Howard openly discussed having experienced post-partum depression. Howard had difficulty breast-feeding...

>Howard openly discussed having experienced post-partum depression. Howard had difficulty breast-feeding, which she found to be more painful than experiencing natural child birth and would often cry in the shower. She was often disgusted when she saw her son; rather than refer to him by name, she would call him "it". Feeling overwhelmed and unable to make decisions, Howard also felt not only disconnected from her husband and baby, but herself as well. With the help of a physician and a therapist she recovered from the depression, which lasted for about 18 months."

This is like the 3rd time she's gotten fat

What the fuck is her problem?

That's sad but why do we need those details? Seems very weirdly personal.

>Spider-Man 3 premiere
>the current year


Why can't women just love their children?

>Bryce Dallas Howard will never be your mommy and call you "it"

Haven't seen her lately, huh?

Dat ass

Because there are all types of parents, user.

Thats a real woman mamacita

Depression is a myth. She's just a selfish bitch


>Howard openly discussed having experienced post-partum depression

Gee i wonder why

Because sometimes children like you are born.


oh my god

bet her farts stank like hell

god DAMN she got fat when she had kids jesus

This is fucking perfect female figure right here

>Depression is a myth. She's just a selfish bitch
Pretty much this.

Why couldn't she stay at her Jurassic World body


I blame her son for being a little self centered moocher.

It's just free publicity. She's happy as hell and rolling around in her millions.

Because this is so much better?

>crying over breastfeeding

It's not just 'who they are' like it's some inherent characteristic from birth.
When a parent treats their own child like shit it's because of their own weakness and stupidity, and it's unforgivable.
I hope that kid sees her for the cunt she is.

>breast feeding more painful than giving birth

Something about this
Just sounds intuitively wrong.



my sister told me that she didn't have a pump ready when her milk came in and it hit her like a truck. She said she was in the shower crying and desperately trying to milk herself, which is hot, but she said it was worse than giving birth.

that ass was FAT

I've heard other women say the same though.

>She said she was in the shower crying and desperately trying to milk herself


that's hot

Don't have to be so mean bro.

if you like obese people, sure