Sup Forums, my room mate (girl) fucking stinks and i dont what to do

Sup Forums, my room mate (girl) fucking stinks and i dont what to do.
At first i thought it was her feet. She smells like a mix of period/fish/cat piss. I actually love her. She didnt smell like that some months ago. She love to give me hugs but i can tolarate the smell. My doctor says that it could be an hormonol thing. What u think?

Btw, is not her pussy. I already smelled her panties.

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>Btw, is not her pussy. I already smelled her panties.

Nigger maybe? Coons naturally smells like that

She might do crack if there's an enexplainable cat piss smell. The rest of it could just be poor hygiene, but if there's no cat she's definitely on crack

I'm not ashamed

Try doing her laundry for her. Sounds like she's leaving her shit in the washing machine wet too long.

>Btw, is not her pussy. I already smelled her panties.

she's not on crack. her party is to drink 3 smirnoff ice.

your doc may be right. feed that bitch some yogurt

>i already smelled her panties
typical Sup Forumstard.

Then my gf is talking about a genetic disorder that can present abruptly that causes the person to absolutely reek like rot, cat piss, or fish, but that person is actually unable to smell it at all. In my experience people are more likely to be on crack though.

Again, she's not on crack. She's: 22, nursery student and white. She literally just left home if i invite her


You talk like any of those things makes her immune to the wiles of crack.

Yeah. I know
But i know what im talking about

Unless you literally spend 24 hours a day, every day with her then you don't. You don't know her.

OP here. I'm actually thinking about tell her about it from a fake ig account. I dont want to hurt her feelings

I do.

Toxicologist here OP

I'm assuming from the information you provided us that she might possibly smoke crack

It's an hormonal thing indeed. Dont lusten all this virgins

But it's probably crack tho

So neither of you work? Neither of you have hobbies that take you out of the house? You sound like some forever alone fag that doesn't want to accept the fact that she has her own life, much less that she might be fucking other people. Or doing crack.


If she doesnt wash her bras it could be rancid sweat..

Forever alone amirite xDDDDDDD
Get out of my board.

Did you tried smelling her crack pipe?

Fish odour syndrome for sure.

She may have a subaceous cyst, they can smell strange and don't hurt so she may not know she has one.

>Btw, is not her pussy. I already smelled her panties.

Same hapenned to me with one gurl i used to fuck. Its hormonal. Tell her to see a vagina doctor. Im too drunkbto remember the word

You gotta face the harsh truth OP
she fucked a nigger
forever ruined, smelly piece of meat now

Don't see any argument. Assuming you're claiming what isn't yours. Later, loser

Doctor here.

Please post a pic of her OP. I think I have the answer, but must analyze her individual anatomy to be sure.

How to spot a new faggot 101

Post pics of the stinky bitch, you faggot

It's a Saturday morning and you're already drunk?


>uses the full term new faggot, thinking it makes me look like an oldfag

Dont judge me. Alcoholism sucks


Yeh she looks she would stink

I'll be two years sober on this month.

Negreando literally means: work like a nigger. Whe your boss tells you to work a few extra hours, you say: no me negree. (Dont threat me like a nigger).

not same guy but 10 months for me

Thanks user, the more you know!

Lmao. Negreando = niggering
She's kinda cute

Well done! I dont think the cravings will ever go away for me. I stopped smoking a few months ago and that doesn't bother me but man, i could go a good drink almost anytime.

I'll post more of the smelly bitch if u guys want

3 months here. Weed was my miracle.

I had to give up weed aswell, when i ran out i turned into a maniac. I spend my cash on vidya
And holidays now.

So we universally hate nigs? I love chinks. Those yellow fuckers cantvgive a damn about nigs


Post it. I dont care. Im into smelly smells that smell


Hala madrid lol


OP here. Guess her race

I'm the opposite, can't even get alcohol past my lips anymore but still tap my shirt pocket for the phantom pack (3 1/2 years not smoking)
whoever said pot saved them same here, I can't say pot helps with not drinking or smoking (I don't think it does) but it can really help your state of mind

Caucasian, she a wop

Sniff her armpits

238% spic

That was my next guess

Looks like a typical greasy Euro chic. Protip: they all smell.

wanna se more?


my bad. read:

Go ahead

k wait


Prior crack user here

It's probably crack

I dont think she smells

OP here. I'm actually thinking about tell her about it from a fake ig account. I dont want to hurt her feelings

My opinion based in that pic: she's not on crack

Five years in October for me.
Your doin great bro, keep it up

It gets easier, bros. It's always there, but it does get easier.