Do you consider yourself a racist?

>Do you consider yourself a racist?
>Do you consider Sup Forums to be racist?

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I'm a race realist, anyone who isn't shouldn't really be on this board.


I don't consider skin color as a reason to denote race but yes I do recognize there are different sub species of the human race with their own perks and faults.

So by modern term of racism, I am in fact racist. But through my own rationality I only believe that the true racists are the one who quickly jump to the conclusion that another person is racist and calls them racists because those are the ones that believe in racism.

they made me this way

>I only believe that the true racists are the one who quickly jump to the conclusion that another person is racist and calls them racists because those are the ones that believe in racism.

What did he mean by this?

thats a gnarly photo, i wonder what the dog is thinking

Syrup nigger

Im an ethnopluralist. niggers can nig around but just in their own country.

>Do you consider Sup Forums to be racist?
Obviously. How is that even a question?

I'm sometimes racist towards my own people, the Filipinos. I also feel Mexicans hate me even though I haven't said any racist things to them.

/pol is really racist, but occasionally /pol brings up some good points


That if someone criticizes another person on their opinion and someone replies by saying, "RACISTS YOU ARE A RACISTS" I belief that the person who is calling out racism is in fact the racists because the have a predetermination that anyone who thinks different then themselves is a racists.

Its like when I seen that twitters screenshot of a white woman saying that every time she sees a black person, she feels the need to coddle them and care for them like a child. In effect, she is holding onto some demented idea that blacks are inferior and needed to be treated like a child. Is that not racist is itself?

Or do you prefer a third party to explain what I meant?

im more of a speciesist.

My sides

stupid white liberals have a white saviour complex because they are collectivist morons who deny every nigger their agency and free will.

Not racist. I don't irrationally hate people because of skin color. I judge people based on individuals.
But the inner city black community is clearly a cancer. There is no way to explain their behavior without resorting to mental gymnastics.
Also if you're going to walk and dress like a thug I'm going to treat you like a thug.

Pretty much this.
Science isn't racist, and ignoring facts because of feels is destructive. "Racism" exists because deep inside everyone knows that their extended family on this earth is their race, and that people should have the right to associate with whomever they want.

In reality, I'm not a realist. In this super PC liberal hellhole of an echo chamber we have going on Earth I'm a racist.

Given the general, overall quality and subject of discussions here, Sup Forums is venomously racist.

I AM a realist.

Jesus what a colossal typo.

Video of doggo fall

I'm a [made-up sub-denomination of racist] which is to say [I hold racist views but want to couch them in as many niceties as possible so I'm not the bad guy]

I'm a racist, yes Sup Forums is racist

>hero war dog
as if he had a choice

doggo body dogoo choise #abortion


racist is a meaningless buzzword

Are you seriously telling me that there is no difference between acknowledging race differences and being a full blown racist as it's portrayed in the media?
Racism is demonized, the 'niceties' are strategical

>In reality, I'm not a realist;jsessionid=F7CE43E76C6B6AF7D965CF1A2F1C7E34.f02t03

>>Do you consider yourself a racist?
>>Do you consider Sup Forums to be racist?
/pol Isn't one person. Some might be racist, most are not.
I'm not racist for the same reason Sup Forums isn't racist. They understand that an individual isn't group statistics. Being truly racist means being unable to see past those group statistics when faced with an individual that (might match up to them) doesn't match up to them.

I honestly think negroids are inferior, caucasoids and mongoloids are the only two races that can function without another race helping them up (minus the inbreeding families) and abos are far from human. I recognize that there are instances where a black may be smarter than a white but the races as a whole show negroids to be destructive and besides being fast runners, they offer little to the sciences, arts, advancements in technology and any desire to improve.

I guess. I mean I don't want to genocide niggers or anything, but I also don't want them moving in next door, either.

Also Mexicans have to go. They have a country. It's called Mexico.


