There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who still collect and listen to cassettes

>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW who still collect and listen to cassettes

Defend yourselves

I buy them for 50 cents from thrift stores. Get fucked, retard

Not a defense.

k7 is still a retarded music format, but that's a nice collection.

Only reason to collect physical media is to decorate or entertain yourself. Whether it's cassette, vinyls or cds, it's all equally cosmetic. I like how cassettes look; prefer vinyls though. A wall filled with cassettes would is a dream.

>tapes are a retarded format

Not true. If it's not on a streaming service or the liner notes aren't online.

In terms of metal, they're cvlt

At least they're paying for their music. Leave them the fuck alone, you pompous fuck.

I like them.

You know it.

Is Fudge Tunnel quality sludge?


Cars usually still have CD players so there's a very practical purpose to collecting them. Yes you can just hook up your phone or something but that's infinitely less convenient and loses your place in the song.

Not that guy but his post was absolutey a defense of his choice of medium. For a very cheap price, he gets to have a cheap medium which, when played properly, produces listenable music which can be listened to and enjoyed in a certain context, perhaps in a car, or otherwise. All of these possibilities were really present in that other guy's defense already without my having articulated them just now. Because we're not dumb, as this guy, for example, is dumb.

Yes. Also pic related.

I buy these for cheap, have a few boxes with like a hundred tapes each, and I can do some really nice sampling and mixing to create music. It's not the most optimal, but I have fun doing it.

What if it's a cassette with a download code for bandcamp? Checkmate faggot.

I like cassettes for my shitty car, they're a good cheap way to help support bands you like.

I have a cassette player in my car, they are cheap, and I like to listen to shitty local punk and noise bands

No the defense was of the price not just collecting which was the question.

>and I like to listen to shitty local punk and noise bands

The best worst music is released on cassette.

whose tape collection is this? would hang out with.

latest grabs

The price is his defence dumbfuck. Why pay $20-$30 or possibly more per vinyl or $5-$15 per CD/online purchase when you can buy whatever the hell you can find in the store for half a dollar each. That's why he collects and listens to cassettes rather than any other medium, the price.

Wow. I dont think Ive ever seen em' in that format. The Cancer is weirding me out.

Giddammit you're fucking stupid