Come on Sup Forums

come on Sup Forums
come and take a ride with me :))

ask a loner in Japan anything

Why with the pink shirt?

Fluoride in drinking water
Fluoride in Teflon coating
Lead contamination in soil
Lead paint
Estrogen in drinking water
Radionuclide contamination in high phosphorus fertilizer
Slag exposure
Food shortage
Over population
Civil unrest
World peace?
Dark wizards
Class warfare
Class warfare
Accidental injury
Criminal behaviour
Fluoride in toothpaste
Under exercise
Tooth decay
Poor oral hygiene
Fire ants
Killer bees
Climate change
Illegal dumping
Orbital drift
Gender warfare
Black widow/brown recluse
Gamma radiation
Seismic anomaly
Political warfare
Devaluation of human life
Drug abuse
What does it take to get clean drinking water for a large community ?


How much do you pay for booze/weed?

what's this guy up to?

What way round does the water go down the plug?

Alcohol is about $4-6 for a pint of beer
about the same for liquor drinks
center Tokyo is obviously a lot more.
Still doesn't beat new york prices

If your a loner who took the photo?

a bear

clockwise sir

What do you do for a living?
Do you speak the language?

Glad you're back, MJ. Thought you'd at least be in prison, if not dead.

it wasnt even taken now, it's evening in Japan
sun sets here around 6:30pm, pretty fucking early, i wasnt expecting that before I came here.

where in nippon are you, btw?

I translate. Yes, I do but not fluently.

MJ as in Michael Jackson? do I look like the king of pop or somethin?

yep correct


Have a "heaven", because that faggot is rather cute. No homo.

heh, Meguro here.

You know, it's hard to find a picture of Michael Jackson where he doesn't look like a rapist

a heaven? which faggot we talkin ?

oh yeah? and who are you mr?

thanks for sharing. you into that?


why you bring it up then?

The faggot in the photograph which was posted by OP.

>oh yeah? and who are you mr?
another loner in Nippon I guess.
came to learn the language, liked it for a long time now.
still waiting for immigration's response, though, they said it may take over a month... and it's been over a month already, dammit.

anyway, time for an evening walk.
take care.

Because it was hard to find a picture that didn't by extension say that you look like a rapist?
Just some situational comedy.
At least... I think I'm funny.

i look like a rapist? fuck, hahaha

thanks b

enjoy ur walk