I would never judge an individual person simply based on skin color. However, I will judge them by their behavior and by their culture.If that just so happens to intersect with skin color then so be it. I'm not a child so I don't really care what people call me when I point out the flaws in what they practice.

Is it racist if you just hate niggers?

OP of course obviously loves Man spray....but his post picture is pretty based.

Nope you're good

>Do you consider yourself a racist?
>Do you consider Sup Forums to be racist?
Because racism is completely natural and justified 9 times out of 10. Have you ever lived in the same house as a bunch of niggers? It's fucking awful. They are wild animals and anyone who's honest with themselves can see it. There are exceptions, sure, but that doesn't discount the behavior of the majority.

to flee from the term is to cede the high ground to shrill Marxists

basically, you're agreeing with them that racism is terrible, but your specific, newfangled palatable form of realism is totally different even though it's the same thing. I don't want to agree to these people's terms and simply try and prove I'm not a villain, I want to be correct and for them to come to my side. Playing their taboo games is a surefire way to assure them they are correct.

Thanks, merchant!

Yes and yes. Simply being aware of scientific fact is enough to earn the label.

Sage another pointless shill thread about race.

Right, only if you say that you are a racist to a person he will immediately have a distorted idea of what it means, an idea that will stick in his mind, and he will hear all of your arguments through this filter of talking to a racist.
If you use a new term, which is still accurate(race realism) and explain that the connotations of ruling over or exterminating other races is not a part of this idea, you'll have a better chance at convincing people.
And I agree that it feels like weakness, but the Marxists pretty much won the culture war up until now, and the people you are talking too are brainwashed. They need new words because the old ones were burned into their minds as absolute taboos.

I notice when people are minorities, and it makes me a little less comfortable around them than I am with white people. But it's not a huge deal. I trust a black friend far more than a white stranger, and obviously most white people are strangers to me. I'm definitely more likely to befriend whites though.

I researched that image a few weeks back, did not find any verification. The term existed much earlier and did have the current meaning even back then.

That being said, I strongly prefer my own race or people who act like they are of my race.

liberals love knowing whats best for poor people...

it's really not

All components of GS:SFHS received ethical approval from the NHS Tayside Committee on Medical Research Ethics (REC Reference Number: 05/S1401/89

This makes me think the findings were even more genetic based then they are reporting.

Kind of. I just don't want to live near to blacks or poor people in general. Also I think that jews are slimey little bastards.

I'd say yes but its complicated. i actually want other races to succeed and become better for the good of all of us but i get frustrated when they choose not to and become a danger to other people. im more of a "culture hater" than anything else, and being that most blacks arent as mentally capable i sometimes have a hard time hating them. they have their own function in a way but their destiny is not on the same path as the white man. sort of like how you dont "hate" a dog that bites people, you just have to make sensible decisions for the sake of innocent people. hating something for its nature is silly, you should reserve your hate for people who know better. based black men are good but so so rare. i pretty much believe in segregation because a mixed society disadvantages blacks who have to compete with whites and weve pushed the modern world on them which theyre clearly not capable of living in. they should be put on reservations to live just like we do to protect wildlife


>Do you consider yourself a racist?
Yes. I was going to say no, but then every explanation about crime statistics and inferior culture led to me believing I am a racist. Africa is a starving shithole and every city with a majority population of blacks is a "low income" shithole. Due to crime statistics, I always clutch my belongings tight if there are blacks around and give them a wide berth if possible. I don't hate black people and I'm not opposed to being friendly with them if they aren't thug trash. However even though outliers exist, I do feel that statistically they are more likely to stab me or rob me. Also I have not seen (real life, media, etc) a black woman that attracts me. Other races vary in their ability to turn me on, but for the most part it's just whites (and slav's if you consider them non-white).

>Do you consider Sup Forums to be racist?
Sup Forums is a image board and cannot be either racist or not racist. Sup Forums simply is. The people on Sup Forums are another story though.

