Will robots really make us jobless and poorer?

will robots really make us jobless and poorer?

Jobless and poorer?

Some people. Not everyone. Expect 5% to have abject poverty and their genetic lines to die out. Meanwhile the remaining 95% (and their descendants) will become marvelously wealthy because of it..

so then what are the people who used to work these jobs supposed to do?

This phenomenon is called "De-Industrialization" and Marx talked about it.

I hate Marx and leftists, but his theory of de-industrialization was probably the only thing he was correct about.

There is no way our socialist leaning or Christian leaning neighbors will allow any line to die out because of poverty. Expect a guaranteed minimum income.

They willmake 60% of us jobless. Neither my fault nor am I interested since I am your IT guy, but I will laugh so hard at them asking for getting their jobs back into america.

>eanwhile the remaining 95% (and their descendants) will become marvelously wealthy because of it..

I bet you believe that "trickle-down" economics really works too.

More like expect 5% to end up in abject poverty. 90% to end up struggling to find alternative employment and making ends meet, 4% to get good jobs in the areas that cant be automated, and 1% to get obscenely rich off the 95% of others who were screwed over by it.

>Implying we'll need IT guys.

>Implying any otherjob is more needed in comparison to IT
You know, the deep learning machines use neural networks and the only people eing able to repair them are it guys. Not electricians, not engineers, the people developing it.

I teach renaissance poetry. My job is safe.

It happens all the time. The automobile put all the horse related industries out of business. They just didn't need as many buggy whips, I guess.

If the 95% die, then 100% of the people are wildly rich. Would that be such a bad thing?

Yeah, who could live without knowing that?

Well one need only look at what happened to the Roman empire.

They had a strong middle class. The "citizen soldier" was the foundation of the republic. After conquering neighbouring lands the Romans enslaved thousands and flooded the market with slave labour.

This made the labour of the middle class worthless, forcing even retired soldiers given land as their reward to sell their land to wealthy moguls who owned 100s of slaves.

The middle class ended up in the cities, with no income. Lots of angry, poor, pissed off people flooding the cities necessitated the development of the first welfare state in the form of bread rations (bread and games). This was the beginning of the end for the Roman republic, which collapsed under bankruptcy and corruption a few generations later

Different with machines sadly. One factory can now produce the same output 4000 people were needed for in 1920. People screaming for jobs are uncultured and don't know what will happen in the next 20 years.

A truely dire forecast. Spoken like a real liberal. Your glass is always half empty.

The stuff people require will be provided by robots. All the jobs will be in the superfluous.

wealth is only obscene to the retards who don't have any

I wouldn't worry about it. When one industry dies, another always comes along to replace it.

In long run - no.

That's because robotization will make new jobs. People that are doing creative work will be unrepleaceable.
Only labour, fabrciation jobs are gonna go. But you see - the machine to dig wipes out the diggers - but need operator. And a servicemen. Some of them will have to eventually switch job.

As the saying tells, if God closes the door, he opens the window. It'll create new jobs with names not known for us now.
Who in 1800s could know that hundred years later, instead weaving workers, it will be massive amount of jobs for electricians (electricity not discovered yet), car servicemen (car not invented yet), music and movie industry (vinyls and gramophones not invented yet, cameras not invented yet, movies not invented yet).
And who standing beside workers on Ford T assembly line would think about future-to-seen IT programmers, tech support, hardware stores, event organizers, web developers, graphicians, music producers, DJs, youtubers and others?

Then why is trump taking back apple to america?? And other companies followed. They even put billions into factory research for robotic factories in the us. They are coming back.

You are retarded, no further comment needed,

Donald J. Trump isnt gonna let any of this happen

Robots will be able to repair themselves. Don't kid yourself.


This gentleman and fags is what dumbasses really believe.

Point at him and laugh!

all we gotta do is make sure no more left wing idiots make their way into office

So robots will be able to build anything people can, but the one thing they can't do is repair robots.

Go to school for robotic engineering and you'll be fine otherwise hope for Trump approving a UBI in the coming years. Shit is gonna blow up as soon as we start mining the moon or space rocks, then companies will see how useless humans are in the feild.

Hmmm. These numbers don't make sense with the situation at hand here.

And how is that gonna generate income for millions? I'm sure the line out the door will be a mile long and the engineering dept will be empty. Whatever you got to tell yourself to make you feel safe.

The only people with marketable skills will be those with liberal arts degrees.

Are you really thinking the facebook bot was getting shot down because of disadvantage? Ask musk funding a jurisdictioan against facebook. We are soon letting robots do everything, but they are/should be researched in faraday cages.

Even if the numbers are wrong, that is irrelevant. People die but they don't have to be replaced. 99% of the population could die in misery. But after that, the remaining population would be living in a utopia. From that point forward, misery and greed no longer have to be a human experience until the end of time.

