Did "diversity hires" ruin Rick and Morty? It seems the quality has gone down since season 3

Did "diversity hires" ruin Rick and Morty? It seems the quality has gone down since season 3.

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you could post this in Sup Forums and it would get a lot more attention
where are you getting information about there being ''Certain people'' hired in the animation or storyboard production?
>Rick and morty
go back to l e d d i t

yea last 3 episodes where let down. As far as character/story development, goes it was okay.

this is a jewish show so they do everything on purpose

Honestly i think the pickle rick episode was pretty good. the dealing with parent's divorce was the only one i feel i wasn't as good as the other ones in the first 2 seasons.

Women are not funny
50% of the cast are women, and i have a feelign that the men are pussies and let the women do 80% of the jobs for MUH EQUALITY.

>where are you getting information about there being ''Certain people'' hired in the animation or storyboard production?
Rick and morty fucking offical twitter showing off "50/50" equality

I thought pickle rick was the worst episode so far .

Dunno, I liked it so far. The second episode did feel a bit... Weird or awkward, but I still liked it.

Too soon to say if this season will be shitty.


>Did "diversity hires" ruin Rick and Morty?
Yes, it always does. Chicks can't write.

i really dont watch anything related to rick and morty other than the show itself, i dont care about shit memes like ''ha ha le pickle rick xd'' or the ''mulan szechuan sauce'', even less would i care about the official twitter

Undoubtedly the worst episodes so far, the first one was alright, the other two were shit, with the pickle one all the cancerous fanbase of the show freaked out over is probably the worst episode ever.

No you fucking moron. It was a limited premise that only had so far to go before shaking things up a bit.

Stop making threads about this.

This doesn't even make any sense..that's the first thing any Rick and Morty fan would watch...dumb fucking faggot

The storyline has been a lot deeper since the beginning of 3rd season. Don't say bullshit

No. Most good shows have about two quality seasons in them. See the US Office.

That show defined my early adulthood. It was whatever after season 2. I'm not broken up about it though.

Television consists of extremely thin premises that wear out when stretch. This is just what happens on TV. It's why I like movies better.

not because i watch a porn video im gonna go check insertpornvideocompany's twitter to see who made the story and who the actors are


Nah it hasnt. Its been "silly shit happening then throw in some dialogue about the divorce so people think theres drama". Before the emotional aspects would build directly from the situation of an episode and most of it had to do with ricks relationship with morty, now its forced and unrelated making the silly shit ie mad max parody seem even more stupid and the drama ie random dialogue about the divorce seem even more forced and irrelevant.

Nobody does that faggot..stop being such a weird fuck. Do you do this to everybody? You're driving everyone away

kys fag

the truth is you have fallen victim to the artificial divide between before the break and after

season 3 isnt some pick up from the show ending its just more episodes

Every episode this year has been about therapy and working "through issues"

This is what we get for letting women participate. They can't be happy with their own shit, and like with men, they like the original product, but want to change it and make it grow until it's something they don't want anymore.


as apposed to all of season 2 that was about ignoring your problem ?

its almost like this show has a over arching theme were working threw

No. The cult following resulted in the audience having a heavy investment in characters who were never intended to have that much development. The original episodic nature of the show was a better format, but if continued wouldn't have pandered to the show's newfound following who demand a story.

It's not going to be as good as it was at first. But if they stuck to the original format they would have been taking a much greater risk than by telling the story everyone (most fans) are asking for. It's not the fault of women or men or reddit or whatever, it's just what happens when something gets popular.


When the fuck did Rick & Morty become Home Movies..?

First two seasons, writers are all guys.

