Late night Sup Forumsros, everyone needs someone to talk to at some point to share their thoughts, get feedback...

Late night Sup Forumsros, everyone needs someone to talk to at some point to share their thoughts, get feedback, or just have someone to hear them out and get a different viewpoint on. Anything and everything on your minds, let's talk.

Good idea OP.

I'm tired but can talk. Anything on your mind in particular? I'm dealing with women issues. Or lack of. I've had a good run but the last six months have been real dry. Came close with a few but never sealed the deal. Not as bothered by it as I thought I would be.

Nothing in particular on my end, tedious work is all on my end. After a while it doesn't sting that much, you learn there are almost countless more that you have a chance with so one or two off the hook isn't too much of a bother.

lol tired enough apparently to forget to put your number in there too

> number
You mean like talk, talk?
I can't talk on the phone as I can not into English

Get a job
Shit your pants
End your life
Move house
Kill a pig
Mend your mind
Wake and bake
Blend a rap
Get a grand in debt on crack
Get a slap
Have a tea
Get down on your fucking knees
Fuck the police
Rape a rubber duck and leave
Walk away
Talk to Frank
Walk the plank
Buy a coat
Slice your throat
Get a driving license quote
Live your thoughts
Jigs and saws
I deny the holocost
Close your mouth
Open it
No regrets
Stroke a dog
Feed the puss
Eat your dins
Do the dirt
Keep it fake
Ring your mum
Speak to me
Burn a bridge
Eat your cake
Play the game
Bend the rules
Grab it by the head and balls
Ride a bike
Kill a fish
Make a soup
Hoover up
Meet the king
Touch the queen
Say a line
Save the graf
Paint your face
Fry an egg
Work it out
Wave goodbye

Nah just chat on here

Always a good list to start with

kicking off this great opi withdrawal by getting tweaked out off amphetamines and drinking because i have crippling insomnia. maybe I'll sleep tomorrow night

David Letterman is the best late night host

Yeah OP here's how I feel. Imagine, we are all born in front of a sprawling valley, extending as far as the eye can see. In the valley-bed lies an endless number of rivers and streams, all leading off into the horizon in slightly different directions. Our goal is to navigate these rivers and streams to find our "dreams" which lie at the other end of the valley. Fate awaits you, so which do you choose?
Some daringly build rafts and surf down white rapids laden with rocks and whirlpools. They hope to be able to hold on for the wild ride. Others are independent and straightforward, they just jump in calm water and begin to swim, or climb along cliffs and canyons following a long winding stream. They go alone. Another group decides to slowly follow alongside a calm and safe river, laden with food and good campgrounds. It's easy to pause for a second, and if you fall and hurt yourself it's likely many will pass by to help.

Sleep is for the weak, you have the right idea party on

So as a kid I chose a river, it felt like second nature, very easy to just follow what was interesting. Scale a cliff, the river was a winding one great at first. But at some point, long ago, it started to rain. At first it was only an inconvenience, each rush of wind would blow away the droplets from your face. But then the wind began to pick up, and the lightning and thunder began; it is a torrential downpour and I am knee deep in muddy water. The side off the river seems to be growing wider and wider, the boundaries that defined my path are now hard to make out.
Waist deep
Chest deep
Kneck deep
In a raging ocean
I am now treading water. The valley does not exist anymore, it has flooded. Where are the pathways? What even are the options? I do not know. I cannot see them. I bob up and down, choking down rushes of black ink. The swirling abyss stains my vision, my retinas desperately search around for something, some speck of light, some sense of direction. It's dark, it's cold, I am frantically searching for somewhere to grab, something to hold onto, some brief moment of peace. I don't want to tread water anymore, I want to see my path, I want to know who I am and what I do.
In fact,
I don't think I am physically able to tread water anymore.
I am tired
I am drowning

That's a great analogy. And very true, there is a lot of risk to get where you want to go in life, no matter what the area. I was always one of the mind "nothing ventured nothing gained, earn your rewards"

i wish i had more stims so it'd be more fun

Nothing will just come along and tell you what the right path is for you or how to achieve it. You need to be resolute, choose the end point you wish and fight in that direction. The world at times will be against you but with all the information at your fingertips you can make informed choices and learn along the way to reach your goals. Don't give up as long as you still breath.