Kill billions to save a literally uncountable number of people.

You think that statement has anything to do with liberalism? Or politics for that matter? This issue is way more complex then retarded politics. This is an entire change of living. Can't compare to the past changes cause we are living in an age of acute restructuring due to the rapid pace of tech. Get your head out of the tv and newspapers and seek reality friend.

But that industry will also be ran by machines? Do you see the spiral or na?

Labor and fabrications are the majority of jobs. The machine will eventually run the machine and also repair the machine. You not seeing how fast the tech will evolve. This isn't from horse to car man. Shit these days and in the future are going to move way faster then we can transition properly from.

This is way too advanced by the current technology

Yea but things in the present to future will be advancing at the fastest pace then ever. Think how much faster we can do things now compared to 40 years ago. We will triple that 40 year progress in a fraction of time now. Micro chips can only get so small before that advancement can't go any further. The next step in tech is going to be way more implicating then it's predecessor. Things don't change it n a constant pace. They only go faster as time goes on

You are right. But I think people will have a hard time accepting machines making decisions for them, which will decrease the rate at which these new machines are implemented.

Yep. Automated trucking is coming sooner than you'd think. Soon you'll all be demoted to package carriers, enjoy you're back breaking minimum wage slave career faggot

99% then where is the consumer to generate this wealth? So Philip Morris will buy and smoke his own cigarettes and be filthy rich from it? I mean at what point is money going to be useless at that mindset? I mean it's not even real to begin with, so who should really care about how much there is to share when it will be evenly spread out? No more classes of poor, middle and upper. Where's the drive for capitalization when no one needs anything. Not expecting answers, just philosophizing. It will be interesting to see how the future will change and evolve

That's rather optimistic. What will disappear is unskilled labor. It's already happening in manufacturing and warehouses.

Automation will destroy far more jobs than it will create by the very nature of automation. There would be no point in automating if you had to pay the same amount of people as you did beforehand.

The only response I can imagine is a universal basic income.

That will remain to be seen. No humans no liabilities. That's a great cause with the rates of workmans comp and liability payments in NY. I foresee business owners not wanting to pay those fees for their delicate fleshed workers.

Robots will do that too.

The automation issue is an interesting one because it threatens jobs that require physical strength or endurance and lots of repetition. So essentially a lot of low paying jobs that are traditionally male. Many more men will be displaced by automation than women. We're probably going to have to redefine how we view masculine work because the jobs that will stick around are things like teaching and nursing, where human interaction is important and not easily automated away.

yup welcome to the future

ITT: the stupid and ill-informed make crass, bold, generalized statements which upset the dim, slow-witted and crass. an argument ensues.

>nothing of value is learnt.

>unskilled labor will disappear

it almost disappeared already.
to work in IT, finances, services yo have to be graduate usually. thats why we have unprecedented amount of college and university students now.
back then you graduated the hs and was starting the job in local factory. now these jobs went overseas but it is now so cheap to import the same chinese plastic thingies that it lowered the bareers to joining the market forr them. you can afford starting a business trading them.

it just created a new branch. amazon sold chinese shit.

Asking if robots will make us jobless is only scratching the surface of a much larger philosophical question, being will robots make humans obsolete.
Sure low skilled jobs will be the first to go, but at the rate of ai and robotics advancements it wont be long tillel every industry is impacted. I read an article that said a.i will be able to do high level mathematics and medical research within 20-30 years. A few decades after this, when the worlds smartest humans are being superseded by robots, it more becomes a question of why even bother existing (i assume this is the point skynet kills us all for being inferior so i guess problem solved)

Why would truck drivers/taxi drivers/drivers in general exist if cars drive themselves?
Why would people work in factories when there's robots doing their job instead? Japan already has an almost 100% robot operated factory.
There are a million possible jobs that could easily be done by robots/AI.

>and the retard summer fags make posts like these,thinking they're any more intelligent than the masses.

>Remove simple jobs that allow everyone to live happily
>Force everyone to pay for an education, saddling them with debt, making them miserable and the perfect slave
>Realize you don't actually need any of these people anymore because robots can do everything you need
>You're probably already taken all the brightest individuals to work below area 51 and figured out how to keep them alive forever, so let's start getting rid of the unnecessary population
>Introduce automation to further entrench people in your system of slavery
>Enjoy desperate people willing to do just about anything for you to survive
>Now you have a police force and army, totally fed and paid, who will dispose of anyone who doesn't play ball
>Slowly introduce rules that make the police have to dispose of eachother
>Ah, utopia.

>he says, edgily
>without realizing he's one of the scum
Ah, utopia, he says - while being murdered
>replies with "hurr durr there's already too much of us"
kys faggot

That's an interesting thought. I've been talking to my brother about this occasionally the past few months but this never occurred to us. Good thing neither of us are involved in unskilled labor!