Fucking hell, I hate swedish women

Fucking hell, I hate swedish women.
Degenerate fucking coalburner whores who only cheat and lie. The only things they care about are themselves and their fucking "happiness" which means a line off of a junkie's dick, or why not a trip into the ghetto. I actually like the terrorists because at least they kill off the normie trash from society. Allah fucking akbar.

The white man's world is over my friend. We can kick and moan but we really cannot come back from this point. Even the politicians who are supposed be on our side are just greedy capitalists. All the white man can do know is hope for an apocalypse so that at least they won't have to see their countries get torn apart by foreign barbarians.

Send them to America pls

its not the women
its what western society has become
too much degeneracy
no boundaries/ limits
too much supression of male rights
you guys have pretty much cucked yourselves

anyways, having said that, not all women are cheating whores, find your girl out there, as someone here wisely said, treat women like spoiled brats, let them know you are in charge, they will test your limits, be prepared to deal with that shit


he se he se he se he se


>thirsty men will enable that behavior and won't shun them for it

lol we're all fucked

Kek Sven got rejected.

That's all women though.

You can always tell a redditor by how they misuse the fedora meme.

Go back.

Oh yes, I concur, Pakistan. If only we didn't have World Wars we wouldn't be pacified sissyfags. It is because of Germany and mostly Austria that we could not have a normal non-degenerate world. Austria just had to upset the balance of power by invading Serbia just because some guy shot their Archduke or whatever. Fucking retarded, they should've just ceded the Balkans to the Ottomans or make it become independent if it was that much trouble to them.

The funny thing is that I asked a friend of mine who travels a lot which country are usually the most degenrate. He told me it was usually shitholes because there are people out there advertising you can do anything to anyone to your hearts content for a handful of peanuts.

In the west, you gotta work for your degeneracy.

>Cede Balkans to the Ottomans
You know that the Austria expanded to Balkans precisely because the Ottomans got too enfeebled to hold to pretty much anything, right?
>Make it become independent
But the Balkan states including the concerned Serbia were independent by 1914. The war erupted because the Serbs believed what they had wasn't a full independence with all the clay perceived as rightfully theirs.

>You know that the Austria expanded to Balkans precisely because the Ottomans got too enfeebled to hold to pretty much anything, right?
Yes, which is why it would've been easier for the Balkanites to become autonomous states under the Ottomans then with Austria controlling them.

>But the Balkan states including the concerned Serbia were independent by 1914. The war erupted because the Serbs believed what they had wasn't a full independence with all the clay perceived as rightfully theirs.
Well if that was the stance Serbia had to take in order to have full independence, I don't blame them, but blaming Serbia all because of one man from there who shot their leader is very stupid. That is just the actions of one assassin, and organization called the Black Hand, it does not represent Serbia as a whole. They should've not gotten angry about it, and let one of the Habsburg kids succeed to the throne. You've had monarchs all over Yurop getting assassinated but the nations of the monarch didn't chimp out because of it, Austria could've done the same.

Just get a tanned swede gf

>complaining about supposed coalburners
Normal white people can find white girlfriends easily.
The problem is you being an unattractive creep, not them being exclusively attracted to foreigners.

Have you ever met Swedish girls?



I don't see anything about coal-burning in that screencap, which leads me to conclude that you're just butthurt that all of those grills fugged ~70 guys while all you could do was look on and wank with impotent rage.
Which means you're a literal stereotype of the sort of person who posts such threads :^)

The projection is strong in this one

>it would've been easier for the Balkanites to become autonomous states under the Ottomans
That was how the half of the Balkans, especially most of what became modern Romania functioned during the early modern era. That's not how nationalist ideologies worked after the mid 19th century; peeps, or at least those influenced by 'advanced, Western thoughts' perceived the formal/informal sovereignty of their state with borders decided according to whatever they proclaimed as rightful national boundaries as the crucial mark for becoming a race worth of being treated like a real country. The kind of convenient formal subservience to an emperor in Constantinople or Vienna with virtual independence on the ground stopped being a workable solution as the ideology started to matter.

>blaming Serbia all because of one man from there who shot their leader is very stupid.
Well, I don't think most people blame ONLY Serbia for the outbreak of the war; usually Serbia is perceived as one of the many culprits. But
>organization called the Black Hand, it does not represent Serbia as a whole

Whatever that is meant by 'representing Serbia as a whole', it had supporters and participants all over the Serbian military, high politics, and state machinery including then-the crown prince who became the king right after the WWI. I'm sure there were plenty Serbs who couldn't give a flying fuck about who controlled Bosnia under what pretext, but it matters that plenty influential decision-making people did.

>You've had monarchs all over Yurop getting assassinated
Yes, but all the regicides in Europe that took place between 1890s to 1910s except for that of FF were by domestic nationals with republican, anarchist, or otherwise domestic-political motivations, not by foreign nationalists.

Starting to think you need sharia law and more muslims

>the x is strong in this one
and yet another leddit meme
get out

Assa Zara is such a FUCKING queen !!

Vill du att jag brevar en bild på dig eller? Jag kan förstöra varenda en av dina argument med en (1) bild. Men jag är inte så elak.

i'm not tappa vikt man there's more than one leb poster please speak in english thank you

ah ok, that explains why your arguments are so weak

Ummmm, Austria sucks dick?