I found it's better to pace or out to keep a constant level through the night instead of going for the big trip. Just me though

We are all encased in gold user, but without light you cannot shine. Everything looks the same in pitch black, wandering aimlessly. My eyes are wide open in a place with no light, what are they doing? Wasting my damn time. The light does not exist here. There's nothing left to percieve,eyes that look at nothing,
ears that listen to nothing. Im a man on a path, one that never existed. One that isn't possible to walk. There is just nothing,
There is just me

An interesting output. And a well written and poetic expression. Perception is what we make of it. Seeing it as you have put it then you are correct. There is no other course of action. If that is what you wish continue. If you wish another road you will have to make one in your perception of reality.

ive been wired for over 6 hours. i plan on spacing out doses but itd be even more fun if i had more

Self destructive behavior and emotional scars . Haven't found any real solutions . Talking on Sup Forums sounds like a good idea .

Nobody cares about your fucking b8. KYS.

My gf broke up with me a few days ago. We had a lot of stuff planned for the future. We talked about what we would do constantly. The reasons she gave for the break up were few and they were all garbage. I'm at the point now that I feel fairly ok. But in still struggling with the fact that all we planned is gone. I'm just not sure what to do.

I find myself pondering more and more, that life itself is the resistance of entropy, and resisting entropy goes against the entire universe we live in. Holding on to energy, tearing it away from chaos and ordering it into an entity-that will then itself attempt to order things-is the complete opposite of what the universe is trying to achieve, and that's why living can feel so hard I think. Maybe that's why everyone at least thinks about dying or giving up on everything. Releasing all that pressure back into the system and removing that gradient that exists would be the ultimate form of peace anyone can achieve. I think when enough energy can pool into one singular space in this universe it can, for a moment, create a tiny consciousness; the universe can look at itself through a tiny hole, from outside the box and try and understand what exactly it is. We are that hole, life is that tiny second where "the one" can glimpse at itself and try to understand. Maybe with enough tiny glimpses finally there will be understanding. When I meditate all I think of is that in this tiny perspective that is our lives on earth, each and every one of us is fighting a battle against time and entropy; a battle that we will all lose no matter what. And I'm not sure there is anything I (or anyone else) can discover here that is going to finally bring a true feeling of peace, because each discovery is going to bring more questions, questions that we are not meant to solve. Maybe we are only the calculator, not the person who understands what the numbers and the answer means? The only discovery that makes me feel some peace is that I can die. I am capable of dying. Just thoughts, thanks for listening and offering your genuine thoughts.

Well what progress had been made beyond quick bouts of relief from destructive actions when dealing with them? A lo anger term answer will lead to a lasting and healthier state. To start though those two facts have to be acknowledged

Will continue reading the book in progress.

Anytime. You have a good way with words. If you enjoy it have you thought about using it as a self betterment practice or a professional route?

Plans constantly change in life. I have found it best not to tie yourself to just one future. Determine what you want the future to be but if it involves others know that it will constantly be in flux. Be flexible and you will be able to better roll with the punches life throws our way. You will heal i n time and the experience and lesson will leave you better off.

Using words as a professional route? Or have I tried the professional route? I don't think I am good with words, I have nothing unique or creative to offer anyone. If you meant professional doctors, yeah I've tried a few times, taken nortryptaline, then trazadone. Few different doctors. I just don't like the idea of people knowing me, of seeing me, perceiving me and quantifying "this is him this is his box". I don't like the feeling of being somebody's current work day. Not to say psychiatrists or psychologists are selfish or anything. It's just the nature of that relationship, a patient-doctor thing, that I don't like. Its not that I don't think of great ideas, or notice what I excel at, just for some reason I lack the thing that takes stuff from your brain and puts it into the real world. I never believe in myself. I got through school, I got through university, and then it all just kind of got worse. I thought maybe it would give me confidence, but in the end it didn't. Over the last 7 years I have watched every piece of my life fragment and fall away from me bit by bit, only because of me. I feel like people who love me stand with their arms outstretched as I'm sitting on the ground but for some reason I can't seem to grab their hand. I stopped talking to all my friends, my girlfriend is so amazing and so hardworking, I'm tired of letting my pain spread to her. I want her to be able to move on and find someone who can make her happy. The one thing that stops me from death, is transferring all my pain to her and my parents. It seems selfish.

