Be me

>be me
>21 years old
>lost nearly all friends due to psychosis
>lots of crazy relatives
>dont want to live with psychopharmaceuticals
>dont want to live waiting for the next psychotic wave
>mum and brother just went to holidays and have the flat for my own

also: should i smoke a joint right now?
have a bit of weed, and didnt smoke for a long time now, im not used to it anymore, but it could kill my depressions, or i get paranoia again... what does Sup Forums say?

What kind of shit have you experienced in a psychosis?

Explain the emotions/thought processes etc if you could? This is a neat opportunity to get insight on the subject

Bump to give this faggot time to type if he's even responding..

No, weed is directly related to inducing psychosis. You know this already though, why are you even asking?

I swear a girl I was dating experienced psychosis

lost sense for reality and had the feeling of beeing followed by several secret services, because i dont act and think like governments want me to.
stopped using technology and money for a long time and walked a lot, in that period my brain worked on high level, felt like ultimate concentration, could convince people easily to do all type of shit...

I experience psychosis on a frequent basis. Ask me whatever

Does weed cause it? What happens in a state of psychosis?

i heard about cannabis helping psychotic people, too

when you are searching a way of getting your mind straight again after a period of traumatizing incidents, it should be a possibility, shouldnt it?

What classifies this as a psychosis as opposed to paranoia? Have you been diagnosed or is it conjecture?

It sounds to me like you simply took steps to overcome materialism and felt good about it, what makes you chock it up to a psychosis or a "ultimate concentration" ?

Neat, could you describe your experiences/feelings too? I've never got the chance to talk to somebody who experiences this

my brother used to be psycho-effective meaning he has psychotic lapses when he smokes pot, but he says he's fine and actually smokes pot regularily in moderation.

I lost my sense of live because of this, how do you live with it? can i ask you in which country youre living?

meant to reply to this guysorry man

"hearing" is different from scientific evidence user, do some research and look for credible sources. Marijuana is known to induce a psychosis in those who are predisposed to it, it won't necessarily GIVE you one if you didn't already have the predisposition though.

People say it does but i've experienced it completely sober.

Sometimes I can't see myself in the mirror. I just see the wall behind me. Other times I don't know where the fuck I am or who I am for that matter. Things look different sizes. Cars look like toys if I'm having an episode while driving.

Do not listen to anyone saying weed is good for psychosis user. Do your own research, these guys are spreading dangerous misinformation.


firstly i couldnt sleep well for a long period of time (only 2-4 h a day); lost completly my sense of time, didnt eat/ drink enough, couldnt trust anyone anymore and saw behind every person in my live a (in)direct connection to the mindcontrolling and social engineering system were living in or rather the secret services protecting the mechanism behind it

I've lost my sense of living too. My life consists in going to therapy and taking my meds. Waking up everyday is hell. I seriously don't know how I do it. I'm Puertorican by the way.

Were you aware of it when the illness was progressing? Do you think being aware of this disconnect from reality would have affect the illnesses progression for you personally?

I'm sorry to hear you have to go through this stuff man. I hope you find some peace with the bullshit.

bump because there's nowhere near enough comments being made to keep this thread up

what gives you the strange to survive with this?

For me it was the second psychotic episode in my live (diagnosed in the psychiatry) and i just cant imagine a live with the disease... always waiting for the next collapse of my social/ economical and private live
always loosing everything you built up...


Jesus Christ man that's scary.

My family and pets keep me alive I think, others with the illness turn to God but i ain't so devout. I'm always on edge afraid of not knowing when the next episode will happen.

You need to begin exploring your inner geography. It's currently believed that Carl Jung was schizophrenic, but self-treated by understanding the way his own mind worked. Psychosis is not a death sentence; if you learn how to use it to help bridge the gap between the everyday world of representation and the archetypal reality of the collective unconscious, you have the power to become what would once have been called a shaman with one foot on each side of the looking glass.

Other response to Yes I was aware of how it was getting worse and it completely affects your personality, behaviors, relationships, interests... in short words your life is consumed by it.


thanks user :)
not directly... i had always the feeling of beeing alone against the hole world and no one would believe me and that kind of shit...

i always knew thats somethings wrong with me, really wrong
when i saw my relatives compared to "normal" people, there was always this strange feeling.

i took me years to built up a normal live just to see it destroyed with loss of memory afterwards in a couple of weeks...

Shit man I'm sorry about the memory loss gaps.

Nice trips.

It gets scary as fuck when you start seeing things. Specially when Bad Guy shows up he's a huge shadow that has the voice of my father. He's mean as fuck.

Elaborate if you could user? On each if you have the time/willpower, lol.

Was it a slow roll or a snowball type progression?

this helps alot user :')
i was clever, until the doctors filled my body with psychotropic drugs to get me "normal" again, used antipsychotics and separated my neurons one by one... now i lost the common theme of my live

Only your conscious self is unable to access the missing memories. Once you let go of the illusion of self -- and your psychosis can help that happen if you let it -- then you become unified as a collective of archetypal personality traits, a sort of committee of You. Stop treating your subconscious as the enemy. It's not broken, it just functions differently than most. Embrace the difference and learn how to use the machinery you've been given.

