Real strange moments caught on camera thread

Real strange moments caught on camera thread

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Please like and share on social media to fight the nazis who support America!

You're trying way too hard, kid.


this is one of the funniest pictures ive ever seen on Sup Forums LOL

that fucking bear... i lost it

I kinda wish to see more of this. I wonder how the other one is reacting.

wtf whats goin thru that guys head



the thread this is from

I recognize that gay blowjob!

whoa there
















Oh a dog jumping caught midair how mysteriouse

the newfags never end do they.. the picture originates from a danish sex party photoalbum of some teenagers, really hot wish I remembered where to find the pics again. Anyway it was photoshopped to look like the two headed bitch.


Actually that dog is a very realistic balloon being held by a very very tiny person just off camera.



Id slam the fridge shut on that motherfucker


terrible shoop


fucking n igger man they were just chiilin what a cunt




Pretty sure that's Loki the red fox (on YT). This couple has it as a pet and is a great example why NOT to have a red fox as a pet. Every piece of furniture is covered in moving blankets and since they cannot be house trained, litterbox trained, or even paper trained, they shit and piss everywhere. Every room has strategic bottles of cleaning supplies within reach. Fuck that shit, get a dog.


>nigga stole ma bike


Under the sea
Under the sea
Darling it's better
Down where it's wetter
Take it from me
Up on the shore they work all day
Out in the sun they slave away
While we devotin'
Full time to floatin'
Under the sea

I can recall some study that foxes are still smarter than dogs. You would think they can still be house clean.


They're still wild animals. They haven't been bred in captivity for hundreds of generations like dogs. IF you want one that CAN be ...mostly... domesticated, the fennec fox can be litterbox trained.

"I hate trump im 1/4th latino and he triggers me"

This isnt an animal thread nigger

That has to be the cutest thing on the fucking planet.
Fennec would be awesome to have as a pet.


You don't fuck with Rumba cat

Fucking hell

part 1

part 2

OK, here's brony Glenn Beck.

part 3

They're legal in NY to have as a pet. They cost about $1500 from a good breeder. Take a lot of work to own, but yeah. Cute as hell. I'm on a waiting list for one next year.

Looks like a shop, the shadow and light source don't match.


LOL, Portland.

Also, sequential numerals observed.

Ah fuck you.

A mouth?

butthurt little faggot

you're gonna anal gape when he gets arrested



looks innocent enough but are they dangerous?

They weigh 6-8 pounds so... not really. They do have sharp teeth, so you want one that's from a good breeder and has been immediately bonded to humans. You get one that's just old enough to be owned as a pet and you get just one. Get a pair and they'll bond to each other and never you.

>Also, weird picture for the people getting pissy over fox talk.

hoho they don't have money

shit maaan nature is a bitch. sck owl thou

Don't they act like they are on caffeine and speed all of the time? I remember someone telling me they would be super hyper when awake, but slept a lot.


king nigger

They are active about 10% of the time, snuggly 15% of the time, and sleep the other 75%. They're naturally nocturnal, but will adjust their active time to when you're around.

Here's a video from a dude I talk to on YT. He's pretty much the best source I've found on Fennec foxes. He tells the pros and cons of owning one.


Thats Impossible?

Unless they mean with another partner. Then misleading headline.



aliens confirmed


best file name ive seen for this pic, 10/10


>It's Willem Defoe you mongoloid

My mom was scared when I went to Detroit so this is what I sent her

Nice contraceptives, slut.

How-? What-? What's the story??


Secret missing ep of Yogi bear

There's only one this to explain this



What's strange about niggers boarding their bus???

10 points!
