Unpopular opinion thread

Unpopular opinion thread

Rick & Morty is overrated and is not very entertaining

I find the amount of threads about this fucking show disturbing

Rick and Morty was the largest example in history of fake viral meme.

I had never even heard of the show when suddenly half my Facebook and Reddit feed were full of people lamenting that there was no season 3 announcement yet.

What, had people been sitting around for years to all of a sudden start being upset about missing this show?

THEN all these unfunny memes turned up, and everyone pretended they were funny.

If I could shop that webm with the indian call center just shitposting rick and morty I would.

Game of thrones is not entertaining, and is poorly acted.
Emilia Clarke had an ugly body

Don't worry, retards won't get it

Butthurt fanboy.

Only retarded people dislike either GoT or Rick and Morty

I like it. I don't love it. I especially hate the people that do love it. I saw that episode with the Mulan dipping sauce. That joke wasn't funny at all, and it didn't even seem to be intended to be that funny.


I like both shows, but, our opinions don't mean shit. What I find very disturbing is the people who get tattoos of these shows.

The show is so overrated that you had to make a post about it?

sounds like a closet rick and morty fan to me.

I like GoT, but only retards like rick and morty.

Typical kike brainwashing material - can we get entertainment that's not propaganda please

Unpopular opinion: I can't stand all the porn on Sup Forums. Don't get me wrong. I like porn. When I want it, I go to one of the porn boards that have way better selection than what you find here. I come here to call people faggots.


> I can't stand all the porn on Sup Forums
Your not the only one, wish we could trade all the porn in for outrageous, funny threads.

This is thankfully becoming a popular opinion, however, just like the Big Bang Theory, you can tell it will stick around longer than it should.
It is the ultimate reddit show. Literally all they do is screenshot the (((jokes))) then post them there and they rake in their points.

I would actually say TBBT is better because at least they attempt 'jokes'. The writing in R&M is just "*stupid sound/noise*, being a nihilist cunt, stuttering". There is no joke. But then the plot is just 'very basic sci/fi thing with very boring nihilist dialogue..
It isn't clever, it isn't funny, the scifi is weak, the voice acting is boring, the characters are as complex as a...well, the writing.
Essentially it is the show for edgy teens who think it makes them clever.

it's all the same shit too. The same attention whoring faggots posting dick rate threads, the same pics of traps, the same "pics you shouldn't share" where anons pretend to be in relationships, the same "u mad whiteboi?" nigger fucking threads

every fucking day. It's not even just porn to be honest, we have the incredibly repetitive "post a secret", "what's the most perverted thing you've ever done" "what's your job/salary" etc.

I think everyone but the faggotiest of faggots would appreciate a slower moving but more creative Sup Forums. It should be bannable to post the same thread with the same OP within 24 hours.

Popular opinion...
OP gargles cum.

What do you hate about it?

Walking Dead is garbage, I enjoy zombie stuff but there's too much drama in it and not enough people being eaten.
Game of Thrones i could never get into, again too much drama and talking not enough dragon fire.
Rick n Morty is okay, entertaining enough, i was put off it for a long time because of all the autistic girls at work and college talking about it none stop, it's the same reason i don't watch anything with Tom Hiddleston in it now

What do you like about it

>T. Watched 2 episodes

I've been coming here for almost ten years now, and Sup Forums used to just be a place to hang out with other Sup Forumstards and share shit we found online. Now when I come here, I can probably predict 90% of page one posts.

Give my Szechuan Sauce (burp) Bitch

Nope. I've watched them all.
>inb4 why do you watch something you don't like
Because I want to support my claims.

Who gives a shit about cartoons? Leave them for the children, you're supposed to be an adult. They only put in the "jokes only adults will get" you guys obsess over so parents don't shoot themselves when their kids watch it, not because you're the target audience.

Other unpopular opinions:
>being attracted to traps if you are a man is gay, stop denying it
>democracy is a terrible form of government
>we should have stricter drug laws and MUCH stricter rules about prescribing medical marijuana. All doctors that give out weed cards like candy should be stripped of their license.
>there should be absolutely nothing that money can't buy, including the rights to own a person
>the US should do whatever we please to keep our country safe without regard to the UN or rules like the geneva conventions etc. If they want to stop us, let them try
>we should have better relations with russia - a US-Russian alliance against the world would be unbreakable.



An extremely autistic alt-right kid got mad about the show having female writers, and being r/eddit (or something) and spammed the Sup Forums board for days. It's a forced meme like log, just some mentally ill kid who needs therapy.

Found the guy who wants to suck off Trump.

I like the show, but it is overrated, people think it's the best thing to ever be on tv. It's an average to good show. Also the obsessive fanbase of the show is absolute cancer

>I think everyone but the faggotiest of faggots would appreciate a slower moving but more creative Sup Forums. It should be bannable to post the same thread with the same OP within 24 hours.

this is extremely annoying
these anons should suffer a slow and painful death

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

pol is full of nothing but kids playing pretend nazi. Put them in front of a real one and they'll piss their pants and cry as their stupid pepe memes are stomped on.

nice copypasta faggot

IQ is a dirty trick, it doesn't exist. Hammond is a dirty fucking Jew and you're a brainwashed little dried out booger

I like R&M but GoT is for retarded faggots


It used to be that way here about 10 years ago.