Lägg av Berra!

I hate women so much

Oh I don't think we have to look at things all the way back from 1914 to make that point clear,

t. Mohammed shitskin

How the hell does a South Korean have such a vast knowledge of history? Who even are you? I don't think I've met any Asian person who remotely cared about these subjects.

It's an English teacher, newfag

It could be anyone, don't be so presumptuous.

>Assuming I'm some economic and sexual dropout who had to flee to a country with White fetish in order to feel like a socially functioning adult
Try again, burger.

Because I'm a grad student in humanities.
>Get paid to read some useless tax records from 500 years ago
>Mere school stipends are more than enough to get laid because all the classes are 60% girls

I hate how this faggot automatically presumed you were a foreign English teacher. Why do I have to live with idiots? I feel like Northerners always do this, I don't like being lumped in with them ffs. I get hated because these assholes from Jew York or the Westcoast ruin the reputation of the U.S. flag.

>Why do I have to live with idiots? I feel like Northerners always do this,... I get hated because these assholes from Jew York or the Westcoast ruin the reputation of the U.S. flag.

Well, insofar as I can apply the American categories to myself, I suppose I'm a 'Northerner Yankee' myself (went to school for 10 years in Philly).

But, if I could permit a moment of self-critical view, I suppose it has to do with the specific bubble of arrogance and 'already know it all' ambiance that the Liberal Coastal American urban cultures tend to emit. Because it constantly harps on this media framework of 'enlightened New Yorkers' vs 'illiterate Redneck hicks', it tends to encourage the class of people belonging to the former to think that they're actually all that perceptive and clever because the media has lauded them so in some kind of semi-imaginary, pseudo-ideological national self-stereotyping.

I don't even like this country because of them, and the disgusting media. Wish I could just leave but I don't have any skill set yet to go to anywhere else. I just can't handle this retarded smugness anymore, it's really irritable.

There, there, as things get shittier, people will get realer and be broken out of their puny bubbles.

>Wish I could just leave but I don't have any skill set yet to go to anywhere else

Just go take a TEFL course for two weeks to get certified as an English teacher and be one of the
>some economic and sexual dropout who had to flee to a country with White fetish in order to feel like a socially functioning adult
I've described above. I mean, SK might be changing because nowadays schools and private academies are genuinely trying to have less potential troubles from their employees, but I doubt cheaper countries like Vietnam can afford to be all that discerning with rigorous vetting still.

You people let yourself get lied to enough that you voted in a reality television star as president. It has nothing to do with smugness. No one likes erdogan supporters either and they actually had a couple years where things were going well under him.

I don't want the convo to get derailed about the American election which six months after is still every and the only thing that gets talked about my US-related newsfeed.

This being said, however, I think a reality television star got elected as the president because the HRC camp in the pathetic reflection of the smug, timidity of its own electorate shot itself in the foot while chugging down the hilarious Kool-Aid that she was "the most prepared candidate in history", and having yet another raging pro-Wall Street Neocon as a president constitutes some massive 'progress' merely because this one particular Neoliberal Neocon has a vagina. That's all I'm going to say on the matter.

Eh, I'd rather do STEM in some other country since that's a whole lot better than being an English teacher in Asia (as it pays more). Plus English isn't really my preferred subject.

Lugna ner dig.

>I'd rather do STEM in some other country
Then sorry, most countries in the world don't have any reason to hire you over their own national.

>being an English teacher in Asia (as it pays more)
Realistically speaking, I don't think you should expect 'high' starting salaries anywhere nowadays with a functioning internet and flushing toilet. Being an immigrant anywhere is hard, and the days when being an American made up for the intrinsically hard part of being an immigrant is long gone now.

But good luck to you anyway.

It doesn't matter who you vote for, they're both going to be roughly the same no matter what. If I voted Hillary, and she won, it would be the exact same result like Drumpf is in office.

And that's the thing, they always bring up politics, they always want to have fights and get bitter with the Southern and inland states. These atrocious motherfuckers have no bounds.

The less you take consideration to women in your life, the happier you will be.

Do not fall for the mammary jew's tricks

>they always want to have fights and get bitter

I assume you never lived in the NYC. I suggest you try-if you can ever afford to, I mean-at some point just for the sake of the experience.

Everyday life is a constant fight against something or someone there. It's not like the Inner America or the South where beyond the superficial culture of idolizing masculinity, the actual pattern and mindset of life is far more laid back and not as combative.

t. Cletus skincancer

I've been to NYC, it's full of immigrants and shitty locals, and I shan't go there once again. Those people need to take some chill pills.

why are you doing grad school in korea?

never heard anyone from the west doing that, its usually the opposite.

You're making conspiracies in your head.
The only women that would respond to the question are the ones who want to brag about their +30 high score.
It's the same in Sup Forums if you made threads about sex.

But the absolute majority of girls, 80%+, have snapchat or similar and use it for the purposes it's regularly used for.

that's all girls dude , not just yours.
they are all trash.
I will never have another, I'm over it.

I know some people who went to Japan to study. It's not that unusual.