Race realist and racialist
Yes there is a difference between racists are racialists.

>Science isn't racist

Only because Western science is cucked. An objective view of genetics can easily lead you to racist conclusions, but those conclusions are automatically discounted due to the taboo.

Here's an example of science which could reasonably lead one to racist conclusions:

How did you figure it out sherlock?

thats not what edgy means.

I feel the same way. But do you think blacks are genetically stupid or just a product of their environment?

If say a black baby was raised in a strict asian family would he turn out differently?

If racist means what the average SJW thinks it means, then yes.

I know dude, my argument was that science is not racist no matter what taboos exist. Facts are facts, race realism or racism is just not ignoring those inconvenient facts.

Yes , a good racist .

A racist without Hate .

"Racist" is the black persons version of calling a white guy a "Nigger"

The PC way to talk about it is to say they have a different kind of intelligence not better or worse.

There is no doubt they think differently then Europeans

your post is as accurate as your clocks, swissbro. fucking this. people who treat the black people like they cant have responsibility for their actions are basically calling them retarded

I am racist by default for being white. Also, 2016.

it isn't a real word


>If say a black baby was raised in a strict asian family would he turn out differently?
Nope. I'm too lazy for sources right now but I remember Jared Taylor talking about this specifically, you can google him.

that little box that says you're form Israel.

Are seriously that stupid untermensche?

they did these sorts of studies with adopted children. I'm too lazy to find it for you, but the general results were that
1) white children adopted into a white family perform well academically, but not as well as non-adopted white children.
2) black children adopted into a white family perform way better than black kiddos raised by black parents, but still significantly less than the whites.

I can't remember if Asian adoptees did better than white adoptees in white families.

not everyone here thinks like you, fag. they use the qualifiers to distance themselves from retards like you because your kind literally does more harm than good

On a personal level, I would not consider myself a racist.

On a larger, societal level, I am a racist, and it would be foolish not to be.

It was a joke you retard
That's the point, why would you use a jew detected pic if I have a kike flag? it's pretty obvious

genetically stupid fo sho. there are things they excel at, abstract thought and decision making just isnt one of them

Yes and Yes. I am racist in that I believe we can determine certain truths and tip scales of probability in making judgements about a person based largely on their genetic origins.

Sup Forums hates nonwhites because they are cumulatively responsible for most of the publicly endorsed bitching at this time. One day I pray Sup Forums is full of nonwhites bitching in anonymity at my people's successes and newfound pride in themselves, yet falling short of the essential development of meme magic that would give them the power to change this dominance; as they did with agriculture and basic infrastructure.

>black children adopted into a white family perform way better than black kiddos raised by black parents, but still significantly less than the whites
not sure if we're thinking of the same study, but weren't the black children on average adopted later than the white children?

Give me evidence you aren't a filthy jew or i'll rip you and your family's guts out with an M249.

this is an interesting post. i agree with what you said about scales of probability and its well put. It makes me wonder though, if we could ever reach a point where blacks are more "docile" and not so violent, i mean its pretty widely acknowledged around here that our mental capabilities are completely different...

But could they fully abandon their violent ways or is that a actually a symptom of low intelligence? Not sure whether im putting the cart before the horse here. I guess that the impulsiveness is kind of a big factor in this one, isnt it. because everybody gets mad at some point that might be what leads to the violence taking place, the inability to control the inevitable anger that comes with every day life, getting insulted or cut off in traffic etc. I guess the blacksinability to see "big picture", to understand why people might feel the way they do about them or weight up long term consequences is where the rubber really hits the road here

That's just dishonest.

There are IQ differences based on race, but it's not such a huge difference that it can't be overcome with education. That's PC, I think.

