This literally makes zero sense

This literally makes zero sense

Hank and the gang usually start drinking in the afternoon so that leaves time for Boomhauer to do cop stuff.

>Dang ol get on the ground and get your dang ol hands on your back 'fore I dang ol... shoot, man

How did he explain being locked up in that insane asylum?

Also, why would somebody volunteer to be a fire fighter in their spare time when they're already doing something dangerous?

would Boomhauer's miranda warning be admissible in court?

Because they're not a selfish pussy? Lots of cops are volunteer firefighters.

You didn't answer the first one

I love baiting morons like you with a subjective question and seeing your neanderthal brain try to work out a solution

me the moron

>How did he explain being locked up in that insane asylum?

It's a cartoon, not a documentary.

>literally autism

Fun fact. You're read your rights before you're booked, not at the time of arrest like movies portray. So he probably wouldn't be the guy to read them their rights.

So why not make him an astronaut? Why not a super hero in his spare time? According to you, those all make as much sense.

Fucking retard

That's not entirely true, the frequently do it at the time of the arrest. But they do also do it at booking, and usually a few more times for good measure.

It's just to ensure that anything the person says is admissible in court.

>According to you, those all make as much sense.

lol, I don't recall saying that. Being a ranger makes sense in the context of the show. Of course if you nitpick a cartoon you're going to find inconsistencies you spastic mong.

I had a friend who was:

State Trooper
Air Force MP later Special Ops
Volunteer EMT
Professional Firefighter

I've no clue what he does now. However, he was a fucking mental mess (distant cousin to Brian Hugh Warner of all things) and had years of counseling. Everyone I've known in law enforcement and EMT were crazy/psychotic in some way. Save only 1 person, but he quite being a state trooper because he couldn't handle how terrible his coworkers were.

What about when that cop pulled him over, challenged him to a race, and broke his taillight and told him to get it fixed? You think a Texas Ranger would let that shit fly?

>Of course if you nitpick a cartoon you're going to find inconsistencies you spastic mong.
>Sup Forums

This could be a bumper.

Yeah, but was your friend a ladies man that also had time to dick around with people similar to Dale or Bill?

What's he gonna do shoot him? He probably just got his badge number then set up a coke bust at his house.

Don't know a lot of law enforcement, but as far as EMTs go you're spot on. I've known several and they are all disturbed in one way or another. And that was before they became EMTs. One of them is a supervisor/trainer and he saves pictures of the most gruesome deaths he's encountered. It's like Faces of Death on his phone.

it's a fake badge to score pussy

Oh, honey...

Here, have a bulgar bar.

this goy gets it

Congrats good sir. You're wit is truly as sharp as your katana