Agreed that spreading that pain to those you care for is not a good option. I can confirm that you have a very good writing style. It is easy to read and flows well. No one will ever be able to "put you in a box". They may define you as such in their own mind's but a person is far too complex to ever truly be labeled as one thing or another. Just as no one person can know another completely and utterly. That pain and sense of disillusion, lack of direction is shared by a lot of people. Just as you have here you could use it both as an outlet for yourself and to show others in your situation, and there are others, that they and yourselves are n it alone in this feeli my and world.

Most people would just think its sappy bullshit. I guess it's not that they may put me in a box I don't wanna be in, every time you meet someone or have a relationship with another human, you leave with memories of them. You have a perception of them, sound of their voice, hairstyle, face, things they like, things you notice they do. All that stuff, I don't want people to see or know me, because I hate me. I hate every single little small thing about me everything. I don't want people to see the genuine me. Every time I open my mouth and speak, or see someone I used to know, I wish I could erase myself from their memories. It's like if some stranger saw you naked in public, you think "well I'm never going there again". Every conversation, I leave thinking "I am never speaking to them again I'm embarrassed why did I talk to someone?" I can't believe I made childhood friends, I feel embarrassed those people grew up knowing me, I feel embarrassed my girlfriend knows me. I feel embarrassed my parents know me and know who I am. I just wanna be gone, erased. Perhaps that is why I sit and watch everything fall away piece by piece, let the friends move on, ignore the calls, don't hang out, push her away, don't call your parents, don't let them see. Just let it all fade away I don't have the effort, i'm not worth the time or the worry. I can't stand the thought of somebody taking even a second to focus on me or be burdened by my problems or my awkwardness.

Life is like a black and white silent film, flickering endlessly on a screen. The movie is over now, the roll just clicks away. All that remains is turning off the projector. With that I will see myself out, you have read too many long-winded answers. Goodbye user, I appreciate this thread and the sentiments behind it. I truly think it's great that of all the topics on here you could've chosen, you decided to pick one that had some substance, and involved listening to others. This place doesn't have much of that anymore.

As much as you ignore others the ones ehoo truly care for you, even if you push them away, will always remember you and carry part of you in them. It is a part of life that cannot be changed. Be it now or later you will have to make peace with the fact that your existence is mot just your perception and interaction with yourself but your interaction and perceptions from those around you. There is no way to stop that or erase yourself from the kinds and sight of others. What you can do is make peace with it and decide how those interactions will effect yourself and others. You will continue to be a part of others lives and they see value in you even if you do not. Someone will always find value in you in some way or form. In that way you can find yourself as part of their world if you wish it.

It takes all kinds user. Be well and I look forward to reading your words in the future if you choose to share yourself again.

I'm a really lonely dude. And although I don't like my loneliness, I protect it at all costs. The price of facing reality is much too high. So I work, exercise and read. That's all I do.

I really wish I had a gf, but I am very insecure with women. I don't have the faintest notion of what is what with them. I am lost at sea with them. I feel lonely, like the last man on earth.

Holy shit I just read all this. I have not met someone who thinks this way is this real depression? Mahbe I don't have depression I thought I might but I don't think like this

It is a common feeling. What most people, not just women, want is someone genuinely interested in learning about them and joining them in their pursuits. Finding a group that has similar interests, reading, work out methods, etc, will give you something to talk about with the others you meet that you both know at least the basics of. From there it is ok to ask anyone what they are interested in and find a common ground or something you can relate to. At the end of the day communication with others is all about finding a common ground to work from initially and them finding the next thing from there. Hope that helps some

It could be many things. If user feels like talking and sharing we mayg learn more. From what I gathered they are so me one that would prefer to be left alone but leaves an impact on those they talked to. I think user would make a good ghost writer or literary professional.

Still here let's see if anyone else wanders in to talk

>grocery store getting stuffs
>girl teen/early 20s says hey can I get ride
>really cute, but looking scraggly / sketchy
>no tracks, but some scabs maybe figure meth
>just stare at her ask her dumb question
>tell her I can't, give her 5 bucks
>Whole time we are talking, I am getting hard as shit. Thinking of taking her back to her place and fucking the shit out of her, probably for like $50.
>Am smart and just give her $5 for a bus ride, and walk away
>My adrenalyne is up like crazy. Something about how cute she looked. but also so sketchy.. ripe.
>Walk out to car, can't stop thinking about her. Realize I want her in my car. Wait for her to come out of store.
>I get that weird feeling in my stomach like when you are waiting for a new dealer for a drug buy. anxious. all senses jacked up. I haven't felt like that in years.
>I'm married. quit drinking/drugs years ago. was literally at store buying diapers for baby
>End up driving home
>Still can't shake that jacked up feeling. I know I did the right thing, but all I can think about is how I'd use her ass. film myself fucking her. letting her get high, and banging that red snatch. She didn't look like a red head at first, but I could see under her tank top when she raised her arms tufts of red arm pit hair.
>would seriously like to keep her in my basement like some psychopath

wish I had a drink. what is wrong with me that I'm obsessing about some young woman and just taking advantage of her. I know this is Sup Forums - but I've never felt this tempted to be a piece of shit.

