Guys, I have a question. My wife has no desire for sex, learning, staying in shape, or even alcohol. Should I leave her...

Guys, I have a question. My wife has no desire for sex, learning, staying in shape, or even alcohol. Should I leave her? I have no idea what lead me to her in the first place.

Leave her, make her yet another example that we won't tolerate complacency

I'd recommend it. Sounds like my wife. 30 years. Gone. Wasted. What potential did I lose?
Leave sooner. It only gets harder.

You will be miserable the rest of your life if you don't.

Beat her into submission

I wish I had left my wife 10 years sooner. I agree with 30 year user.
> Gone. Wasted. What potential did I lose?

Monitoring this thread since I'm in the same situation.

And you think it will get better...
Spoiler - it doesn't


Well If ur gunna leave her u better be sure ur OK with her not being there to do whatever it is that made u love her

U will be alone

U will be sad

The most important thing millennials lost is their ability to invest in someone over time. She sounds depressed. I know that you're a narcissistic self important loser, you were raised by a system that wants that. Makes for people who are easy to manipulate. You should try to communicate with her and help her build back up into that person you loved, since she is still that person.

A strong family unit is the cornerstone to a strong community and a homogenous culture. This makes for a strong barrier against Islam or other interested parties taking control.

Pic related
>only 1 fix

>stay with ur shit wife and be miserable so that the Muslims don't get us

Wow what's it like to be that afraid

Just because your generation lived miserable their entire lives trying to change a person, doesnt mean everyone else has to.
People dont change, no matter how much you try.

There are rules follow the text senpai

Time to leave bro. She is starting to bring you down with her. Get out now before it's too late.
Woman are generally miserable human beings and the older they get the worse they get.
Do yourself a favor and think of yourself here for once.

Follow the teachings and be a good mudslime
>fix her now or tell the profit police to come take her

>U [sic] will be sad

Until you find a woman with whom you both find mutual inspiration.

"A man marries, assuming she will never change. A Woman marries, assuming she can change him."

neither of that is entirely true.
yes, people can be changed. to some degree.
no, its often not worth the tremendous effort and time.
no, just trying hard will not work, you need to know your method.
theres a reason there are experts in partner therapy shit. because its a skill than must be learned.

It's much easier to find a woman you hate, give her half of everything you own, and be done with it.

Just don't have kids.

If you feel that your wedding vows "in good times and bad.. in sickness and in health.. till death do us part " does not hold true there is nothing you will do but rot in your marriage. Leave and find someone who you will share life with.. not to find happiness.

Just leave if you aren't happy

One sided relationships are shitty for the person who thinks their loved. So do them a service by leaving them.

Get the fuck out of that relationship ASAP. Why waste money or time on some bitch who's not going to give you anything anyway?

Is she particularly zealous about religion by any chance? If so that's the first red flag that leads to all of that.

I'm... Also a millennial.
What I'm saying is that she's experiencing more of an affliction than a change in who she is.
You need to help her fix that.
Don't just abandon people because it inconveniences you. It is very selfish.

No but narcissism brings the individual above the group. A group is always stronger than the individual. Culture wants to expand and it's easier to do the more homogenous the group.
They're very homogenous. We are splintering.
If there's a stronger push to come here and take over, we may fall.