You might be interesteed to know that more than 80% of the general population report "hearing voices" occasionally. The difference is that psychonormative minds learn to ignore the voices rather than mine them for wisdom. Stop fighting yourself and accept what you are -- and what you could become.

Drugs aren't that bad, just find some that fits you and be critical in your choice. I'm sure there are some for you. Truxal and zyprexa worked fine for me together with mirtazapine. I took zyprexa everyday for a few years and truxal as PN. Now I only take the antidepressants and in the mean time I have achieved a master degree. You just need to realize that the only one who can do anything for you is yourself, nobody can magically cure you, and it will take some time. Whining and self-pity will only empower your disease. you probably won't end up a happy and fulfilled person, but I must say that sometimes I get close. Grow up and take responsibility for you life and I do believe you'll get there.

No problem friend. A little empathy is kind of fucking refreshing on Sup Forums isn't it lol.

>no one would believe me
This is the only thing that strikes me as off with that sentence. What do you mean? Also

>i always knew thats somethings wrong with me, really wrong
I know it's hard to be specific, but could you try your best to describe the sensation?

its hard being judged for something you cant even remember anymore...

Yeah cause Freud advised him not to delve into astrology and he did anyways leading him on a shitload of discoveries

I think if he'd have kept to himself about his spiritual inclinations he would have not had to deal with the bullshit that led him to move afar from people that were after him

For me it was pretty sudden and hit me like a load of bricks. I was going through a rough time about 2 years ago and in 3 months I went from being disoriented to having shadows and voices fucking with me. I was initially diagnosed with BPD.

You've unfortunately lost me with this post. I like the idea of successful people being able to control their crazy, but separating your neurons one by one? Nah dude. You lost me.

Would you like help dealing with the Bad Guy? As a Jungian mystic and esoteric, I can help you work out a ritual form for confronting the Bad Guy. He is an archetype, and as such is part of you. He has as much right to be heard as every other part of you, but that doesn't give him the right to dominate you any more than you have the right to dominate him. The Seal of Solomon or the Pillars could be useful in giving you the Will to stand up to the Bad Guy while hearing what he has to say.

Remember, as powerful and scary as the Bad Guy is, he's a part of your own psyche. If you can make peace with him, he can give you terrible strength and power. The Goetia can be fierce friends when treated with respect and approached with strength and confidence.

Dude, you HAVE to do this:

Get weapon.
Steal car.
Rob bank.
Repeat rob bank until cornered.
An hero in a blaze of glory.

If you don't do this, you're a faggot.

they filled me up with tavor and zyprexa at the hospital, i cant imagine a live on neuroleptics and those fucking side effects, acting like a zombie

Internet hugs man.

>dont want to live with psychopharmaceuticals
Take them. Trust me. There is always tomorrow.

>Dude, you HAVE to do this:

Not even funny dude, consider who you're talking to and how fucking irresponsible of a humanbeing you are.

Jut dont cover the walls in your own shit, Timmy.

hahaha i already had a lot of experience shitting down high places and so on


Thanks a lot for offering me your help but magick stuff scares me shitless.

i mean i had the feeling of no one would ever believe me, beeing followed/ tracked on the internet/ etc

since i can think i had massive problems of building social connections, my perception was always different in my opinion, for example cant i feel where i am. when i close my eyes.

"Magick" is just a way of manifesting your Will. It has nothing to do with the supernatural. The rites and rituals have no inherent power; it's all about building suggestibility, essentially making changes to the operating system of your own brain on the fly. Invoking the Bad Guy means bringing that archetypal personality fragment closer to the level of conscious awareness. He's still down there whether or not you choose to confront him. The benefit of talking to the Bad Guy is that if you can negotiate peace by listening to his demands and complaints, he will be able to give you access to all the traits bound up with him. Right now he terrifies you. If you learn how to talk to him, he can become a friend instead of an enemy. My experience is that these hostile personality fragments are usually angry about being ignored and suppressed and are just asking for a little larger share of the conscious identity.

Then zyprexa is not for you, I didn't have any side effects with it, well none that I couldn't live with. Seroquel on the other hand took away some years of my life, that's when I learned that I should be critical on the meds I get filled with. There is a lot of different psychofarmica to choose from. If you want to get better that will get you half way there, if you can get a good rhythm in sleeping and normal day night cycles that will get you even closer. Then some meds as a safety net and then some years to rearrange your brain and you must likely will get there

My friends brother went into psychosis over psychedelic drugs or something. He was producing music and he thought aliens were stealing his songs. He tried to burn himself alive
Tough shit

You're telling an athlete to deliberately hamstring himself so he's as slow and ordinary as you. Your psychonormative prejudice is actively harmful. The psychosis OP experiences is a dark gift, a sign that he has the potential to be something special if he can master the skills necessary to construct a meta-narrative to observe his own thought processes. Giving someone drugs until you break their brain and become controllable is not "help," it's partial murder.

tried aripripazol the last time, but had to deal with trembling and loss of language, but i think my main problem is, that i dont want to deal with it anymore, just thinking of death every day

thats the conclusion i made, too, tell me more user :)
is there a way to privatly contact you?

whats your favourite movie?