3rd season, 50/50 tweet with the giftbags dinner photo. First 2 episodes are summer/mom centric and are about working through their issues

>mfw the show is called Rick and Morty

Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon both talked about working on the main story for this show back when they were working with Alex Hirsch

the story didnt show up after it got popular it was always in the works

that just ignoring the episodes
with the expetion of the rickshank redemtion
the second episode of season 3 have morty working threw his parents divorce with a giant arm and rick having to admit he isnt taking it well

than the next episode has morty at therapy as much as his mom and sister as we watch the lengths rick will go threw to avoid his emotions

so you can pretend they were more about summer and beth but thats simply not reality

The original main story were meant to be a series of dots in the background for true fans of the show to connect, not forced down your throat like it is in S3.

>is probably the worst episode ever


Or realizing they were only temporary problems. It's about dysfunction. Not fixing it. What, are they going to end with rick coming to terms with the abandonment of his daughter? Everyones going to grow and be better for the experience?

No. It's about dysfuction, wacky scifi-hijinx and fucked up things like seamlessly taking over your alternate universes selfs life when they die and making evaporating dead children as a defense mechanism.

If you want a relationship drama, turn on The Arrow or The Flash, or Supergirl 90210. They did a great job of turning that into a chickscape too. They're starting to turn Legends into that. They just need a Peach Pit to mope about their recent breakups.

how is it forced down our through? with the exeption of the episode made for the april fools premiere they haven't even touched on the main story

I liked Pickle Rick, but the therapist scenes were long and mind-numbing. It's pretty clear the writers are just trying to present women as intelligent.

I just finished watching them. Don't know what you're talking about, I thought they were good.

This summarizes the "big picture" of why this show is getting worse. People seem to insist that stories and movies need to have some sort of in-depth character development. This really contradicts the premise of the show, along with Rick's character. You can't have this old crazy scientist who has likely trashed several parallel dimensions get fazed by a therapist discussing trivial family issues. If these issues were really getting on his nerves, why not just hop into another dimension? He gives zero fucks about his family in the Cronenberg dimension, so why should the show depict him in being invested in the family he has now?

To me, this show reminds me a lot of One-punch man. It's the type of show that doesn't need development to be good.

you can't ruin shit made for autistic kids, it was trash to begin with

i dont think you understand the point

go back and look at season one and two each season is about an emotinal state

season one is pretending everything is allright
season two is accepting there is problems but making excuses for them
season 3 now is about dealing with this problems

this is a planned progression from the start

The show was never that great in my opinion. But I agree that it did seem better when it was more episode-by-episode and improvisational. Now it seems like they are pushing a story arch, focusing on emotions and character development, and basically just caving to the fanbase.

And the "pickle rick" episode was just sad. Is it supposed to be funny because it is random and stupid? Why, if Rick were trying to avoid counseling, would he turn himself into a pickle? He has access to infinite timelines and dimensions, yet his method of escape is turning into a pickle? That whole thing was definitely just aimed at getting the whole fanbase saying, "Pickle Rick!" Also, why is Morty becoming such a secondary character in a show called "Rick and Morty"?

Didn't the two creators start to have disagreements about the plot of season 3? That probably has more to do with the shitty episodes than "diversity hires."

stupid faggots do not realize that the whole series arc has already been written

Poor bait.

the unity episodes .

now realize why your statement about emotions in this show is dumb

thanks for clearing this up user, people don't seem to be getting this point

yep that would be my point it was written back before episode one

its why there a gravity falls tie in character that alex hersh forgot to put the other half in his show


holy shit im used to beating my head on this keyboard with one one understanding it

so glad someone else gets it
if people dont the new season ok fine
but dont pretend its suddenly different

A bunch of people are going to call them out on twitter about the diversity hire

and roiland and harmon will get on and be like "absolutely it wasn't a diversity hire, we hired them because they were talented"

And then everyone will bring up they didn't need them in the last 2 seasons, and that they were only hired after there was some bitching about not enough womens in comedy writing rooms on shows midway through the second season. And that they're ignoring the post to twitter about equality and 50/50.

