and my weaknesses and my willingness to accept both is one of the things lesser lights -- such as yourself -- interpet as arrogance.

And I am perfectly capable of mimicking what you would regard as ordinary behaviour; I just see no point in it, and so I don't. When I say I'm incapable of small talk, I mean that it goes fundamentally against my identity.

See, this is a good example of Dunning-Kruger in action. Somehow you've decided that intelligence consists in memorizing a bunch of facts. That's not intelligence, that's a set of encyclopedia. Or a smartphone. Real intelligence is the ability to synthesize new information, arriving at surprising conclusions from the integration of disparate fields of knowledge. People generally regarded as "geniuses" (you'll note I've avoided using that term because I think it's essentially meaningless) are almost inevitably polymaths.


that ain't a measurement of intellect, son. IQ or lose

also you probably have narcissistic personality disorder

Well, man, I guess what I am interpreting from what you're saying, is that you just don't like putting in the effort because you feel like people are boring.
Which is true. Maybe I was a bit mean to you. My advice would be for you to not give a fuck until maybe you find someone interesting enough to put in that energy and get to know them.

I guess what I wanted to say previously was that you, of all, people should know that we're all truly alone in this life. In our heads. So accept it.

Maybe you should get gud skrub

>too smart for this world
>so smart I'm broke and homeless

You should end your life faggot.

Sigmas refers to the number of standard deviations. My intelligence was rated at sigma 4, meaning it is four standard deviations from the norm. A number attached to an IQ is meaningless without the context of the specific test used.

Sure, I know very well what my life has to be like, given my nature and the nature of the world. The fact that I can see it and understand it makes no difference. I often feel like Cassandra, able to see more than everyone else and completely ignored not in spite of this but because of it.

yeah basically

do you like it up the butt?

If youre so smart why havent you realised that IQ means nothing. Also do you understand that because you are unable to make friends, that in a way makes you stupid. Life isnt just about books or test, sometimes friends are the most important thing

Intelligence isn't your problem

Being a gaping asshole is.

Work on that.

I'm asexual, aromantic, and anhedonic. I don't think I've ever actually experienced what people refer to as "pleasure." For many years I thought I understood what the word meant, but I eventually came to realize that what I think of as pleasure, others regard as intellectual curiosity or intense interest or emotional engagement. People talk about the feeling of "fun" from, for example, using an intoxicant; I've consumed alcohol until I've passed out without any change in my behaviour and no alteration in feeling other than nausea and dizziness.

This thread needs some memes

You should drink til you stop being an asshole and/or smart


being too smart can be a curse when you feel you are above 99,98% of the populace in intelligence. My question is, what the fuck are you going to do with that intelligence? if you don't use it for something that is beneficial to you, then it's probably wasted and you could just be without it. I am of a little over avarage IQ, and i don't really wanna be more than that. i have friends that are way above, and they are so bad at socializing that i chuckle everytime i see them try, but i really like them as a person so i don't really care.



Sup Forums ignores and ridicules autism.

Connect the dots, egghead.

If you are so smart, riddle me this

Florn cakes

oh so you're a faggot

There's that anti-intellectualism to which I was referring. You figure because I don't want to chat about last night's episode of My Little Pony or the awesome weed I scored or make meaningless mouth noises that I must be uppity and a giant neeeerrrrrrrrrrd. I've been surrounded by subnormals like you for my entire life, and not wanting to be around you and not finding you even slightly interesting doesn't make me an asshole -- it just makes me lonely.


Well, OP, just be content with the fact that you can't help what you are and just do your best to find happiness. That's really all anyone can do in this life.

I'm not anti intellectualism I'm anti-assholes who shit up Sup Forums

If you're smart you tackle social deficiencies like you tackle any other problem. It may not come naturally, but you learn what to do to socialize.
Also I took the bait.

He could kill himself. That'd be bretty guud


>I just see no point in it, and so I don't
Then why create a thread about how you get ignored? Clearly it bothers you.

Dump your memes

All the thread is good for


God the fucking edge, maybe no one speaks to you because you're a fucking dick and not because they're scared of muh iq.

If by some fucking miracle you aren't some anime faggot make shit up to feed your superiority complex then know that you do need to fucking humble yourself, it doesn't matter how intelligent you are you just can't see yourself as better than everyone else. That shit ruined me. There are people who know more than you and there are subjects people know more than you in, even if it is something completely pointless.

You aren't better than people because you can quote some fucking austrian neurologists who probably wanted to fuck his mum. Maybe if you didn't try to psycho-analyse everyone you wouldn't get this much shit.


The black kid had a dad?