The truth is that the differences are bigger than IQ. I find the greatest disparity is in people's emotional or ethical intelligence. We don't have a test for that, which baffles me, but it explains things like crime rates better than IQ.

fite me irl

where do you live


i dont think this could account for the size of the difference in results. its a vast chasm, an average of 15 points is yuuuuuge. also, adoption aside there is also the socio-economic studies that show that the poorest whites outperform the wealthiest blacks

Would it be racist to cross the road to avoid these black teens pic related?

I feel like a lot of people would say yes its racist if you cross the street even though they are 100 times more likely to try mug you or attempt a knock out game on you than a group of white teens.

where in Israel?


racist would be to think they are not subhuman trash just because they are black. in that regard is Sup Forums the only multi cultural place that works because there exist 100% honesty.


Israel is small we don't have streets
It's like a village with camels

in the jewish internet defence force centre for cheating the goy and making shekels.

i never walk around in my area late at night without my dog now. we have hectic sudanese population who tried to fuck with me once (luckily i was able to bluff my way out of it and they got scared) and heaps of scummy white junkies too. self preservation above all, fuck cunts who say its rayciss to cross the street man. blacks on their own wont do shit but avoid the groid if hes in a group

Yeah, Israel

>racism is subliminally ingrained in every human's mind
>we as cave men herded into groups, in competition with different groups
>but if someone does something unkind to me in real life, I will judge the actions of the individual instead of the group

Live around them for a while. See how they act.

You won't give a fuck if it's "racist" after a while. You'll avoid them because you know what they're like.

by the terms of the sjw liberals fuckers
by terms of facts and reality : hell no ,being realistic is not racist

yeah, that's truly the funniest thing to me about PC anti-racist faggots. They come from 75%+ white towns and only see educated, well-off melanin enhanced individuals and then bark about how all black people are fine. I wish every white person who thinks BLM is legitimate and that cops just hunt down black teens for fun would go move to Chicago or Detroit or Baltimore or D.C. or Atlanta for a year or two and see how they feel.

t. Atlantan

you dont understand. they will not acknowledge any individual wrongdoing by any nigger because they cant do any wrong because they are black.that collectivist mindset results in apology letters on facebook from women to their rapist because the white supremacists, racist systems made him do this.

frankly, if you've never lived in a *majority* black area, you shouldn't assume you know black people.

I saw my small Georgian hometown on the edge of the metro area go from 80% white to 52% white and the high school I graduated from in particular is now 65% black. Crime is through the roof there now.

Blacks literally ruin towns. My parents left the shithole and I have no desire to go back anymore. Fucking ruined my childhood stomping grounds.


are there actually any studies that accurately show the magnitude of genetic contributions to intelligence between racial groups though? you'd need a considerable sample size, something like a couple thousand MZ/DZ twins of various races, adopted at the same age, with full SNP genotyping, tested for g and iq at particular intervals, controlling for SES. none of the current research feels particularly compelling.

i think if you ask me the reason theyre more "well behaved" in the small towns is the whole "siege mentality" thing, the same effect happens with muslims. theyll stay on the DL when there are smaller numbers, but once they get the confidence that theyre a big enough group theyll quickly turn to barbaric behaviour.

it has never made sense to me how black people complain that whites keep them down, but look at cities like detroit with like 75% blacks. arent whites the minority here? shouldnt you be able to you know, start businesses and hire black employees and get your success happening that weve been holding you back from?

i think they should do more large scale studies because they are needed. what comes out of them wont be particularly surprising to me. good luck getting something like that funded, why do you think "anti-racists" fear facts? they know that it will reveal what theyve long feared, so they shut it down. if we look at the state of reality there are multiple, multiple, multiple lines of converging evidence though, and every excuse given has been debunked at this point, you just need to have a particular worldview to see things for what they are and so many people are just stuck repeating soundbytes afraid of being called the magic R word.

i used to get mad about this shit, now i dont even care. i know im right, so i just sit and wait for the pendulum to swing back. its inevitable. so i just wait. its like buying Windows stock in the 1940s, only a matter of time until payday