And then women and the show will bring up the google memo and women will huff and puff and cry my-soggy-knee and and the argument about the diversity hire will fall by the wayside as some stupid chick inspired hashtag protest kicks up and everyone lets it drop because it becomes a shitshow. And the seasons ratings will slip.

Then it'll be 3 yearstill the4th season, harmon will quit to work on other things and the 4th season will be its last.

because women saw a "no girls allowed" sign and they had to bang on the door so they could prove themselves.

Mark my words.


Where did they mention this?

Then this is the last season?

you know what other show did this bojack horseman

i cant recall them off the top of my head but each season is a diffrent state of anxity and depression

look up the inverveiws with Alex her and Roland

and id imagine there a 4th season about moving on with your life or picking up the pieces

if your asking if they laid out the emotions of the seasons like i did you wont find that but they did say the main plot has long been written down

I did say I didn't think the show was ever that good.

But on this point, the unity episode was much more creative and interesting, and it had funny parts too: race war, rick gliding into a stadium fully of red-heads, etc. In "Pickle Rick," he just turns into a pickle and fights some rats. There is nothing funny there. And the counseling session is not deep or revealing, just boring. Who cares if Rick lied to Beth? How is that new?

Finally, I don't mind a show having an emotional aspect. There are plenty of South Park episodes that have involved emotions e.g. the one where Stan becomes goth (butters getting dumped scene) or the series where Stan starts seeing everything as shit. These involved emotional issues, while still maintaining their hilarity and spontaneity.

I mean, imagine if South Park did a therapy scene! It wouldn't be boring as in "Pickle Rick," it would be something hilarious and absurd as with Mr. Mackey or that guy who couldn't stop joking about Penn State.

Was a pretty fucking good episode. You're letting the family drama bother you, why?

I'm checking for things like series arc and "igoring the problem" "addressing the problem" etc and i'm coming up bupkis.

Episode 1 was great, but it was also not written by a fucking feminist. Episode 2 and 3 are just plain boring.

Pickle Rick was yet another attempt at a forced meme. Just like Get Schwifty.

I can imagine seeing the creators rushing to the internet after they aired to see how much they are trending.

So fucking forced

>Undoubtedly the worst episodes so far


The pickle rick episode is probably one of my favorite tbh.


no one including the episode gave a fuck that rick lied to beth that wasnt the take away

the point is rick had to face the music rick had to deal with hearing somthing about himself
sure he went there out of trying not to die but once he got there

i just fucking said you were not going to find those things

No, it's just what it's driven by.

Show's called Rick And Morty. Not Ricks Family Works Out Their Problems. Rick is The Funny One, Morty is the Audience's Narrator (more or less). The Chicks belong in the background or for occasional comedy. Dad is the straightman foil.

We better start seeing more Rick And Morty and Less Beth and Summer or the show's gonna start nosediving.

>waiting in line today
>guy near me had "PICKLE RICK!" as his ring tone
>he had a very active text conversation going
>took all my self control to not punch him in the face

3.2 and 3.3 have been the most boring and uninteresting episodes for sure. If the next episodes not better I'm bailing, I need astronaut dolphin detective and inter dimensional cable or I'm out.

I like summer. She definitely adds to the show, beth not so much.

fuck your self control. Knock his ass out

>every scene has rick or morty as the focas
> only time summer and beth are shown morty is just ad involved
>most of the episode is just rick kicking ass

>to much beth and summer

fucking what?

Meh, this is merely a storyline, the pace is already picking up and I think a majority of this mother and daughter bullshit will evolve into some crazy as fuck gore of some sort.

This. IMHO a filler episode. No real character development (even though a lot of people will tell you otherwise. No, Rick interacting with Beth is not character developement). It was just Rick being a dick (like he always is), but in a non-funny way.


So you made them up to try to validate your SJW love of chick lit.

At least my theories are just projections about what will happen. I didn't have to lie about interviews that never happened.