Your self proclaimed IQ doesn't mean shit. At the end of the day the only thing that gets anything done is your actions. With such an attitude of self superiority you'll never succeed. There's something to be learned from everyone. Even people you see as lesser can teach you something in one way or another. Self desire for constant improvement is crucial to get where you want to be in life.

When I was nine, the school board did city-wide testing to find the 20 brightest children for a special, experimental, open-concept class. We were the best and brightest of our generation. A few years ago I contacted the teacher of that class to ask if he'd followed any of us. He had. He said almost to a one, we were unemployed or doing menial labour, and, like me, many of us had bouts of homelessness.

Having an extremely superior intelligence is viciously punished by our culture. Some of it is deliberate, but there are also systemic tests in place to make sure that people aren't too creative or too free-thinking before they're rewarded with money or power or authority.

There was an interesting case a few years back in Teaneck, New Jersey, in which a man was rejected from the police department for having an IQ which was too high. He sued them and lost the case (the judge ruling that it's perfectly legal to discriminate on the basis of intelligence) but one of the interesting things to come out of that case during testimony is that the average IQ of a police officer across the US is 106, and that they avoid hiring people with high intelligence because they question orders and think for themselves.

I know, shocked me too

Op, figure that one out, Einstein

Yeah the narcissism seems about right, narcissists are usually quite intelligent anyway so it fits.


like the world's smartest dude is Christopher Langan and he hasn't done shit with his life because he's really bad at interpersonal relationships


>having a high intelligence gets punished in society

End your life, faggot

>I'm smart at everything
>except people, the easiest thing

fucking every time. You supposedly so super intelligent, but you can't figure out shallow, easily predictable people.

Are you lazy? Socialising and making friends takes effort. A lot of clever people I know have never needed to do an honest days work at school, so they grow to become lazy people. Why specifically can't you keep jobs?


I was curious to see whether the rabid anti-intellectualism would result in the formation of a wolfpack to drive off the scary rogue monkey. It did. Itch scratched. This is how I spend my time now.

Cause he's an asshole

Listen to Kavinsky's Nightcall

give/show/write the proof that the the sum of all natural numbers is -1/12
after that we can go for the harder stuff

I agree with this man, just do a shit ton of drugs until you fix your personality disorder or your iq. Either one works, I recommend going between softer stuff like weed and alcohol and then taking a leap into more extreme shit. Dmt, lsd, shrooms if that's too much for you.

>I was merely pretending

I'm sure. I'm sure you should end your life for being an asshole

speak american you moran

I guess emotional intelligence trumps logical intelligence

>Having an extremely superior intelligence is viciously punished by our culture.

Worse: This is not new. Tom Nichols' "The Death of Expertise" is only one book on the subject of "why do Americans hate smart people". Asimov had an essay on the subject decades ago.

Not being able to figure them out and being unable to stand them are two very different things

Well seeing as he's homeless and broke and I'm not, seems to fit.

But hell, I'm not stigma, I mean sigma, four

99.99 here, and I can assure you that your IQ has nothing to do with your social problems. Now, your TYPE of intelligence certainly does. You sound smart enough to know about multiple intelligences. I'll guess you are analytical and more math-minded? That's usually the case for thise with high IQ's that don't excell in the social domain. My highest scores are in social test domains, and I'm not gifted at math.
Still, I always did well in math because it is a skill, and being smart in general helps in all acquisition and development.
Social interaction is a skill, just like math, and takes work and practice for those not naturally gifted there. I hate math, but with a little work I got good at it. You hate small talk and inane conversation, but have to get over your disdain to get better at it. Despite high social aptitude I'm pretty anti-social. I have enough close friends that I'm not interested in making more, so any interaction with non-friends is usually forced. That doesn't mean I'm not good at it, as I'm able to get a read on people quickly and know how to talk to them/What they want to hear. It's just a skill set, and one you can master. It sounds like you're aloof largely BECAUSE of your IQ, and inherent sense of intellectual superiority. This is heightened in those who are insecure, as they tend to project more of their insecurities on others, further distancing themselves emotionally. Eh, I'll stop with my armchair psychology...
TLDR: social skills are SKILLS, not just talents. Skills cam be acquired and honed by anyone. You have to want to integrate yourself socially.

i'm thinking your are a bait

if you are not , i should be a pleasure to meet you IRL , i'm not joking . i know what you feel .

Hey a smart guy who ain't an asshole.


So I was also a child prodigy. Also scored higher on iq tests than 99.8% of population. I spent my 1st through 5th grade years being taken out of school one day a week to be placed in a class of peers where we learned new problem solving skills. I was more serable with no friends. Super alienated. By the end of highschool I had given up on the special classes and picked up guitar. I also started acting dumber than I am. I'm 35 now. I smoke weed and play music. I'm a sound tech at a venue and I have more friends than almost anyone I know. Protip user: no one wants to hear how much smarter you are than them. Lower your ego, and learn an instrument. If you are as socially inept as you say this may be your only chance at friends. Worked for my anti social wife too.