Sure. Send some email to [email protected] and I'll send you my real email address.

Night of the Hunter. Why?

You are spreading dangerous info. Weed is a waste of time money and mentality

just need something to watch tonight^^

what do you think about the weed thing?

You must have misread my post buddy, I was saying weed is a bad thing for psychosis.

Mirtazapine is a good well proven and safe antidepressant, try and ask for this. Side effects are you'll probably get very tired after an hour or so, so take it in the evening. This will help you get a normal rhythm. You might want to eat a lot as well, but that's a risk worth taken if you want to off yourself. I did not gain weight though, but a lot do.
Last advice, either actively do something to get better, try to become a Normie and do not dwell in your disease, if you keep doing this you'll dwell in your disease in 30 years as well. If not, then wait until you reach this conclusion and whine some more. Or just off yourself now

Drugs are shamanic tools. They function by mimicking chemicals which are either already present in the brain or can be manufactured by the brain. This means it's possible to duplicate the effects of any psychoactive drug through meditation and biofeedback. Taking a psychoactive drugs is just a shortcut to save time in achieving this state of altered consciousness, which can take hours.

The thing is, though, developing the discipline to do it yourself without assistance means giving yourself the strength and spiritual tools to handle such altered states. By the time you've learned to use the stairs to get to that floor, you're prepared for going there directly by the elevator.

If you want to see what it looks like when people are unprepared for such effects, search YouTube for "salvia freak-outs." Salvia divinorum is a traditional shamanic drug used to achieve ego-death, satori. For someone who hasn't been there before, it feels very much like dying -- which it is.

thanks for the advice... have a nice day/ evening as well, i still dont want to take those psychotropic drugs

so youd rather choose the "natural way" and use what your body gives you to heal yourself and achive mental stability?

Girlfriend became psychotic after the birth of her kid. Fast forward a few years and now shes been told she is schizophrenic. Wat do Sup Forums? Can you be with someone who is schizophrenic?

Yes. As I wrote previously, it's currently believed that Carl Jung was a self-treating schizophrenic. He would talk to "voices" and often went walking in the woods with a demon, discussing psychology. His wife once talked about how he became increasingly paranoid until he started sleeping with a gun under his pillow. Then one night she woke to find him sitting outside, half-naked, playing in the mud with stones and bits of wood, and thought he had completely lost his mind.

He had just invented art therapy.

what kind of schizophrenia?
is the kid yours?

If the will is there it can be cured. If she does not have the will to get better it cannot. Around 5 percent have a voice narrating and telling them to do thing in their life, most of them think everybody have this voice/voices and live a normal life.

Aw thats something i couldnt tell you. She has told me but i cant remember. The kid isnt mine.

and built the tower of tribes^^

NAD+ IV therapy might work. Might.

I wouldnt say she has a voice just lots and lots of thoughts that become like a spiderweb and they never stop. She goes down rabbit holes with them. She also has thouggts of being magical or songs having great meaning. That type of thing. Thinks she can read minds. Thinks she knows what im thinking. Im probably making it sound worse than it is because shes hot, shes intelligent as fuck and very creative.


psychosis is something coming back again and again, sometimes it takes longer, but it always comes back, in my opinion, you should try to help her and find out what possible trigger there are, and to erase them from her live

I have a friend who has physcosis. What's the best way to support her during those waves?

theres possibility A: bringing him to the mental hospital, he will be physically save, but maybe (at least in my case) never the same again
and possibility B: giving him opioids, the oldest, natural medicine against psychosis (is opium) and risk a physical and psychich dependence

do you know why hes suffering psychosis?

We actually both went to a behavioral hospital. Her for Suicidal thoughts and Sciz and me for alcoholism. She says she was diagnosed there and tells me she sees shadows and cats. I'm basically the only one she confides in. That I know of at least

im sorry for you...
has it a special trigger, or does it just happen all the time?

Hey man I'm gonna be real with you here. I had a very similar situation. I'm 18 and due to a psychosis that was brought on by overworking myself while having influenza B I basically ruined my entire life. I was in an behavior health center for the better part of 2 months. my social life imploded, and due to paranoia when I got out of the hospital I drove off the few friends I had left. It all happened because I thought I could handle it myself, but you simply can not. I went through mine in February, and I ended up not even being allowed to graduate with my class. it feels bad, but you're still here. Ask for help, and not from fucking Sup Forums man Jesus christ. Admitting you need help is the hardest part dog, but in all honesty therapy isn't that bad. I'm probably gonna get a lot of shit for getting so real on Sup Forums but I know what you're going through man 100 percent.

>inb4 tldr

I think it just randomly happens. Honestly us going through similar shit has helped her talk about it more instead of doing self destructive things

don't be an idiot a friend of mine tried offing himself twice while having a manic episode induced by weed he's locked up now you don't want that do you

youre probably right...
but what kind of medication are you using?