I don't know; it just seemed boring to me. The funnies thing in the episode was the hotdog picture, and that wasn't even that funny. The therapy session may have been trying to show how Beth was upset with herself and Rick for leaving Jerry and trying to double down on her support for Rick; and it may have demonstrated some of the ways Rick is insecure and insufficient when it comes to relationships. But I just don't care about all this divorces psychology. I thought the show was supposed to be funny.



ok wow .......just wow
you are a dumb motherfucker
go back and realise i never said the interview mentioned any of that


i mentioned the interviewer with Alex Hersh and harmen mentioned it


you are making shit up to justify your dumb view of hating on the show for changed that didnt even happen

its far from down, now we got a more in depth look!

you keep going back to Beth ......i don't know why your focusing on Beth more than the show did

Wtf is going on with people. I thought episode 1 was awesome and carried momentum, episode 2 was just unoriginal filler with no point, and episode 3 was awesome. I even laughed a couple times. And no I'm not a cancer fan, just enjoy watching a cartoon before I go to bed to wind down.

The worst part about this thread is that the writers from the show are prolly making this thread to troll story ideas from you hapless cunts.

you realize we can all see the only one that is lying is this post


Well the kids hardly spoke, so the main characters (in my view) were Rick, then Beth, then therapist. The show switched between Rick beating up rats and guards and Beth arguing with therapist.

But again, what was funny in this episode? That is my main problem, I guess. I just didn't find anything funny in the episode.

You don't like Rick and Morty then. It's fine to not like it. Stop watching it and find something else while the rest of us enjoy it.

* The hotdog picture was mildly funny, once they revealed the counselor talks to people who eat poop. That was the only thing in the episode I found even slightly humorous

but the character speaking isn't necessarily the focus every time she spoke was a view in to the rest of the family

this episode wasnt any less about rick and morty than lawnmower dog unity the marriage counseling or the plutoians i could go on

It was funny because it was absurd humor. It's the kind of thing where if you say it out of context, it only sounds insane.

if he eats poop you think that would of came up in his dreams
unless its them going in his head that messed them up.........or the fact he lived in the sewer during the occupation

Did you idiots know that Harmon's woman left him and this is what is forcing the relationship part of the show. It's got nothing to do with if a woman wrote the episode or not. It's written by a TEAM you stupid neck bearded faggots.. go back to your mom porn and cry into your pillow until you go back to thinking you're right and women ruin everything. some day you might even get laid but I doubt it.

Dead on

I knew it was going to be lame as soon as Morty said "green alien dick"

Morty isn't supposed to say dick, that's Ricks job

It felt wrong and out of place and like what it is, some female writer trying to be a leery guy writer and imagine what men would say or enjoy

>ok wow .......just wow
That's such a chick thing to say.

You argue circularly.

Like a woman.

What, are you onthe writing staff?

NO NO that never was good.

1. nice use of courage wolf
2 im pritty sure this relationship part of the show was panned long before there devorce
3. harmon is a awfull person so im glad shes leaving

>poop eating
>Summer smelling glue or whatever
Somebody had to think those were funny right? Otherwise they wouldn't have put it in the episode...

You're legitimately mentally challenged if you failed to grasp the meaning at the end of the episode.

The episode was funny, that's that.

>Morty isn't supposed to say dick, that's Ricks job

Morty is slowly becoming Rick or don't you see that?

i dont need to argue anything
you just called a claim i never made a lie

so your the lying fuck here and everyone can see it so fuck off

Agreed. As says, I guess I just don't like the show that much in general.

Of the episodes you mentioned, I thought lawnmower dog and unty were decent. They involved creative new ideas and humorous moments (Morty shitting himself in his dream, Jerry's face rubbed in crap, Rick's lowsy dog costume, and I already mentioned things from Unity).

I did not like the plutonian or the marriage counseling episodes. The only funny things there (for me) were the "you pass butter" scene and the Jerry worms respectively.