Yall wanna see a banana appear?

This is a YLYL thread

is that sign for real? Gosh american are retarded.

You do realise there are good people right? Not everyone is as terrible as you just described, you just have to actually try to find those people. I can tell youve probably had a few bad experiences with other people so you gave up and built this imaginary wall between you and "them" so you can blame everyone for your social retardation and say "im to smart for them" or "im above them".

Yeah exactly. I was browsing wikipedia the other day and was like holy shit I probably have that

It ain't that I'm incapable of looking at things from someone else's point of view (aka an autist), it's that it never occurs to me because I Am The Smartest and everyone else be plebs (narcissist)

don't constantly tell your kids they're smart anons, because they grow up to be huge douchebags and don't even know it. Like OP might be the smartest dude ever but he can't land a job, a girl, or a friend, and that's not a happy life

Eyyyy a smart guy who ain't an asshole

That's two. Doubly amazing


lol you noob, my IQ is higher than 120% of the population.

Straya mate

And it was faked.


My area of expertise is language, abstract reasoning, and spatial relations. I'm actually quite poor at math. I taught myself to read and write from comic books at the age of two, and was writing cursive by four. And as I've indicated, it's not that I can't put on an act, it's that I don't see any point in doing so. Pretend to be stupid and shallow so that I can surround myself with stupid and shallow people attracted to my act? Thanks, I'd rather be lonely. Hence why I know there's no real solution. I'm going to be solitary until the end of my life because the world is the way the world is, and I am the way I am.

you are retarded

>b-b-bb-b-but muh IQ

Oh wise one, tell me your secrets.

How do I convince bailey jay to marry me?

>I'm super smart guys
>I don't need friends
>starts obvious thread baited to get responses

Kill yourself cause you are literally useless

Nice trips?
Does someone as smart as yourself appreciate repeated digits?

> filled with subnormals whose Dunning-Kruger confidence makes them feel superior to anyone with actual expertise.
Its funny because its obvious you like feeling superior too

Chunk those

>ITT one of the cleverest people anyone would ever meet comes to Sup Forums for social advice.

This is peak Sup Forums.

"The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."

Read Dostoevsky's "Notes from the Underground" sometime. The narrator is you.

Too true.
The worst mistake my parents made was telling me my IQ. That created a false sense of superiority that I rode through college. Then I matured, learned that intelligence without accomplishment is completely meaningless, and started actually using my intellect for good instead of just being content with its existence.

ihave 185 iq and yall are some retarded fags cmon start drinking or doing drugs its saturday

>not changing artistic to autistic

4/10 see me after class

Protip: downplay your intelligence, and when you do intelligent things, people will tell you you are smart. You no longer have to tell them how smart you are. It's like Scotty from star trek says. Tell them it'll take twice as long as you think it will take, so when you get it done in half the time you are a miracle worker.

Smartest nigga in the thread

Let's get high, and have fun

What about weed though? Or mushrooms? Or salvia? I think you would get a kick out of salvia.
Oh yeah i forgot, bump my thread with some smart shit? I want to keep talking to you. What makes you smart? I am still skimming the thread

also start reading fuckers we have a purpose cmon


The thread

Give me the 14 and the 88

>Learned cursive by four
Not smart enough to know cursive is a dead language

Already on it

I love Dostoevsky. I see myself in Raskolnikov too. (I'm self-aware enough to see myself in Toole's Ignatius Reilly as well.)


So fucking true. I'm pissed I had to learn that shit. I live by the mitch hedberg logic

>I just scribble and if they ask I say "that's my scribble"

psychedelic fags are gay OOOOOHHH MUH PRETTY CULERS N ALINES

i have never learned anything from psychedelics even high doses, but my iq is . you niggers with nigger level iqs probably get something from it

real men use sedatives

Sorry but no. We don't know how old OP is. Disbelieve if you like, I don't care, but I was in a similar situation and it took until I was 21 to begin to intuitively understand the role of emotions in everyday human interaction. I'd even wager OP doesn't understand what "vibe" is, I sure as hell didn't.

you sir are a master baiter

A lot of people here with 99.99 here, you'd almost think its common.

If muh iq didn't help you there I'm saying you are all full of shit.

>do lsa
>is both sedative and hallucinogenic

Is good comrade

I didn't post looking for a solution. There is none. I'm well aware that I'm not pleasant to be around, and that what I have to offer as a person isn't what the world is looking for. I'm communicating in the female sharing-experience mode rather than the male problem-solving mode. I thought some people might be curious about my life and experiences.