Regardless of your relationship situation we are human. You will find those that will make you feel that way. Especially this time in your life with a child and I am sure much mkore stress. It sounds like you need a stress and possibly sexual outlet. I am sure that has mkot been the same since your child's birth. I would talk to your wife about how this new life situatiokn is affecting you and see if you can find a solution together.i am sure she is in a similar situation.

Fluoride in drinking water
Fluoride in Teflon coating
Lead contamination in soil
Lead paint
Estrogen in drinking water
Radionuclide contamination in high phosphorus fertilizer
Slag exposure
Food shortage
Over population
Civil unrest
World peace?
Dark wizards
Class warfare
Class warfare
Accidental injury
Criminal behaviour
Fluoride in toothpaste
Under exercise
Tooth decay
Poor oral hygiene
Fire ants
Killer bees
Climate change
Illegal dumping
Orbital drift
Gender warfare
Black widow/brown recluse
Gamma radiation
Seismic anomaly
Political warfare
Devaluation of human life
Drug abuse,,, continued

Hey fuck off faggot thats my format

Are there any women at work that you like?

Are you attractive?

yeah we've talked about sex - it is hard for both of us to make time. She know I miss the sex ( plus the rough sex ). Work is really stressful maybe that is something I want to take out on someone. feel powerful. abusive. just don't like it about myself. definitely DIDNT like that rush/feel like I was scoring drugs. havent felt that in a long time. should probably go to an NA meeting.

thanks for replying. don't really want to share this particual experience too much with wife. Like I'll tell her about it, that I wanted to fuck her. But not so much the use and abuse and take advantage of her shitty situation part.

fuck I miss being young sometimes.

I really hate people that just talk about their relationships. They're smug fucks when they're a couple. They're mopey and had nothing else going on for them in life when they break up.

We all do. I have found somethong active and something I can put my aggression in too helps. My wife and I box each other with heavy practice gloves and wrestle leading in to rough sex. Just a suggestion from someone with similar problems and feelings. You won't be able to get rid of that feeling but you can find a constructive place for it instead of being hit by it where you do nnot want it.

>Black widow/brown recluse
I got locked in a shed when I was little by some kids, it was terrifying, i've been scared of blackwidows ever since. ( there were tons in there ) I was terrified to move because I'd walk into a web, and it was pitch dark and I just screamed and cried until some parent let me out. I hated those kids, and the older guy who was sort of a baby sitter - all i remember was some fat dude with a wife beater. one of his kids used to break into all the houses in the neighbor hood, and people were scared of him - even though he was only like 12 or something. I was maybe 10. I remember him coming into my window one night and giving me a denim jacket.

Relationships end up being a large part of yourself when you share your life and yourself fully with another. If that bothers you you may want to think about why it bothers you.

re roll


>Relationships end up being a large part of yourself when you share your life and yourself fully with another.
You know you say some shit like that but you're probably making some threads on Sup Forums where your jerking off on your sleeping sisters feet.

Relationships are not a huge part of yourself, you were just so uninteresting with no motivation you had to spend all your time trying to get that other person to put out to the point it's all you did ever.

That would be a scary experience to live through. One thing I have found that helps is to know that the spiders were much more afraid of you crushing them and their webs. They may have venom but at the end of the day their lives are brief and do not have the strength of body to defend their own. People are just that, people, good and bad, reliable and responsible or not. You had some with less responsibility growing up around you but you can learn from their example

Thanks - that would be fun. We both took martial arts at some point, but she's always been dodgy about sparring with me.I dunno why - I've seen her spar other people. oh well.

she's actually told me she is ok with me fucking around with other people as long as she gets to sign off , and she has a few rules. but honestly - who the fuck has time. I'm behind on work. behind on house stuff. if I were better looking maybe I could just find a hookup online , but I can't, so. yeah.

