What is this

what is this

the fuck

That's a gun wrapped in a dead kid and a penis and some tubes and what the fuck

where did you find it

Sup Forums obviously

seriously dude thats messed up

It's what we use to purge fags in Palestine

what in the actual fuc- oh, right, that's obviously Sup Forums


that's an angry vagina.

thats terrifying fam.

it's my future wife.


A sub machine gun.

That is an advanced three man weapon that my unit trained on for a couple of months

Timestamp? That pic is years old, buffoon

A weapon to surpass metal gear

Oh didn't know that


A weapon to surpass metal gear...

in my grandfathers attic. i think he was an electrician

of course


a weapon to surpass metal gear

I'm going to assume this isn't actually real skin and shit. Right?

It is. It's real

it was made with a chinese baby so its perfectly legal

[X] Doubt [ ] Not Doubt

a nice board


its another artisan handcrafted Murricaan! weapon of mass destruction
