Ask someone who was just banned from Sup Forums anything

Ask someone who was just banned from Sup Forums anything.

have you ever seen Breaking Bad?

what'd you do?
Post ban

No Sopranos is superior

That isn't you, is it?

are you stupid?


what's the meaning of life?

8/10 moive, not as much gore as a mtf surgery

If you had to fuck Trump or be fucked by Trump, what would you choose?

That pic is commonly shown even by just being active in Sup Forums for less than a week you should have saw it a couple of times
How new are you

do you ever order pizza with pineapple for a topping?

How is Twin Peaks going to end?

Fucking hell


banned from tv?

where do you live, the fucking 90s?

Now I'm new after a decade of wanking in Sup Forums perhaps maybe your here to often


There is only really one choice.


the fuck is Sup Forums?

No 'your' because you've obsessed yourself into possession

no you

Have you ever been banned from Sup Forums?