I'll work something out. I came home and biked a bunch while I played video games. blew off some steam. just feel sad now. probably just some depression or something.

I used to let these street kids crash with me sometimes, never took advantage of them. Now I'm wishing I fucking had. Or this one time a girl shoed up at my door at 3 am, looked like she'd been roofied ( I thought she was tripping on acid at the time ) . she kept telling me this was her friends house and get him out there. I told her to fuck off. I should have brought he in, and called her a cab. but part of me wishes I had brought her in, fucked the shit out of her, and then booted her out. Another time this 18 year old passed out naked on my couch - I was dating like her moms friend. i covered her up and called her mom and told her she was drunk. Wish I had video'd me fucking her passed out body.

I mean not really. but you know what I mean. it's like the shitty me wished I hadn't been a good person.

yeah they don't bother me as much now. for years was terrified of them. I live in AZ, and they are everywhere in the summer. They even leave their webs and roam sometimes - so you'll be in the pool at 3 am and realize a black widow is hauling ass next to your arms as you are reaching for your beer.

this is now a get thread

They can be and I find that disappointing too. I have never met anyone who I could stand spending every moment with or sacrificing things I like doing for. Every time I get bored in a relationship. Most people are really boring.

triple seven

re roll

Nice quints

It is always more fun to not do the "right" thing. I'm sure working on that with her and maybe having her join in on the plans could help you both

fucking checkd

so close, don't start boxing your wife over not getting it though. I'm sure she's a real looker but I seen quite a few waitresses with missing teeth when I go out of state for work to more remote areas


Most do after a while. I'm sure you will find someone that keeps challenging you to learn and so things. You with them also. That's when the fun starts.

Lol yes it usually is funny to see happen imaging it from their perspective. Good to hear you have faced it instead of letting it lord over you

The gloves make that easier to make sure nothing is permanently harmed while still letting out your aggression.

nice dubs. mostly I just realized it just feels like a bee sting and who gives a fuck. got bit by a scorpion the other day - not even a big deal.

fuck missed trips

Awesome quints

Look nobody is really going to argue this with you reasonably because everyone wants to punch their wife. I think most of the hate over it is going to be resentment from people who used some restraint there.

~shrugs~ maybe. I find it cathartic for both sides. Plus we both get exercise and better reflexes.

hey whatever you beat your wife and she tries to put up a fight. not like it's any of my business. she had a pick of a lot of guys if she likes the ones that slap her around that's her problem. not like im going to see you at work or anything so it's not like it's my problem.

The bait is real. Have fun with your misconceptions, not worth more of my time.

>met a 8/10 grill
>nice tits, nice ass, cute face, pale white skin and dark hair (not jew)
>get to know each other; seems really nice, but not too nice (as in sheltered child)
>we start talking every night nonstop
>learning now that that niceness is just a facade and she's actually as fucked as me
>like laughing hysterically at people burning to death fucked
>she's still super funny and also kinda cute
>on the other hand she's super understanding and kind
>so much so that when one day I was feeling really REALLY shit when we started talking and I said what was wrong within legit 10 minutes I felt extremely happy again
>also she doesn't have a dick
>so practically the perfect grill
>tfw there has to be SOMETHING wrong, all girls are hoes
>tfw there's not and she is actually perfect
There has to be at least ONE thing though... Doesn't there? Sup Forumsros, I need advice, I think my minds gonna explode

misconceptions? please
I know plenty of females that go with guys that beat the shit out of them. Then they like to try to get guys to white knight and get involved with it because they're drama queens and want revenge for every little petty thing that upsets them. Most of us guys actively avoid those types of chics, I'm not giving you shit over it. Sounds like you took one for the team taking that one off the market.

There is negative to every person, if you have found someone you really like, and can accept any negative she brings, as well as she for you, go for it. Just because someone has s fault doesn't mean you cannot accept them with it just like they have to accept the negatives in you. Talk with her about it.


Still around for a few hours for anyone else that wants to talk

>be me, 27
>decide to try gay club
>order a beer
>realise I'm just as inept and socially retarded in this setting as I am in any of the normal clubs or bars I've been in
>awkwardsly stand around near the bar
>order a few more beers over the next couple of hours or so
>get a kebab from a nearby shop and stumble home

Have you tried finding out what the local groups that hang out there are interested in? Try listening in. Maybe a local team happenings, okr trends in the town or area. Once you have a topic you can work I'm up the courage to start a conversation and expand from there.