Music sounds better when you're high and that's a FACT

Music sounds better when you're high and that's a FACT

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I don't deny it, I can mindlessly shittily doodle for hours on a guitar when I'm stoned and it sounds great to me

Fuck off, you junkie trash.

Shit thread desu

Yeah that's because 20 minutes of wanking on the pentatonic scale sounds like the second coming of Christ when you're stoned.
Go home degenerate

>Have to get fucked up to enjoy music
I feel bad for you

Have you ever heard this album high, man? Im telling you

>its cool being a useless fuck

Thanks for the advice OP

Yeah normally I find Tame Impala really boring but that's good af stoned

Did you all just turn 18?

One time I was playing guitar while tripping and I could see the soundwaves pulse through the air. That was wild


family guy funniest movements compilation 2017 EPIC


The music doesn't sound better but you perceive it as sounding more interesting than it probably is. That's what weed actually does.

I pity those who never listened to music in a dark basement with friends while smoking a joint though. Good times.

Who would unironically draw something like this? Holy cringe.

You don't have to get high to enjoy it or even to think it's good
It's just better intoxicated like nearly everything in life

Paid commission. Artists are whores sometimes. I drew shitty animal crossing characters for 250$ one time. Still haven't played that game.

Saying it sounds good or bad is subjective anyways so if you perceive it as better it sounds better

Nothing better than playing dad's old records in the basement after ripping a bowl with a couple friends tho that's for sure

LOL at the anti drug posts - where do y'all think all religions came from? all those dudes in the desert ate cactus for the water, over 150 varieties all over the world have mescaline.. everyone in the bible era smoked opium for pain and to sleep.. there are also over 150 varieties of magic mushrooms.. there is NOTHING beyond the material realm that mankind has done that has NOT come from drugs - even Walt Disney created Mickey Mouse while smoking opium in his garage and drawing comics of rats running around.. get a grip, people! Tom Waits said "reality is for people who can't face drugs"

Music sounds better when you're high and you haven't been so in weeks. Tolerance dulls everything out.

It was easier to differentiate and focus on a single instrument, but harder to focus on the music overall. It was nice to have a different perspective, but I no longer enjoy it.

This argument has been going on since the site was created you're never going to convince them of anything

Trying to argue either side makes you looks like a massive faggot regardless, especially on a music oriented board

Drugs are fun and all but there's nothing more disgusting than seeing an addict proud of his addiction.

yes but all music does. even bad music. so thats not a good thing.

I smoke multiple times a week for depression and an appetite disorder but I hate it when people flaunt how much they smoke
It's exactly like college dude bros talking about how drunk they get except even more degen

correction: its a good thing if you just want to enjoy music. if you want to judge music less surface level then you gotta do it sober.

wtf are you guys smoking to make bad music sound good?

bad music is maybe exaggerated, but music i usually don't enjoy sober.

I know what you mean. Watch out self-medicating with weed though. The benefits are only temporary.

I know right? When I'm high and the beat is bad it's just worst.

I like to get high and listen to Machine Girl

I don't know what the hell you guys are talking about, but there is no music or even food I enjoy more when high. Music is still just music.

my nigga

everything's better when you're high though. food, movies, conversing, being outdoors. it takes boring situations and makes them fun. it's why i think it's highly dangerous and should remain illegal and put in the class A drug.

>it's why i think it's highly dangerous and should remain illegal and put in the class A drug.

I don't get high often, but when I do, music does sound awesome.
Anybody saying otherwise, has never gotten high and listened to music.

you're the cuck for loving weed, cuck

>it makes everything better
>that's why i think it should remain illegal
Sucks to be you.

>somebody took the time to draw this and thought it was deep af

With the depression I agree with you, I have a normally prescribed antidepressant that levels me out, weed is mostly to relax and relieve stress to keep me sane
But for the appetite it always works, it's a physical effect that tolerance doesn't have much of an effect on so whenever it's been too long since I ate last and I can't get hungry I just smoke a bit

it describes a large amount of people very well, your empty post tells me you're probably one of them

It's CollegeHumor, what do you expect?

How many people comprise "a large amount of people" and how is it possible you know all of them so well?

I live in brooklyn and these are most of the white guys you will see on an average day, they all have the same interests but most people that listen to the Sup Forums essentials fit the pic as well in my experience

>Brooklyn is the entire country

>that gif
the irony

I can hardly listen to music while high because of my synesthesia. I'm also pretty prone to thought loops and having a preference for looped ambient music doesn't help me much there. I've had many an existential crisis listening to tape loops

>tfw weed doesn't do anything for me anymore
Even after taking lengthy tolerance breaks it just doesn't do it. Now I just binge drink alone 3-4 times a week.

How the fuck would someone pay so much for a comission?

>doesnt do anything
do you mean like you dont get high? or youre just sick of the feeling.
Cause I was a daily smoker for at least 8 months and I'd still get really high off of like .7g

Weed makes me stiff as fuck and makes my body do other funny stuff, like, one time I had way too much and I couldn't stop shaking and shit like that.
It basically leaves my body in a weird way.

What's ironic about Sam Hyde, a right wing anti weed anti degeneracy comedian?

this appeared in the new MDE book

What the fuck is this shitty ass red-pilled / woke wanna be drawing

Pretty true on a chemical level. Most drugs, including THC, facilitate the production of dopamine, both by itself and in response to external stimulus.
Subjectively, though, I find weed helps me pick out individual parts of the music more easily, making it suitable for psychedelic and ambient. For genres that rely on narrative, like folk, it's a little harder to follow.
Eh, different strokes and whatnot.

It lost it's luster. It only gets me high for a brief while and I got sick of that tired, burnt out feeling when you come down. At that point it felt like I was just wasting money.

>underage doesn't know that image existed since 2009 and is a compilation of cartoon characters in college


itt: people who never did drugs in high school purely because they never got the chance


>You don't listen to Pink Floyd just so you can take drugs. You take drugs just so you can listen to Pink Floyd!

ugh like I can't even

This is exactly the kind of guy who would make the "modern male" pic

Honestly post-Barrett Floyd has nothing to fucking do with drugs and is about politics and shit. I don't know why stoners attach themselves to it so much.

take a longer tolerance break

People can pay very high prices for their autism user

But was it porn? Or what kind of comission?