Your opinions?

your opinions?

i'm not a game developer;

literally why ever write javascript directly when there's better languages to transpile from?

JVM is my waifu; Java isn't;

i don't work at facebook;

i'm older than 20;

i'm younger than 40;

lisp isn't a weapon; it's a class of weapon;

>visual basic
i'm older than 12;

i'm employed;

never needed it;

i have release cycles shorter than 2 years.



I do a lot of data management.



Not as good at OO as Java, but runs faster than Java. You have to know wtf you're doing with new() and delete() or you will explode everything, though. Also, fuck the >> operator, I'd like my output statement to consume less than five lines of source please.

Kids don't believe me when I tell them you used to be able to make a web page with less than five gigs of Javascript loaded from four external sites.

Better at OO than C++. Shame about the speed. Also, keeping an updated JVM on everybody's machine has proven to be an interesting problem over the years. Oracle will probably gradually kill it.

Seems to mostly be used for creating WordPress vulnerabilities, which are then hacked to create phish pages and send spam.

Don't know that much about it, other than it has a bit of the Python nature - people who've been using it for a week try to talk everybody else into using it.



Works great if you use it as a natural evolution of awk and sed. Works pretty OK if you suck at using new/delete (or malloc/free) correctly and it doesn't have to run super fast. Big library of stuff that probably already does something like what you want. It got a bad rap during dotcom times when anybody that could spell HTML could get an $80k a year job; those guys wrote a lot of spaghetti Perl.

I burnt out my parentheses keys. You have to be at an .edu to think Lisp is a good idea.

>Venereal Basic
It lets idiots write GUI programs quickly. Then you have a GUI program written by an idiot.

Seems to be an esoteric academic thing; see Lisp.

Seems to be the favorite tool now for things that would have used Perl many years ago. Also has a big library of stuff that probably already does something like what you want. On the down side, the last time I had to care about what column something was in was when I was paid actual money to program in FORTRAN 77. Also, for every hour you spend programming in Python, you are required to spend several hours trying to convince everyone else you know to use Python.

You have to know *EXACTLY* what you are doing, but you can do *ANYTHING* and it runs fast. If you fuck anything up anywhere, you will explode everything and your box will get rooted.

>inb4 elderly
>inb4 kids get off my lawn

I am younger than 40 and I know and use perl.


>No FORTRAN? Lame.
it sucks

I like your assesments, user.

With great power comes great responsibility. If you truly seek ascension, this is the path. I work exclusively in C/C++/C++11/14, I even watch Stroustrap's videos talking about the language.
My code is art, a symphony, and it runs faster than any competitors. Always. Also, I make game engines in my free time that rival triple A game engines. If only gamedev paid better =/

The easy way out. Try taking an IDE away from a Java dev, watch them go catatonic. No memory management? Like I said, the easy way out.

>javascript, php
I don't respect webdev

>ruby, perl, lisp
nailed it

>visual basic
I was never MIST or CIS

might as well have listed Go, Swift, or D while ur at it

my scripting language of choice, I do netsec challenges with python a lot

My first love - taught me how to fuck. Let me put it in her pooper, but shit all over my dick when I used too much lube. Learned it all the hard way.

When your choices were COBOL, FORTRAN, or assembler, you picked FORTRAN for anything remotely scientific / technical / number-crunching. COBOL was for "business" applications; the kinds of things you'd do with a spreadsheet, or with a database and reports, today. Assembler was if you needed to go as fast as possible and/or do something that FORTRAN or COBOL couldn't.

I don't even remember those times; I've just been told about them. They are from when a big computer had something like 64 kilobytes of memory.

>My first love - taught me how to fuck. Let me put it in her pooper, but shit all over my dick when I used too much lube. Learned it all the hard way.

This is a frighteningly apt description.

I'm pretty sure that there's a correlation between IQ and your view on functional programming.

Picking up imperative programming is relatively easy, because it allows you to solve your programming problems by approaching your destination step-by-step and measuring the distance from your goal at each step.
And when you have a recipe that eventually takes you to your goal, you have a solution.

In contrast to functional programming (and the declarative paradigm), where you explicitly define your goal in terms of existing definitions - and this is your solution.
This forces you to understand your goal and it's composition by enforcing a more strict way of achieving it.

don't need it

do need it, sadly. it's k tho

don't need it

annoying as fuck but does what I need

don't need it

don't need it


>visual basic


sometimes for adobe scripts

don't need it

I mainly use C# for desktop programms and js/php for web shit in my line of work.

Your attitude suggests you "just make it work" instead of actually care about how it works. I try to avoid hiring guys like you.

I agree. People stuck on functional should have been computer engineers or should write embedded stuff. They lack a good enough grasp on abstraction and the "bigger picture" thereof.

Starting to think OP's post is a good interview question....

Got some real superiority complex having cunts ITT

>esoteric academic thing
You don't know WTF you're talking about, do you?

Really, i love C# and believe its tge most used abd powerfull PROGEAMMING LANGUAGE not scripting... And it have the same features like c++ or c by using pinvoke, dunno what are u talking about bro...


Everything else worthless except JS for frontend work.

Haskell was invented for academic purposes.
Haskell requires you to understand monads and other concepts to navigate in a purely functional world.

Pretty sure that Simon Peyton Jones would agree. He is actually happy that Haskell is a purely academic language, which enabled him to come up with the monad theory to handle the lack of side effects in Haskell.

its a post on Sup Forums, no one cares who you try to hire

And no one cares about what you think about someone, who cares about who they hire

I like airplanes

How did u know?



Haskell is widely used in the industry, so fuck off.

>Widely used
I don't know how you perceive those words, but how about you searched for open Haskell vs. open C# positions and became a little wiser on life?


I work a lot with Java and am pretty ok with it. It has some limitations (no explicit pointers, no multiple inheritance, no closures in older versions...), but it's good for solid (not necessarily SOLID) code.
I occasionally use JavaScript (Node.js) and have to admit it's fun with its easy data structures and callbacks logic. Also promises and rxjava are nice tools

I think language comparisons are dumb. If you have a good theoretical knowledge of programming, you just pick the one most fit for your needs/requirements

You have no hope of getting C++ template meta programming if you don't have a handle on functional programming concepts. Learning Haskell is an ideal way to grasp the concepts without the tedious C++ syntax.

>Also, I make game engines in my free time that rival triple A game engines