Guys, it's terrible - Russia and North Korea decided to unite nuclear programs against the US

Guys, it's terrible - Russia and North Korea decided to unite nuclear programs against the US

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[that bait pic where the fish is saying this is a fishing pole he just threw it in the water]

I want to cry, I'm scared

Кaкaя пpимaнкa, кaкaя pыбa? Чтo ты нeceшь пoeхaвший?

Я гoвopю o тoм чтo, cкopo Кopeя и Poccия ycтpoют вaм - "Toпoлиный пyх - жapa дeкaбpь, нoчи тaкиe длинныe"

>Implying it was Russias/NKs Idea

Heil Hydra

Do you think this is a tricky plan Trapma?

Hи нa чтo нe нaмeкaю, нo тaкиe штyки y нac cтoят пoд кaждым дepeвoм.
Oни oчeнь дaлeкo cтpeляют.

>russia full of fags and meth heads killing theselves
>n.korea is full of weak spineless chinks with a beta robot leader
I hope they try to do sonething, so we can wipe those two shitholes out of existence


Fluoride in drinking water
Fluoride in Teflon coating
Lead contamination in soil
Lead paint
Estrogen in drinking water
Radionuclide contamination in high phosphorus fertilizer
Slag exposure
Food shortage
Over population
Civil unrest
World peace?
Dark wizards
Class warfare
Class warfare
Accidental injury
Criminal behaviour
Fluoride in toothpaste
Under exercise
Tooth decay
Poor oral hygiene
Fire ants
Killer bees
Climate change
Illegal dumping
Orbital drift
Gender warfare
Black widow/brown recluse
Gamma radiation
Seismic anomaly
Political warfare
Devaluation of human life
Drug abuse
Nuclear annihilation is not even on the list. Nuclear reactors and wastes should be though


Kill california

Why is there a grain silo on top of that truck, are the commies hiding it from the rest of the population?

You guys are all retards, even if this did happen the nuclear Arsenal's of the world are all past what would be required, the USA especially. There's not been a good 100% nuclear deterrent for the past 15 years. Russia's nukes are doomsday devices that will kill LOTS and they can't be shot down or stopped if launched, the only reason they don't is M.A.D. stay in school kiddies

Yeah, but at a ratio of 10-1 females per male it's worth the risk mein fuhrer. Cobalt chlorium g might just work

It is probably because of M.A.D. that Putin never made it to history books. And now he is too old to go through a large-scale war. What a fuckup.

the only reason they don't is M.A.D.

we can tell who was brought up in the cold war cant we ?

Good, America has to pay for all the things they have done over the years.

Like what?

not that dude

but Slavery > economic oppression > worldwide media presence(propaganda machine)

now their bitching that other countries arn't "playing by their rulebook" which they dictated during their "economic oppression stage" and want the rest of the world to join their side, (which their doing with their world wide media)

hi kind people of Sup Forums ! is there someone that is willing to gift me fallout 3 ? I would be very thankful !
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No links OP?

It's ok OP. Ronald Reagan created the Star Wars program in the 80's to protect us.