Do normal people brush their teeth before or after breakfast? Or both?

Do normal people brush their teeth before or after breakfast? Or both?

I haven't brushed my teeth in like a year

I don't know what normal people do, but anyone not doing it after breakfast has no idea what he is supposed to do.


Sup Forums in a nutshell

I brush then when I feel.them dirty

Why did Jamie Lanister die? He should not have attacked Daenery... ffs

after of course. When you do it before all the food will make your teeth dirty again and shit

better not be drinking any orange juice, or that acid is gonna eat away at those night-weakened chompers

> or

He good. That dragon, tho...

What the fuck is breakfast?

This would be like, important in this conversation

Post teeth with timestamp

brushing teeth softens the glace for a while. if you eat after you grind your glace of,
If you eat or dring someting acid, and brush after you grind the glace of with the pommus in the toothpast.

Dont use toothpaste with fluoride, it is know to be bad for you.
Why the fuck do ppl use stuff that is bad for them, (they are ignorant)

make sure you floss

Whilst in the shower after breakfast.

I don't trust people who can't type a coherent post to know anything about ignorance.


jesus christ, did you learn English off of shredded newspaper, you fucking mong?

(directly) after is bad for teeth

oke, find out for yoursel, dring orange jus and brush, drunk orange jus after, do this for a week and see what happens with your theet. fuck if i care about typing things correctly
you can be an idiot and not take my advice all i care
considering you are basing your decision making on some ones spelling aka base your acceptens of information with a source bias i rather have you dont follow my advice and just kys

Once a day, during my morning shower. I don't eat breakfast.

dude, we didn't understand what you were saying, honestly

Okay you're just doing this shit on purpose now lmao

fuck is you sayin b?

Before, wait a bit before eating breakfast. Otherwise you're eating all the bacteria that accumulated throughout your sleep or since the last time you brushed.

whats the point of brushing them before? that's some american movie logic

Dont you know what glace is, i dont know the translation for it. its the layer that protects the dentin



we're not talking about that word, we're talking about how you wrote the whole thing. are you seriously that autistic?

I brush after holidays and before company cums over. Imma virgin with no friends.

I do both

We fucking know