Hello /b this is my dog, he's also my best friend

Hello /b this is my dog, he's also my best friend

Wanna meet my buddy?

how does it feel knowing he wont live longer than like 10 years

I just had my best buddy put down. I'm dying.

Dogs are just so fucking great, they don't give a fuck about what you're doing, who you are, or what you've done. As long as you're good to them, they love you.

Who put such a pure animal into this world

I bet our buddies would get along.

It feels bad, I know I will be sad when he's gone. That's why I'm trying to spend time together

no life cucks get some real friends

i bet our dogs would get along.

>pic related

I bet they will

Looks like a good pupper.

Her big brother from another mother.
All they do is chase each other in the backyard, eat, and sleep.


I'm sorry to hear that user, be strong mate. I understand how that feels and it won't be easy to surpass, but not impossible

Good doggo, age?

I wanna give that dog a big fuckin hug

Whats his name?

He's 6 years old

His name is Chelo, he's Mexican

He gets nervous with hugs, never understood why

Enjoy all the time you can with him.

I love my dogs.

Give him good treats and pet him alot

Most dogs do, but that doesnt stop me from hugging those motherfuckers

Thanks user, I will

A fresh appears!

I always try to give him treats that he enjoys (pic related) he also makes me company when studying

Oww, so cute

Thats a big fucking bone I bet he was a happy boy

when i get rich as fuck as phramabro im gonna have Michael Vic put in a wheel chair.

Me right now.

Last, here's Chelo when he was a pupper
